                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
giada-    # extract copyright from header
giada-    __copyright="`grep Copyright $AUTOGEN_SH | head -${HEAD_N}1 | awk '{print $4}'`"
giada-    if [ "x$__copyright" = "x" ] ; then
giada-    __id="$Id: autogen.sh 33925 2009-03-01 23:27:06Z brlcad $"
giada-    __version="`echo $__id | sed 's/.*\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\)[-\/]\([0-9][0-9]\)[-\/]\([0-9][0-9]\).*/\1\2\3/'`"
giada-    if [ "x$__version" = "x" ] ; then
giada-    # needed to handle versions like 1.10 and 1.4-p6
giada-    _min="`echo ${_min}. | sed 's/[^0-9]/./g' | sed 's/\.\././g'`"
giada-    _cur="`echo ${_cur}. | sed 's/[^0-9]/./g' | sed 's/\.\././g'`"
giada-    _min_major="`echo $_min | cut -d. -f1`"
giada-    _min_minor="`echo $_min | cut -d. -f2`"
giada-    _min_patch="`echo $_min | cut -d. -f3`"
giada-    _cur_major="`echo $_cur | cut -d. -f1`"
giada-    _cur_minor="`echo $_cur | cut -d. -f2`"
giada-    _cur_patch="`echo $_cur | cut -d. -f3`"
giada-"`dirname $0`"
giada-"`basename $0`"
giada- [ "x`echo $ARGS | sed 's/.*[hH][eE][lL][pP].*/help/'`" = "xhelp" ] ; then
giada-    HELP=yes
giada- [ "x$PROJECT" = "x" ] ; then
giada-    PROJECT="`grep AC_INIT $CONFIGURE | grep -v '.*#.*AC_INIT' | tail -${TAIL_N}1 | sed 's/^[ 	]*AC_INIT(\([^,)]*\).*/\1/' | sed 's/.*\[\(.*\)\].*/\1/'`"
giada-    if [ "x$PROJECT" = "xAC_INIT" ] ; then
giada-	# projects might be using the older/deprecated arg-less AC_INIT .. look for AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE instead
giada-	PROJECT="`grep AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE $CONFIGURE | grep -v '.*#.*AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE' | tail -${TAIL_N}1 | sed 's/^[ 	]*AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(\([^,)]*\).*/\1/' | sed 's/.*\[\(.*\)\].*/\1/'`"
giada-    fi
giada-    _version="`$AUTOCONF --version | head -${HEAD_N}1 | sed 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9\.][0-9\.]*\)/\1/'`"
giada-    if [ "x$_version" = "x" ] ; then
giada-    _version="`$AUTOMAKE --version | head -${HEAD_N}1 | sed 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9\.][0-9\.]*\)/\1/'`"
giada-    if [ "x$_version" = "x" ] ; then
giada-	    $VERBOSE_ECHO "Checking libtoolize alternate: $tool --version"
giada-	    _glibtoolize="`$tool --version > /dev/null 2>&1`"
giada-	    if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
giada-		$VERBOSE_ECHO "Found $tool --version"
giada-		_glti="`which $tool`"
giada-		if [ "x$_glti" = "x" ] ; then
giada-		fi
giada-		_gltidir="`dirname $_glti`"
giada-		if [ "x$_gltidir" = "x" ] ; then
giada-    _version="`$LIBTOOLIZE --version | head -${HEAD_N}1 | sed 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9\.][0-9\.]*\)/\1/'`"
giada-    if [ "x$_version" = "x" ] ; then
giada-    # $VERBOSE_ECHO "Looking for subdirs in `pwd`"
giada-    _det_config_subdirs="`grep AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS $_configure | grep -v '.*#.*AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS' | sed 's/^[ 	]*AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS(\(.*\)).*/\1/' | sed 's/.*\[\(.*\)\].*/\1/'`"
giada-    CHECK_DIRS=""
giada-	    # compare entire content, restore if needed
giada-	    if test "x`cat ${file}`" != "x`cat ${file}.$$.protect_from_automake.backup`" ; then
giada-		if test "x$spacer" = "xno" ; then
giada-    _aux_dir="`grep AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR $CONFIGURE | grep -v '.*#.*AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR' | tail -${TAIL_N}1 | sed 's/^[ 	]*AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(\(.*\)).*/\1/' | sed 's/.*\[\(.*\)\].*/\1/'`"
giada-    if test ! -d "$_aux_dir" ; then
giada-    # look for subdirs
giada-    _det_config_subdirs="`grep AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS $_configure | grep -v '.*#.*AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS' | sed 's/^[ 	]*AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS(\(.*\)).*/\1/' | sed 's/.*\[\(.*\)\].*/\1/'`"
giada-    CHECK_DIRS=""
giada-    #####################
giada-    _aux_dir="`grep AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR $CONFIGURE | grep -v '.*#.*AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR' | tail -${TAIL_N}1 | sed 's/^[ 	]*AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(\(.*\)).*/\1/' | sed 's/.*\[\(.*\)\].*/\1/'`"
giada-    if test ! -d "$_aux_dir" ; then
giada-    CONFIG_SUBDIRS=""
giada-    _det_config_subdirs="`grep AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS $CONFIGURE | grep -v '.*#.*AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS' | sed 's/^[ 	]*AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS(\(.*\)).*/\1/' | sed 's/.*\[\(.*\)\].*/\1/'`"
giada-    for dir in $_det_config_subdirs ; do
giada-	_marker_found_message=${_marker_found_message_intro}${marker}${_marker_found_message_mid}
giada-	_marker_found="`grep 'AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE.*'${marker} $CONFIGURE`"
giada-	if [ ! "x$_marker_found" = "x" ] ; then
giada-	    $VERBOSE_ECHO "${_marker_found_message}`basename \"$CONFIGURE\"`"
giada-	    break
giada-	fi
giada-	if test -f "`dirname \"$CONFIGURE\"/Makefile.am`" ; then
giada-	    _marker_found="`grep 'AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS.*'${marker} Makefile.am`"
giada-	    if [ ! "x$_marker_found" = "x" ] ; then
giada-	    $ECHO
giada-	    $ECHO "Considered adding 'foreign' to AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE in `basename \"$CONFIGURE\"`"
giada-	    if test -f "`dirname \"$CONFIGURE\"/Makefile.am`" ; then
giada-		$ECHO "or to AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS in your top-level Makefile.am file."
giada-	__cmd_version=`${__cmd} --version | head -n 1 | sed -e 's/^[^0-9]\+//' -e 's/ .*//'`
giada-	$VERBOSE_ECHO "Found ${__cmd} ${__cmd_version}"
giada-	$VERBOSE_ECHO "Searching for $feature in $CONFIGURE"
giada-	found="`grep \"^$feature.*\" $CONFIGURE`"
giada-	if [ ! "x$found" = "x" ] ; then
giada-    autoreconf_output="`$AUTORECONF $SEARCH_DIRS $AUTORECONF_OPTIONS 2>&1`"
giada-    ret=$?
giada-	if [ "x$HAVE_ALT_LIBTOOLIZE" = "xyes" ] ; then
giada-	    if [ ! "x`echo \"$autoreconf_output\" | grep libtoolize | grep \"No such file or directory\"`" = "x" ] ; then
giada-		$ECHO
giada-    if test -f "$LIBTOOL_M4" ; then
giada-	found_libtool="`$ECHO $_autoconf_output | grep AC_PROG_LIBTOOL`"
giada-	if test ! "x$found_libtool" = "x" ; then
giada-    aclocal_output="`$ACLOCAL $SEARCH_DIRS $ACLOCAL_OPTIONS 2>&1`"
giada-    ret=$?
giada-	    libtoolize_output="`$LIBTOOLIZE $LIBTOOLIZE_OPTIONS 2>&1`"
giada-	    ret=$?
giada-		libtoolize_output="`$LIBTOOLIZE $ALT_LIBTOOLIZE_OPTIONS 2>&1`"
giada-		ret=$?
giada-	aclocal_output="`$ACLOCAL $SEARCH_DIRS $ACLOCAL_OPTIONS 2>&1`"
giada-	ret=$?
giada-    autoconf_output="`$AUTOCONF $AUTOCONF_OPTIONS 2>&1`"
giada-    ret=$?
giada-	macros_to_search=""
giada-	ac_major="`echo ${AUTOCONF_VERSION}. | cut -d. -f1 | sed 's/[^0-9]//g'`"
giada-	ac_minor="`echo ${AUTOCONF_VERSION}. | cut -d. -f2 | sed 's/[^0-9]//g'`"
giada-	    $VERBOSE_ECHO "Searching for $feature in $CONFIGURE"
giada-	    found="`grep \"^$feature.*\" $CONFIGURE`"
giada-	    if [ ! "x$found" = "x" ] ; then
giada-	    $ECHO
giada-	    $ECHO "The `basename \"$CONFIGURE\"` file was scanned in order to determine if any"
giada-	    $ECHO "unsupported macros are used that exceed the minimum version"
giada-	autoconf_output="`$AUTOCONF 2>&1`"
giada-	ret=$?
giada-		$ECHO "reviewing the minimum GNU Autotools version settings contained in"
giada-		$ECHO "this script along with the macros being used in your `basename \"$CONFIGURE\"` file."
giada-	    fi
giada-	$VERBOSE_ECHO "Searching for $feature in $CONFIGURE"
giada-	found="`grep \"^$feature.*\" $CONFIGURE`"
giada-	if [ ! "x$found" = "x" ] ; then
giada-	autoheader_output="`$AUTOHEADER $AUTOHEADER_OPTIONS 2>&1`"
giada-	ret=$?
giada-	$VERBOSE_ECHO "Searching for $feature in $CONFIGURE"
giada-	found="`grep \"^$feature.*\" $CONFIGURE`"
giada-	if [ ! "x$found" = "x" ] ; then
giada-	automake_output="`$AUTOMAKE $AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS 2>&1`"
giada-	ret=$?
giada-	    # retry without the -f
giada-	    automake_output="`$AUTOMAKE $ALT_AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS 2>&1`"
giada-	    ret=$?
giada-"`echo $config_ac | sed 's/\.ac$//' | sed 's/\.in$//'`"
giada- [ "x$config" = "x" ] ; then
giada-    Ross Bencina: worked out the thiscall details above, wrote the original
giada-    Borland asm macros, and a patch for asio.cpp (which is no longer needed).
giada-    Thanks to Martin Fay for introducing me to the issues discussed here,
giada-    and to Rene G. Ceballos for assisting with asm dumps from MSVC++.
giada-    Antti Silvast: converted the original calliasio to work with gcc and NASM
giada-    by implementing the asm code in a separate file.
giada-	Fraser Adams: modified the original calliasio containing the Borland inline
giada-    asm to add inline asm for gcc i.e. Intel syntax for Borland and AT&T syntax
giada-    for gcc. This seems a neater approach for gcc than to have a separate .asm
giada-    void *this_ = (thisPtr);                                                \
giada-    __asm {                                                                 \
giada-        mov     ecx, this_            ;                                     \
giada-    void *this_ = (thisPtr);                                                \
giada-    __asm {                                                                 \
giada-        mov     eax, param1           ;                                     \
giada-    void *this_ = (thisPtr);                                                \
giada-    __asm {                                                                 \
giada-        mov     eax, param1           ;                                     \
giada-    void *doubleParamPtr_ (&param1);                                        \
giada-    __asm {                                                                 \
giada-        mov     eax, doubleParamPtr_  ;                                     \
giada-    void *this_ = (thisPtr);                                                \
giada-    __asm {                                                                 \
giada-        mov     eax, param2           ;                                     \
giada-    void *this_ = (thisPtr);                                                \
giada-    __asm {                                                                 \
giada-        mov     eax, param4           ;                                     \
giada- Version:         1.4 Added separate macro CALL_THISCALL_1_DOUBLE from
giada-                  Andrew Baldwin, and volatile for whole gcc asm blocks,
giada-                  both for compatibility with newer gcc versions. Cleaned up
giada-                  Borland asm to use one less register.
giada-                  1.3 Switched to including assert.h for better compatibility.