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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
fonts-sil-zaghawa-beria-1.001/ZaghawaBeriaOTF/FONTLOG.txt:16:This alphabet is built around a sampling of the markings on livestock (especially camels) within the Zaghawa Beria language region of western Sudan and eastern Chad. It is an idea that has its origins in the work of a Sudanese schoolteacher, who developed the first version of this over 25 years ago. The script has since been better adapted to the Zaghawa Beria language by Siddik Adam Issa, and he has found a great enthusiasm by the people for what he has put together.
fonts-sil-zaghawa-beria-1.001/debian/control-24- to the Zaghawa Beria language by Siddik Adam Issa, and he has found a
fonts-sil-zaghawa-beria-1.001/debian/control:25: great enthusiasm by the people for what he has put together.
fonts-sil-zaghawa-beria-1.001/debian/control-26- .