                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/config/m_asm.fte-1-# x86 instruction list now nearly complete, 
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/config/m_asm.fte:2:# also added floating point registers and some nasm directives
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/config/m_asm.fte-3-#                                   jsvendsen 07-24-2001
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/config/m_asm.fte:4:colorize ASM {
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/config/m_asm.fte-5-    SyntaxParser = 'SIMPLE';
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/config/ui_m_fte.fte-56-    item "ASM"			{ FileOpenInMode 'ASM' }
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/config/ui_m_fte.fte:57:    item "ASM 370 (.CPY,.MLC)"	{ FileOpenInMode 'ASM370' }
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/config/ui_m_fte.fte-58-    item "TCL"			{ FileOpenInMode 'TCL' }
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/config/ui_m_fte.fte-75-    item "ASM"			{ ChangeMode 'ASM' }
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/config/ui_m_fte.fte:76:    item "ASM 370 (.CPY,.MLC)"	{ ChangeMode 'ASM370' }
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/config/ui_m_fte.fte-77-    item "TCL"			{ ChangeMode 'TCL' }
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/config/m_mvsasm.fte:1:colorize MVSASM {
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/config/m_mvsasm.fte-2-    SyntaxParser = 'SIMPLE';
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/config/menu/m_rexx.fte-310-    item    "Sock&DropFuncs" { InsertString "rc = SockDropFuncs()"; }
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/config/menu/m_rexx.fte:311:    item    "Sock&GetHostByAddr" { InsertString "rc = SockGetHostByAddr(dotAddress,host[,domain])"; }
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/config/menu/m_rexx.fte-312-    item    "SockGetHostBy&Name" { InsertString "rc = SockGetHostByName(nameAddress,host])"; }
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/src/clip_pmv.cpp-324-        for (imp = imported_functions; imp->ordinal; imp++)
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/src/clip_pmv.cpp:325:            if (DosQueryProcAddr(pmwin, imp->ordinal, NULL, imp->pointer) != 0)
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/src/clip_pmv.cpp-326-                return FALSE;
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/install-85-# Any CVS directory that is copied over should be uncopied over.
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/install:86:rm -rf `find $CONFIGDIR -type d -name CVS`
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/install-88-# Set the directories to be world-executable.
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/install:89:chmod a+x `find $CONFIGDIR -type d`
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/debian/postrm-7-if [ -d $FTECFG ] ; then 
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/debian/postrm:8:	if [ `find $FTECFG | wc -l` -eq 1 ]; then
fte-0.50.2b6-20110708/debian/postrm-9-		rm -rf $FTECFG