                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/pr_x86.c-1027-	void *edicttable = prinst->edicttable;
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/pr_x86.c:1028:	__asm {
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/pr_x86.c-1029-		pushad
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qcdecomp.c-550-	//	SafeSeek(f, fileofs, SEEK_SET);
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qcdecomp.c:551:		writes(f, " = asm {\r\n");
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qcc_pr_comp.c-6179-			while (!QCC_PR_CheckToken("}"))
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qcc_pr_comp.c:6180:				QCC_PR_ParseAsm ();
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qcc_pr_comp.c-6181-		}
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qcc_pr_comp.c-6182-		else
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qcc_pr_comp.c:6183:			QCC_PR_ParseAsm ();
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qcc_pr_comp.c-6184-		return;
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qcc_pr_comp.c-7323-		while (!QCC_PR_CheckToken("}"))
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qcc_pr_comp.c:7324:			QCC_PR_ParseAsm ();
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qcc_pr_comp.c-7325-	}
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qccmain.c-190-	//keywords
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qccmain.c:191:	{&keyword_asm,			defaultkeyword, "asm",			"Keyword: asm",			"Disables the 'asm' keyword. Use the writeasm flag to see an example of the asm."},
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qccmain.c-192-	{&keyword_break,		defaultkeyword, "break",		"Keyword: break",		"Disables the 'break' keyword."},
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qccmain.c-222-	{&keywords_coexist,		FLAG_ASDEFAULT, "kce",			"Keywords Coexist",		"If you want keywords to NOT be disabled when they a variable by the same name is defined, check here."},
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qccmain.c:223:	{&output_parms,			0,				"parms",		"Define offset parms",	"if PARM0 PARM1 etc should be defined by the compiler. These are useful if you make use of the asm keyword for function calls, or you wish to create your own variable arguments. This is an easy way to break decompilers."},	//controls weather to define PARMx for the parms (note - this can screw over some decompilers)
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qccmain.c-224-	{&autoprototype,		0,				"autoproto",	"Automatic Prototyping","Causes compilation to take two passes instead of one. The first pass, only the definitions are read. The second pass actually compiles your code. This means you never have to remember to prototype functions again."},	//so you no longer need to prototype functions and things in advance.
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qccmain.c:225:	{&writeasm,				0,				"wasm",			"Dump Assembler",		"Writes out a qc.asm which contains all your functions but in assembler. This is a great way to look for bugs in fteqcc, but can also be used to see exactly what your functions turn into, and thus how to optimise statements better."},			//spit out a qc.asm file, containing an assembler dump of the ENTIRE progs. (Doesn't include initialisation of constants)
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qccmain.c:226:	{&flag_ifstring,		FLAG_MIDCOMPILE,"ifstring",		"if(string) fix",		"Causes if(string) to behave identically to if(string!="") This is most useful with addons of course, but also has adverse effects with FRIK_FILE's fgets, where it becomes impossible to determin the end of the file. In such a case, you can still use asm {IF string 2;RETURN} to detect eof and leave the function."},		//correction for if(string) no-ifstring to get the standard behaviour.
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qccmain.c-227-	{&flag_iffloat,			FLAG_MIDCOMPILE,"iffloat","if(-0.0) fix","Fixes certain floating point logic."},
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qccmain.c-2910-//		printf ("to bsp all bmodels: qcc -bspmodels <gamedir>\n");
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qccmain.c:2911:		printf ("-Fwasm <funcname> causes FTEQCC to dump all asm to qc.asm\n");
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qccmain.c-2912-		printf ("-O0 to disable optimisations\n");
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qccmain.c-2956-		if (!QCC_FindQCFiles())
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qccmain.c:2957:			QCC_Error (ERR_COULDNTOPENFILE, "Couldn't open file for asm output.");
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qccmain.c-2958-	}
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qccmain.c-3005-		if (!asmfile)
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qccmain.c:3006:			QCC_Error (ERR_INTERNAL, "Couldn't open file for asm output.");
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qccmain.c-3007-	}
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/.pc/Avoid-multiple-definitions-of-some-global-variables.patch/qccmain.c:3087:	pr_dumpasm = false;
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qcc_pr_comp.c-6179-			while (!QCC_PR_CheckToken("}"))
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qcc_pr_comp.c:6180:				QCC_PR_ParseAsm ();
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qcc_pr_comp.c-6181-		}
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qcc_pr_comp.c-6182-		else
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qcc_pr_comp.c:6183:			QCC_PR_ParseAsm ();
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qcc_pr_comp.c-6184-		return;
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qcc_pr_comp.c-7323-		while (!QCC_PR_CheckToken("}"))
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qcc_pr_comp.c:7324:			QCC_PR_ParseAsm ();
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qcc_pr_comp.c-7325-	}
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qccmain.c-195-	//keywords
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qccmain.c:196:	{&keyword_asm,			defaultkeyword, "asm",			"Keyword: asm",			"Disables the 'asm' keyword. Use the writeasm flag to see an example of the asm."},
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qccmain.c-197-	{&keyword_break,		defaultkeyword, "break",		"Keyword: break",		"Disables the 'break' keyword."},
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qccmain.c-227-	{&keywords_coexist,		FLAG_ASDEFAULT, "kce",			"Keywords Coexist",		"If you want keywords to NOT be disabled when they a variable by the same name is defined, check here."},
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qccmain.c:228:	{&output_parms,			0,				"parms",		"Define offset parms",	"if PARM0 PARM1 etc should be defined by the compiler. These are useful if you make use of the asm keyword for function calls, or you wish to create your own variable arguments. This is an easy way to break decompilers."},	//controls weather to define PARMx for the parms (note - this can screw over some decompilers)
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qccmain.c-229-	{&autoprototype,		0,				"autoproto",	"Automatic Prototyping","Causes compilation to take two passes instead of one. The first pass, only the definitions are read. The second pass actually compiles your code. This means you never have to remember to prototype functions again."},	//so you no longer need to prototype functions and things in advance.
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qccmain.c:230:	{&writeasm,				0,				"wasm",			"Dump Assembler",		"Writes out a qc.asm which contains all your functions but in assembler. This is a great way to look for bugs in fteqcc, but can also be used to see exactly what your functions turn into, and thus how to optimise statements better."},			//spit out a qc.asm file, containing an assembler dump of the ENTIRE progs. (Doesn't include initialisation of constants)
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qccmain.c:231:	{&flag_ifstring,		FLAG_MIDCOMPILE,"ifstring",		"if(string) fix",		"Causes if(string) to behave identically to if(string!="") This is most useful with addons of course, but also has adverse effects with FRIK_FILE's fgets, where it becomes impossible to determin the end of the file. In such a case, you can still use asm {IF string 2;RETURN} to detect eof and leave the function."},		//correction for if(string) no-ifstring to get the standard behaviour.
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qccmain.c-232-	{&flag_iffloat,			FLAG_MIDCOMPILE,"iffloat","if(-0.0) fix","Fixes certain floating point logic."},
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qccmain.c-2915-//		printf ("to bsp all bmodels: qcc -bspmodels <gamedir>\n");
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qccmain.c:2916:		printf ("-Fwasm <funcname> causes FTEQCC to dump all asm to qc.asm\n");
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qccmain.c-2917-		printf ("-O0 to disable optimisations\n");
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qccmain.c-2961-		if (!QCC_FindQCFiles())
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qccmain.c:2962:			QCC_Error (ERR_COULDNTOPENFILE, "Couldn't open file for asm output.");
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qccmain.c-2963-	}
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qccmain.c-3010-		if (!asmfile)
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qccmain.c:3011:			QCC_Error (ERR_INTERNAL, "Couldn't open file for asm output.");
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qccmain.c-3012-	}
fteqcc-3343+svn3400/qccmain.c:3092:	pr_dumpasm = false;