                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
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        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
exiv2-0.27.3/CODING_GUIDELINES.md-11-# 1. General Guidelines #
exiv2-0.27.3/CODING_GUIDELINES.md:12:- All new code must be properly tested: via unit tests (based on the Gtest framework; see `$REPO/unitTest`) or system tests (scripts exercising the main exiv2 application; see `$REPO/test`).
exiv2-0.27.3/CODING_GUIDELINES.md-13-- Code should be simple to read and to understand.
exiv2-0.27.3/GIT_GUIDELINES.md:220:- Releases are tagged with a tag of the form `v$major.$minor`. The tag is not
exiv2-0.27.3/GIT_GUIDELINES.md-221-  changed when changes are backported.
exiv2-0.27.3/GIT_GUIDELINES.md:223:- For each release a branch of the form `$major.$minor` should be created to
exiv2-0.27.3/GIT_GUIDELINES.md-224-  store backported changes. It should be branched of from `master` at the commit
exiv2-0.27.3/GIT_GUIDELINES.md:225:  which was tagged with `v$major.$minor`.
exiv2-0.27.3/GIT_GUIDELINES.md:266:- `man git` and `man git $command`
exiv2-0.27.3/README-CONAN.md:238:In the step-by-step guide, the command `$ cmake ..` uses
exiv2-0.27.3/README-CONAN.md-239-the default CMake generator.  Always use the generator for your version of Visual Studio.  For example:
exiv2-0.27.3/README-CONAN.md:337:To illustrate, here is list of packages that returned by the command `$ conan search`
exiv2-0.27.3/README-CONAN.md:409:The first time you run `$ conan install`, it will auto-detect your configuration and store a default profile in the file
exiv2-0.27.3/README-CONAN.md-497-Once the command succeeds, we will have the libraries in our system (you can find the recipes and packages in
exiv2-0.27.3/README-CONAN.md:498:`$HOME/.conan/data`). When you execute the command `conan install` with the same profile, the following output is typical:
exiv2-0.27.3/README.md:194:When exiv2 is installed, the files required to consume Exiv2 are installed in `${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/cmake/exiv2`
exiv2-0.27.3/README.md:225:When exiv2 is installed, the file exiv2.pc used by pkg-config is installed in `${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/pkgconfig`  You will need to set the following in your environment:
exiv2-0.27.3/README.md:396:You may prefer to run `$ cmake --build . --config Release --target package_source`
exiv2-0.27.3/README.md:828:The Variable EXIV2\_PORT or EXIV2\_HTTP can be set to None to skip http tests.  The http server is started with the command `python3 -m http.server $port`.  On Windows, you will need to run this manually _**once**_ to authorise the firewall to permit python to use the port.
exiv2-0.27.3/cmake/findDependencies.cmake-11-    set(USING_CONAN ON)
exiv2-0.27.3/cmake/findDependencies.cmake:12:    include(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/conanbuildinfo.cmake)
exiv2-0.27.3/cmake/findDependencies.cmake-13-    conan_basic_setup(NO_OUTPUT_DIRS KEEP_RPATHS TARGETS)
exiv2-0.27.3/contrib/vms/README.md:50:where `$name` is the name in the brackets in the above list, e.g. `OpenSUSE` or
exiv2-0.27.3/contrib/vms/README.md-51-`Archlinux`. Depending on your default provider you may have to set the provider
exiv2-0.27.3/contrib/vms/README.md:52:manually via `vagrant up $name --provider $provider_name` (the Ubuntu image does
exiv2-0.27.3/contrib/vms/README.md-53-only support VirtualBox, which is not the default on Linux and will result in an
exiv2-0.27.3/contrib/vms/README.md:63:Don't forget to turn it off via `vagrant halt $name` or the VM will keep
exiv2-0.27.3/contrib/vms/README.md-64-running! A VM can be discarded when it is no longer required via `vagrant
exiv2-0.27.3/po/Rules-quot:16:	@lang=`echo $@ | sed -e 's/\.po-update-en$$//'`; \
exiv2-0.27.3/po/Rules-quot:17:	if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext"; then PATH=`pwd`/../src:$$PATH; GETTEXTLIBDIR=`cd $(top_srcdir)/src && pwd`; export GETTEXTLIBDIR; fi; \
exiv2-0.27.3/po/Rules-quot-18-	tmpdir=`pwd`; \
exiv2-0.27.3/po/Rules-quot-19-	echo "$$lang:"; \
exiv2-0.27.3/po/Rules-quot:20:	ll=`echo $$lang | sed -e 's/@.*//'`; \
exiv2-0.27.3/po/Rules-quot-21-	LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL; \
exiv2-0.27.3/po/Rules-quot-22-	cd $(srcdir); \
exiv2-0.27.3/po/Rules-quot:23:	if $(MSGINIT) -i $(DOMAIN).pot --no-translator -l $$ll -o - 2>/dev/null | sed -f $$tmpdir/$$lang.insert-header | $(MSGCONV) -t UTF-8 | $(MSGFILTER) sed -f `echo $$lang | sed -e 's/.*@//'`.sed 2>/dev/null > $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po; then \
exiv2-0.27.3/po/Rules-quot-24-	  if cmp $$lang.po $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
exiv2-0.27.3/src/cr2header_int.hpp-66-        //! Return the address of offset2 from the start of the header
exiv2-0.27.3/src/cr2header_int.hpp:67:        static uint32_t offset2addr() { return 12; }
exiv2-0.27.3/src/cr2image.cpp-187-        OffsetWriter offsetWriter;
exiv2-0.27.3/src/cr2image.cpp:188:        offsetWriter.setOrigin(OffsetWriter::cr2RawIfdOffset, Cr2Header::offset2addr(), byteOrder);
exiv2-0.27.3/src/cr2image.cpp-189-        return TiffParserWorker::encode(io,
exiv2-0.27.3/src/http.cpp:262:    serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr   = inet_addr(servername_p);
exiv2-0.27.3/src/http.cpp-263-    serv_addr.sin_family        = AF_INET    ;
exiv2-0.27.3/test/functions.source-229-    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
exiv2-0.27.3/test/functions.source:230:       errors=`expr $errors + 1`
exiv2-0.27.3/test/functions.source-231-       return
exiv2-0.27.3/test/imagetest.sh-37-    for src in $test_files; do
exiv2-0.27.3/test/imagetest.sh:38:        c=`expr $c + 1`
exiv2-0.27.3/test/imagetest.sh-39-        for dst in $test_files; do copyTest $c $src $dst; done
exiv2-0.27.3/test/imagetest.sh-45-    for src in $test_files; do
exiv2-0.27.3/test/imagetest.sh:46:        c=`expr $c + 1`
exiv2-0.27.3/test/imagetest.sh-47-        for dst in $test_files; do iptcTest $c $src $dst; done
exiv2-0.27.3/test/preview-test.sh-45-    for filepath in $images; do
exiv2-0.27.3/test/preview-test.sh:46:        filename=`basename "$filepath"`
exiv2-0.27.3/test/preview-test.sh:47:        image=`echo "$filename" | sed 's,\.[^.]*$,,'`
exiv2-0.27.3/tests/doc.md-44-- Extended Interpolation is used (this allows to refer to other sections when
exiv2-0.27.3/tests/doc.md:45:  inserting values using the `${section:variable}` syntax)
exiv2-0.27.3/tests/doc.md-146-which allows to include variables from arbitrary sections into other variables
exiv2-0.27.3/tests/doc.md:147:using the `${sect:var_name}` syntax. This would be expanded to the value of
exiv2-0.27.3/tests/doc.md-148-`var_name` from the section `sect`. The above example only utilizes this in the
exiv2-0.27.3/tests/doc.md-155-   the default values from `ENV fallback` or ""
exiv2-0.27.3/tests/doc.md:156:2. substitute the strings `${ENV:variable_prefix}` and `${ENV:file_extension}`
exiv2-0.27.3/tests/doc.md-157-3. expand the relative path to an absolute path
exiv2-0.27.3/tests/doc.md:349:In this example, the command `$binary -c $import_file --` would be run twice,
exiv2-0.27.3/tests/doc.md-350-first with the standard input `read file a` and second without any input
exiv2-0.27.3/tests/doc.md-420-Using the bytes encoding has the following limitations:
exiv2-0.27.3/tests/doc.md:421:- variables of the form `$some_var` cannot be expanded in `stdout` and `stderr`
exiv2-0.27.3/tests/doc.md-422-- if the `bytes` encoding is specified, then both `stderr` and `stdout` must be
exiv2-0.27.3/tests/doc.md-454-the specified variables in `env` take precedence over the variables in the
exiv2-0.27.3/tests/doc.md:455:user's environment (in the above example the variable `$USER` would be
exiv2-0.27.3/tests/doc.md-456-overridden). If no variables should be inherited set `inherit_env` to `False`
exiv2-0.27.3/tests/doc.md-491-In this example, the test suite would automatically create a copy of the files
exiv2-0.27.3/tests/doc.md:492:`invalid_input_file` and `$some_path/another_file.txt` (`some_path` would be of
exiv2-0.27.3/tests/doc.md-493-course expanded too) named `invalid_input_file_copy` and
exiv2-0.27.3/tests/doc.md:494:`$some_path/another_file_copy.txt`. After the test ran, the copies are
exiv2-0.27.3/tests/doc.md-495-deleted. Please note that variable expansion in the filenames is possible.
exiv2-0.27.3/tests/system_tests.py-780-        """
exiv2-0.27.3/tests/system_tests.py:781:        Expands all variables of the form ``$var`` in the given string using
exiv2-0.27.3/tests/system_tests.py-782-        the dictionary `variable_dict`.
exiv2-0.27.3/xmpsdk/src/UnicodeConversions.cpp:27:// *** Look into using asm inlines, e.g. count-leading bits for multi-byte UTF-8.