                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
estscan-3.0.3/extract_UG_EST-165-	    foreach my $id (@emblmrnas) {
estscan-3.0.3/extract_UG_EST:166:	      my $e = `fetch $id`;
estscan-3.0.3/extract_UG_EST-167-	      if (($e =~ m/^ID\s+\S+; SV \d+; linear; mRNA;/s)
estscan-3.0.3/extract_UG_EST-209-  my $matchfh = gensym;
estscan-3.0.3/extract_UG_EST:210:  system("touch $matchfile");
estscan-3.0.3/extract_UG_EST-211-  foreach (@clusters) {
estscan-3.0.3/extract_UG_EST-222-    # find full RNA and the position of its coding sequence
estscan-3.0.3/extract_UG_EST:223:    my $e = `fetch $mrna`;
estscan-3.0.3/extract_UG_EST-224-    if ($e =~ m/CDS\s+(\d+)\.\.(\d+)/) {
estscan-3.0.3/extract_UG_EST-317-  my $matchfile = "$datadir/Evaluate/matches.lst";
estscan-3.0.3/extract_UG_EST:318:  my $nbMatches = `wc -l $matchfile`;
estscan-3.0.3/extract_UG_EST-319-  $nbMatches =~ m/^\s*(\S+)/;
estscan-3.0.3/build_model_utils.pl-59-    }
estscan-3.0.3/build_model_utils.pl:60:    if (!eval `cat $parFileName`) { die "Error in '$parFileName': $@"; }
estscan-3.0.3/build_model_utils.pl-61-    if (!defined($organism)) { die '$organism not specified in '.$parFileName; }
estscan-3.0.3/prepare_data-372-	  log_print(" - masking redundancy in isochore $isochore");
estscan-3.0.3/prepare_data:373:	  system("maskred -m $minmask < $infile > $maskedFile");
estscan-3.0.3/prepare_data-374-	}
estscan-3.0.3/prepare_data:375:	my $masked = `tail -1 $maskedFile`;
estscan-3.0.3/prepare_data-376-	$masked =~ m/^>masked nucleotides: (\d+)/;
estscan-3.0.3/prepare_data-377-	my $m = $1;
estscan-3.0.3/prepare_data:378:	my $nts = `grep -v '^>' $maskedFile | wc -cl`;
estscan-3.0.3/prepare_data-379-	$nts =~ s/^\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s*$/$2-$1/e;
estscan-3.0.3/prepare_data:422:    my $nbUTRs = `grep -c '^>' $utrfile`; chop($nbUTRs);
estscan-3.0.3/prepare_data:423:    my $nbCDSs = `grep -c '^>' $cdsfile`; chop($nbCDSs);
estscan-3.0.3/prepare_data-424-    log_print("   found $nbUTRs untranslated regions and $nbCDSs coding sequences");
estscan-3.0.3/build_model-162-		" < $isodir/mrna$iso";
estscan-3.0.3/build_model:163:	my $out = `$cmd`;
estscan-3.0.3/build_model-164-	$out =~ s/<NAME>/$parFile/g;
estscan-3.0.3/evaluate_model-116-	       $nb_isochores, $isochore_borders);
estscan-3.0.3/evaluate_model:117:    if (system("which $program") != 0) {
estscan-3.0.3/evaluate_model-118-      log_print("   fatal: $program not found");
estscan-3.0.3/evaluate_model-171-    my ($prefix, $cdsutr, $estfile, $smatfile, $estscanparams) = @_;
estscan-3.0.3/evaluate_model:172:    my $x = `grep -i '^[a-z]' $estfile | wc`;
estscan-3.0.3/evaluate_model-173-    $x =~ s/^\s+//;
estscan-3.0.3/evaluate_model-187-    }
estscan-3.0.3/evaluate_model:188:    $x = `grep -i '^[a-z]' $prcfile | wc`;
estscan-3.0.3/evaluate_model-189-    $x =~ s/^\s+//;
estscan-3.0.3/evaluate_model-192-    my $r = $nbPrc/$nbTot;
estscan-3.0.3/evaluate_model:193:    my $nbSeq = `grep -c '^>' $prcfile`;
estscan-3.0.3/evaluate_model-194-    chop $nbSeq;
estscan-3.0.3/evaluate_model:195:    my $nbTotSeq = `grep -c '^>' $estfile`;
estscan-3.0.3/evaluate_model-196-    chop $nbTotSeq;
estscan-3.0.3/evaluate_model-321-      my $utrfile = "$datadir/Evaluate/estutr.seq";
estscan-3.0.3/evaluate_model:322:      my $x = `grep -i '^[a-z]' $utrfile | wc`;
estscan-3.0.3/evaluate_model-323-      $x =~ s/^\s+//;
estscan-3.0.3/evaluate_model-326-      $utrfile = "$datadir/Evaluate/$prefix" . "prc$filestem$EP" . "_utr.seq";
estscan-3.0.3/evaluate_model:327:      $x = `grep -i '^[a-z]' $utrfile | wc`;
estscan-3.0.3/evaluate_model-328-      $x =~ s/^\s+//;
estscan-3.0.3/extract_EST-213-	log_print(" - matching coding sequences ($cdsfile) against ESTs...");
estscan-3.0.3/extract_EST:214:	system("cd $datadir/Evaluate; megablast -d estdb -i $cdsfile > $cdsvsestfile");
estscan-3.0.3/extract_EST-215-    }
estscan-3.0.3/extract_EST-222-	log_print("   $matchedFile already exists, skipped."); 
estscan-3.0.3/extract_EST:223:	$nbMatched = `grep -c '>' $matchedFile`; chop($nbMatched);
estscan-3.0.3/extract_EST-224-    }
estscan-3.0.3/extract_EST-261-	log_print(" - predicting CDS for matched ESTs...");
estscan-3.0.3/extract_EST:262:	system("$program $estscanparams -M $smatfile $matchedFile > $prcfile");
estscan-3.0.3/extract_EST-263-    }
estscan-3.0.3/extract_EST:264:    my $nbPrc = `grep -c '>' $prcfile`; chop($nbPrc);
estscan-3.0.3/extract_EST-265-    log_print("   found $nbPrc predicted coding sequences");
estscan-3.0.3/extract_EST-327-	    log_print("   shuffling EST-data...");
estscan-3.0.3/extract_EST:328:	    system("winsegshuffle 500000 $length < $estfile > $shuffledFile"); 
estscan-3.0.3/extract_EST-329-	}
estscan-3.0.3/extract_EST:330:	my $nbShuffled = `grep -c '>' $shuffledFile`; chop($nbShuffled);
estscan-3.0.3/extract_EST-331-	$totalShuffled += $nbShuffled;
estscan-3.0.3/extract_EST-341-	    log_print("   predicting coding on shuffled files...");
estscan-3.0.3/extract_EST:342:	    system("$program $estscanparams -M $smatfile $shuffledFile > $prcfile");
estscan-3.0.3/extract_EST-343-	}
estscan-3.0.3/extract_EST:344:	my $nbPrc = `grep -c '>' $prcfile`; chop($nbPrc);
estscan-3.0.3/extract_EST-345-	log_print("   estimated false positive rate: " . 
estscan-3.0.3/extract_mRNA-106-	$fileLen = 0;
estscan-3.0.3/extract_mRNA:107:	$_ = `head -1 $file`;
estscan-3.0.3/extract_mRNA-108-	if (m/^LOCUS/) { # we read a file in genbank format