                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
fsharp-    // Retypings using IL asm "" are quite common in prim-types.fs
fsharp-    // Sometimes these are only to get the primitives to pass the type checker.
fsharp- mkRecdFieldGetViaExprAddr(e,fref,tinst,m)      = Expr.Op (TOp.ValFieldGet(fref), tinst, [e],m)
fsharp- mkRecdFieldGetAddrViaExprAddr(e,fref,tinst,m) = Expr.Op (TOp.ValFieldGetAddr(fref), tinst, [e],m)
fsharp- mkStaticRecdFieldGetAddr(fref,tinst,m)          = Expr.Op (TOp.ValFieldGetAddr(fref), tinst, [],m)
fsharp- mkStaticRecdFieldGet(fref,tinst,m)               = Expr.Op (TOp.ValFieldGet(fref), tinst, [],m)
fsharp- mkRecdFieldSetViaExprAddr(e1,fref,tinst,e2,m)  = Expr.Op (TOp.ValFieldSet(fref), tinst, [e1;e2],m)
fsharp-                wordL "Rethrow!"
fsharp-            | Expr.Op (TOp.ILAsm (a,tys),tyargs,args,_)      -> 
fsharp-                let instrs = a |> List.map (sprintf "%+A" >> wordL) |> spaceListL // %+A has + since instrs are from an "internal" type  
fsharp-    | TOp.ILAsm (_,tys) ->  accFreeVarsInTys opts tys acc
fsharp-    | TOp.Reraise -> accUsesRethrow true acc
fsharp-        let tmp,_ = mkMutableCompGenLocal m "copyOfStruct" (actualTyOfRecdFieldRef rfref tinst)
fsharp-        mkCompGenLet m tmp (mkRecdFieldGetViaExprAddr(arg,rfref,tinst,m)) (mkValAddr m (mkLocalValRef tmp))
fsharp-    | TOp.ValFieldGet rfref           -> TOp.ValFieldGet(remapRecdFieldRef tmenv.tyconRefRemap rfref)
fsharp-    | TOp.ValFieldGetAddr rfref       -> TOp.ValFieldGetAddr(remapRecdFieldRef tmenv.tyconRefRemap rfref)
fsharp-    | TOp.UnionCaseFieldGet(ucref,n)  -> TOp.UnionCaseFieldGet(remapUnionCaseRef tmenv.tyconRefRemap ucref,n)
fsharp-    | TOp.UnionCaseFieldSet(ucref,n)  -> TOp.UnionCaseFieldSet(remapUnionCaseRef tmenv.tyconRefRemap ucref,n)
fsharp-    | TOp.ILAsm (instrs,tys)          -> TOp.ILAsm (instrs,remapTypes tmenv tys)
fsharp-    | TOp.TraitCall(traitInfo)        -> TOp.TraitCall(remapTraitAux tmenv traitInfo)
fsharp-        | (TOp.TryCatch _ | TOp.TryFinally _) -> (match tinst with [ty] ->  ty | _ -> failwith "bad TOp_try node")
fsharp-        | TOp.ValFieldGetAddr(fref) -> mkByrefTy g (actualTyOfRecdFieldRef fref tinst)
fsharp-        | TOp.ValFieldGet(fref) -> actualTyOfRecdFieldRef fref tinst
fsharp-        let wrap,expra = mkExprAddrOfExpr g (isStructTy g exprty) false mut e None m
fsharp-        wrap, mkRecdFieldGetAddrViaExprAddr(expra,rfref,tinst,m)
fsharp-    // LVALUE: "x" where "e.x" is a .NET static field. 
fsharp-    | Expr.Op (TOp.ILAsm ([IL.I_ldsfld(_vol,fspec)],[ty2]), tinst,[],m) -> 
fsharp-        (fun x -> x),Expr.Op (TOp.ILAsm ([IL.I_ldsflda(fspec)],[mkByrefTy g ty2]), tinst,[],m)
fsharp-    // LVALUE: "x" where "e.x" is a .NET instance field. "e" may be an lvalue 
fsharp-    | Expr.Op (TOp.ILAsm ([IL.I_ldfld(_align,_vol,fspec)],[ty2]), tinst,[e],m) 
fsharp-       -> 
fsharp-        let wrap,expra = mkExprAddrOfExpr g (isStructTy g exprty) false mut e None m
fsharp-        wrap,Expr.Op (TOp.ILAsm ([IL.I_ldflda(fspec)],[mkByrefTy g ty2]), tinst,[expra],m)
fsharp-    | Expr.Op (TOp.ValFieldGet rfref, tinst,[],m) when MustTakeAddressOfRecdField rfref || CanTakeAddressOfRecdField g rfref mut tinst ->
fsharp-        (fun x -> x), mkStaticRecdFieldGetAddr(rfref,tinst,m)
fsharp-            | _ -> false
fsharp-        (fun x -> x), Expr.Op (TOp.ILAsm ([IL.I_ldelema(readonly,isNativePtr,shape,mkILTyvarTy 0us)],[mkByrefTy g elemTy]), [elemTy],[aexpr;nexpr],m)
fsharp-        (fun x -> x), Expr.Op (TOp.ILAsm ([IL.I_ldelema(readonly,isNativePtr,shape,mkILTyvarTy 0us)],[mkByrefTy g elemTy]), [elemTy],(aexpr::args),m)
fsharp-    let wrap,e' = mkExprAddrOfExpr g fref.Tycon.IsStructOrEnumTycon false NeverMutates e None m
fsharp-    wrap (mkRecdFieldGetViaExprAddr(e',fref,tinst,m))
fsharp-    let wrap,e' = mkExprAddrOfExpr g fref.Tycon.IsStructOrEnumTycon false DefinitelyMutates e None m
fsharp-    wrap (mkRecdFieldSetViaExprAddr(e',fref,tinst,e2,m))
fsharp-          IterateRecursiveFixups g None rvs 
fsharp-            (mkRecdFieldGetViaExprAddr(access,fref,tinst,m), 
fsharp-             (fun e -> 
fsharp-    B6: expr@[byrefType]                    -- any type instantiation could introduce byref types.
fsharp-    B7: asm                                 -- TExpr_asm forms that create/consume byrefs.
fsharp-        a) I_ldfld <byref> expr
fsharp-        CheckExprInContext cenv env rx DirectArg (* allow rx to be byref here *)
fsharp-    | TOp.ILAsm (instrs,tys),_,_,_  ->
fsharp-        CheckTypeInstPermitByrefs cenv env m tys;
fsharp-    member this.VerifyArea() =
fsharp-        let asm = typeof<int list>.Assembly
fsharp-        let getasm (t : Type) = t.Assembly
fsharp-        // Positive Test
fsharp-        let assemblyTypesPositive = (getasm (typeof<IsModule.IsModuleType>)).GetTypes()
fsharp-        // FSharp Assembly
fsharp-        let asmCore = getasm (typeof<Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List<int>>)
fsharp-        Assert.IsFalse(FSharpType.IsModule(asmCore.GetTypes().[0]))
fsharp-        // .Net Assembly
fsharp-        let asmSystem = getasm (typeof<System.DateTime>)
fsharp-        Assert.IsFalse(FSharpType.IsModule(asmSystem.GetTypes().[0]))
fsharp-        // custom Assembly
fsharp-        let asmCustom = getasm (typeof<SingleCaseDiscUnion>)
fsharp-        Assert.IsFalse(FSharpType.IsModule(asmCustom.GetTypes().[0]))
fsharp-        // get current fsharp.core
fsharp-        let asm = 
fsharp-            #if portable7 || portable78 || portable259
fsharp-          match tcref.CompiledRepresentation with
fsharp-          | CompiledTypeRepr.ILAsmOpen _ -> failwith "GenUnionRef m: unexpected ASM tyrep"
fsharp-          | CompiledTypeRepr.ILAsmNamed (tref,_,_) -> 
fsharp-    // Attach a source range to the method. Only do this is it has some sequence points, because .NET 2.0/3.5 
fsharp-    // ILDASM has issues if you emit symbols with a source range but without any sequence points
fsharp-    let sourceRange = if hasSequencePoints then GenPossibleILSourceMarker cenv m else None
fsharp-                // Here we must encode: [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, SerializationFormatter = true)]
fsharp-                // In ILDASM this is: .permissionset demand = {[mscorlib]System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute = {property bool 'SerializationFormatter' = bool(true)}}
fsharp-                match cenv.g.ilg.tref_SecurityPermissionAttribute with
fsharp-        tcImports.GetImportedAssemblies() 
fsharp-        |> List.map (fun asm -> asm.FSharpViewOfMetadata, asm.AssemblyAutoOpenAttributes, asm |> internalsAreVisibleHere)    
fsharp-       let _nv,nve = nvs.[v]
fsharp-       Some (mkRecdFieldGetAddrViaExprAddr (nve,mkRefCellContentsRef g,[v.Type],m))
fsharp-    /// IL assembly code - type list are the types pushed on the stack 
fsharp-    | ILAsm of ILInstr list * TTypes 
fsharp-    /// Generate a ldflda on an 'a ref. 
fsharp-    /// An AbstractIL type representation that may include type variables
fsharp-    // This case is only used for types defined in the F# library by their translation to ILASM types, e.g.
fsharp-    //   type ``[]``<'T> = (# "!0[]" #)
fsharp-        | TOp.ValFieldGetAddr(_rfref),_tyargs,_ -> 
fsharp-            wfail(Error(FSComp.SR.crefQuotationsCantContainAddressOf(), m)) 
fsharp-        | TOp.LValueOp(LGetAddr,vref),_,_ -> ConvValRef false cenv env m vref [] 
fsharp-        | TOp.ValFieldGetAddr(rfref),_,_ -> ConvRFieldGet cenv env m rfref tyargs args
fsharp-        | TOp.ILAsm([ I_ldflda(fspec) ],_rtys),_,_  -> ConvLdfld  cenv env m fspec tyargs args
fsharp-    match repr with 
fsharp-    | CompiledTypeRepr.ILAsmOpen asm -> 
fsharp-        match asm with 
fsharp-        | ILType.Boxed tspec | ILType.Value tspec -> 
fsharp-    | TOp.TupleFieldGet (a)       -> p_byte 11 st; p_int a st
fsharp-    | TOp.ILAsm (a,b)                 -> p_byte 12 st; p_tup2 (p_list p_ILInstr) p_typs (a,b) st
fsharp-    | TOp.RefAddrGet              -> p_byte 13 st
fsharp-    | TOp.TryFinally _             -> p_byte 24 st
fsharp-    | TOp.ValFieldGetAddr (a)        -> p_byte 25 st; p_rfref a st
fsharp-    | TOp.UInt16s arr               -> p_byte 26 st; p_array p_uint16 arr st
fsharp-            let b = u_typs st
fsharp-            TOp.ILAsm (a,b) 
fsharp-    | 13 -> TOp.RefAddrGet 
fsharp-    | TOp.ILAsm (_,tys) ->
fsharp-        accTypeInst cenv env tys
fsharp-    let wrap,objExpr = mkExprAddrOfExpr g isValueType false NeverMutates objExpr None m
fsharp-      // The empty instantiation on the AbstractIL fspec is OK, since we make the correct fspec in IlxGen.GenAsm 
fsharp-      // This ensures we always get the type instantiation right when doing this from 
fsharp-    let tinst = finfo.TypeInst
fsharp-      // The empty instantiation on the AbstractIL fspec is OK, since we make the correct fspec in IlxGen.GenAsm 
fsharp-      // This ensures we always get the type instantiation right when doing this from 
fsharp-    let tinst = finfo.TypeInst
fsharp-      // The empty instantiation on the AbstractIL fspec is OK, since we make the correct fspec in IlxGen.GenAsm 
fsharp-      // This ensures we always get the type instantiation right when doing this from 
fsharp-                // The empty instantiation on the fspec is OK, since we make the correct fspec in IlxGen.GenAsm 
fsharp-                // This ensures we always get the type instantiation right when doing this from 
fsharp-                let thise = exprForVal m thisVal
fsharp-                mkRecdFieldGetViaExprAddr(thise,rfref,tinst,m)
fsharp-            | InField(false, _idx, _rfref),None -> 
fsharp-                let thise = exprForVal m thisVal
fsharp-                mkRecdFieldSetViaExprAddr(thise,rfref,tinst,expr,m)
fsharp-            | InField(false,_,_rfref),None -> 
fsharp-                let thise = exprForVal m thisVal
fsharp-                mkRecdFieldGetAddrViaExprAddr(thise,rfref,tinst,m)
fsharp-            | InField(false, _, _rfref),None -> 
fsharp-            | InField(true, idx, rfref),_ -> 
fsharp-                let expr = mkStaticRecdFieldGetAddr(rfref,tinst,m)
fsharp-                MakeCheckSafeInit g tinst safeStaticInitInfo (mkInt g m idx) expr
fsharp-          compe
fsharp-          (mkRecdFieldGetViaExprAddr(thise, fref, tinst, m))
fsharp-          (mkRecdFieldGetViaExprAddr(thate, fref, tinst, m)) 
fsharp-    let expr = mkCompareTestConjuncts g m (List.map mkTest fields) 
fsharp-          compe
fsharp-          (mkRecdFieldGetViaExprAddr(thise, fref, tinst, m))
fsharp-          (mkRecdFieldGetViaExprAddr(thataddre, fref, tinst, m))
fsharp-    let expr = mkCompareTestConjuncts g m (List.map mkTest fields) 
fsharp-        mkCallGenericEqualityEROuter g m fty
fsharp-          (mkRecdFieldGetViaExprAddr(thise, fref, tinst, m))
fsharp-          (mkRecdFieldGetViaExprAddr(thate, fref, tinst, m)) 
fsharp-    let expr = mkEqualsTestConjuncts g m (List.map mkTest fields) 
fsharp-            compe
fsharp-            (mkRecdFieldGetViaExprAddr(thise, fref, tinst, m))
fsharp-            (mkRecdFieldGetViaExprAddr(thataddre, fref, tinst, m))
fsharp-    let expr = mkEqualsTestConjuncts g m (List.map mkTest fields)
fsharp-        let m = fref.Range 
fsharp-        let e = mkRecdFieldGetViaExprAddr(thise, fref, tinst, m)
fsharp-    member m.Addr (i:int) : nativeint = 
fsharp-        start + nativeint i
fsharp-    let len, addr = seekReadCompressedUInt32 is addr
fsharp-    let bytes = seekReadBytes is addr (len - 1)
fsharp-    System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
fsharp-    let _headerPhysSize = seekReadInt32 is (peOptionalHeaderPhysLoc + 60)  (* Header Size Combined size of MS-DOS Header, PE Header, PE Optional Header and padding; shall be a multiple of the file alignment. *)
fsharp-    let subsys           = seekReadUInt16 is (peOptionalHeaderPhysLoc + 68)   (* SubSystem Subsystem required to run this image. Shall be either IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CE_GUI (!0x3) or IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI (!0x2). QUERY: Why is this 3 on the images ILASM produces??? *)
fsharp-    let useHighEnthropyVA = 
fsharp-    if logging then dprintn (infile + ": dataHeaderStart = "+string dataHeaderStart);
fsharp-    if logging then  dprintn (infile + ": dataSegmentAddr (pre section crack) = "+string dataSegmentAddr);
fsharp-    if logging then dprintn (infile + ": dataSegmentAddr (post section crack) = "+string dataSegmentAddr);
fsharp-    let rowAddr (tab:TableName) idx = tablePhysLocations.[tab.Index] + (idx - 1) * tableRowSizes.[tab.Index]
fsharp- Native Types, for marshalling to the native C interface.
fsharp- These are taken directly from the ILASM syntax, see ECMA Spec (Partition II, 7.4).  
fsharp- ctor (asmName:string) (clsName:string) (args:obj[]) = 
fsharp-    let asm = Assembly.Load(asmName)
fsharp-    let ty = asm.GetType(clsName)
fsharp-          writeInt32 os 0x00; // File Checksum Always 0 (see Section 23.1). QUERY: NOT ALWAYS ZERO 
fsharp-          writeInt32AsUInt16 os modul.SubSystemFlags; // SubSystem Subsystem required to run this image. Shall be either IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CE_GUI (0x3) or IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI (0x2). QUERY: Why is this 3 on the images ILASM produces 
fsharp-          // DLL Flags Always 0x400 (no unmanaged windows exception handling - see Section 23.1).
fsharp- Various constants and utilities used when parsing the ILASM format for IL
fsharp- internal Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.Internal.AsciiConstants
fsharp-      { let s = (lexeme lexbuf) in kwdOrInstr s }
fsharp-  | [ '`'  '\128'-'\255' '@' '?' '$' 'a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '_'] [  '`' '\128'-'\255' '$' 'a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '0'-'9' '-' '_' '@' '$' ] *
fsharp-      { kwdOrInstrOrId (lexeme lexbuf) }
fsharp-  | [ '`'  '\128'-'\255' '@' '?' '$' 'a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '_'] [  '`' '\128'-'\255' '$' 'a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '0'-'9' '-' '_' '@' '$' ]+
fsharp-        ('.' [ '`'  '\128'-'\255' '@' '?' '$' 'a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '_'] [  '`' '\128'-'\255' '$' 'a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '0'-'9' '-' '_' '@' '$' ] +)+
fsharp-      { VAL_DOTTEDNAME(lexeme lexbuf) } 
fsharp- Native Types, for marshalling to the native C interface.
fsharp- These are taken directly from the ILASM syntax, and don't really
fsharp- correspond yet to the ECMA Spec (Partition II, 7.4).  
fsharp- defaultSubSystem = 3 (* this is what comes out of ILDASM on 30/04/2001 *)
fsharp- defaultPhysAlignment = 512 (* this is what comes out of ILDASM on 30/04/2001 *)
fsharp- defaultVirtAlignment = 0x2000 (* this is what comes out of ILDASM on 30/04/2001 *)
fsharp- defaultImageBase = 0x034f0000 (* this is what comes out of ILDASM on 30/04/2001 *)
fsharp-$(cd `$PKG_CONFIG --variable=prefix mono` && pwd)
fsharp-"`dirname $0`/$CONFIGURE_FILE"
fsharp-      fi
fsharp-      cp_umask=`expr '(' 777 - $mode % 1000 ')' $u_plus_rw`;;
fsharp-    *)
fsharp-      dstdir=$dst
fsharp-      dst=$dstdir/`basename "$src"`
fsharp-      dstdir_status=0
fsharp-		   # FreeBSD 6.1 mkdir -m -p sets mode of existing directory.
fsharp-		   ls_ld_tmpdir=`ls -ld "$tmpdir"`
fsharp-		   case $ls_ld_tmpdir in
fsharp-		   $mkdirprog -m$different_mode -p -- "$tmpdir" && {
fsharp-		     ls_ld_tmpdir_1=`ls -ld "$tmpdir"`
fsharp-		     test "$ls_ld_tmpdir" = "$ls_ld_tmpdir_1"
fsharp-	    case $prefix in
fsharp-	      *\'*) qprefix=`echo "$prefix" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`;;
fsharp-	      *) qprefix=$prefix;;
fsharp-    if $copy_on_change &&
fsharp-       old=`LC_ALL=C ls -dlL "$dst"	2>/dev/null` &&
fsharp-       new=`LC_ALL=C ls -dlL "$dsttmp"	2>/dev/null` &&
fsharp- * Native Types, for marshalling to the native C interface.
fsharp- * These are taken directly from the ILASM syntax, and don't really
fsharp- * correspond yet to the ECMA Spec (Partition II, 7.4).