                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
fabric-2.5.0/fabric/main.py-63-        # (text after a double-dash) implies a contextless/taskless remainder
fabric-2.5.0/fabric/main.py:64:        # execution of the style 'fab -H host -- command'.
fabric-2.5.0/fabric/main.py-65-        # NOTE: must ALSO check to ensure the double dash isn't being used for
fabric-2.5.0/fabric2/main.py-63-        # (text after a double-dash) implies a contextless/taskless remainder
fabric-2.5.0/fabric2/main.py:64:        # execution of the style 'fab -H host -- command'.
fabric-2.5.0/fabric2/main.py-65-        # NOTE: must ALSO check to ensure the double dash isn't being used for
fabric-2.5.0/sites/www/changelog-v1.rst-469-  return codes to be treated os "ok". Thanks to Andy Kraut for the pull request.
fabric-2.5.0/sites/www/changelog-v1.rst:470:* :bug:`775` Shell escaping was incorrectly applied to the value of ``$PATH``
fabric-2.5.0/sites/www/changelog-v1.rst-471-  updates in our shell environment handling, causing (at the very least)
fabric-2.5.0/sites/www/faq.rst-41-interactively vs scripted via Fabric. For example, a program that's on your
fabric-2.5.0/sites/www/faq.rst:42:``$PATH`` when you manually ``ssh`` in might not be visible when using
fabric-2.5.0/sites/www/faq.rst-43-`Connection.run <fabric.connection.Connection.run>`; or special per-program env
fabric-2.5.0/sites/www/faq.rst-68-.. note::
fabric-2.5.0/sites/www/faq.rst:69:    Another workaround for ``bash`` users is to reply on its ``$BASH_ENV``
fabric-2.5.0/sites/www/faq.rst-70-    functionality, which names a file path as the startup file to load:
fabric-2.5.0/sites/www/faq.rst-104-``/path/to/application/`` -- but because both commands are run in their own
fabric-2.5.0/sites/www/faq.rst:105:distinct session over SSH, it actually tries to execute ``$HOME/update.sh``
fabric-2.5.0/sites/www/faq.rst-106-instead (since your remote home directory is the default working directory).
fabric-2.5.0/sites/www/upgrading.rst-1089-        context' behavior (e.g. ``put("local.txt")`` implicitly uploading to
fabric-2.5.0/sites/www/upgrading.rst:1090:        remote ``$HOME/local.txt``.)
fabric-2.5.0/sites/www/upgrading.rst-1091-      - Ported