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          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst:532:* The user's `$PATH` environment variable can now contain utf-8
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst-533-  encoded paths.  Previously, launching external commands could
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst:1352:* Launching difftool with `.PY` in `$PATHEXT` on Windows was fixed.
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst-1353-  (`#492 <https://github.com/git-cola/git-cola/issues/492>`_)
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst:1497:* The interactive rebase feature was not always setting `$GIT_EDITOR`
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst-1498-  to the value of `gui.editor`, thus there could be instances where rebase
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst:1501:  We now set the `$GIT_EDITOR` environment variable when performing the
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst-1502-  "Continue", "Skip", and "Edit Todo" rebase actions so that the correct
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst-1614-* Custom GUI actions can now define their own keyboard shortcuts by
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst:1615:  setting `guitool.$name.shortcut` to a string understood by Qt's
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst-1616-  `QAction::setShortcut()` API, e.g. `Alt+X`.
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst-2053-  The rebase todo file is edited using the `git xbase` script which
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst:2054:  is provided at `$prefix/share/git-cola/bin/git-xbase`.
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst:2055:  This script can be used standalone by setting the `$GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR`
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst-2056-  before running `git rebase --interactive`.
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst:2549:The `cola-$version` tarballs on github were originally setup to
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst-2550-have the same contents as the old tarballs hosted on tuxfamily.
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst-2551-The `make dist` target was changed to write files to a
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst:2552:`git-cola-$version` subdirectory and tarball.
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst:2944:* Prefer ``$VISUAL`` over ``$EDITOR`` when both are defined.
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst-2945-  These are used to set a default editor in lieu of `core.editor`
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst-2989-* Added a more standard i18n infrastructure.  The install
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst:2990:  tree now has the common ``share/locale/$lang/LC_MESSAGES/git-cola.mo``
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst-2991-  layout in use by several projects.
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst:3349:* All resources are now installed into `$prefix/share/git-cola`.
git-cola-3.8/CHANGES.rst-3350-  Closed Debian bug #519972
git-cola-3.8/CONTRIBUTING.md:180:Alternate translations can be tested by setting `$LANG` when running, e.g.
git-cola-3.8/README.md-109-The instructions below assume that you have git-cola present in your
git-cola-3.8/README.md:110:`$PATH`.  Replace "git cola" with "./bin/git-cola" as needed if you'd like to
git-cola-3.8/README.md-111-just run it in-place.
git-cola-3.8/README.md-127-Normally you can just do "make install" to install git-cola
git-cola-3.8/README.md:128:in your `$HOME` directory (`$HOME/bin`, `$HOME/share`, etc).
git-cola-3.8/README.md-129-If you want to do a global install you can do
git-cola-3.8/README.md-340-`git cola` is to keep a clone of the repository and symlink it into your
git-cola-3.8/README.md:341:`~/bin` directory.  If `$HOME/bin` is not already in your `$PATH` you can
git-cola-3.8/README.md-342-add these two lines to the bottom of your `~/.bashrc` to make the linked
git-cola-3.8/docs/git-cola.rst-121-The editor used by `Ctrl-e` is configured from the Preferences screen.
git-cola-3.8/docs/git-cola.rst:122:The environment variable `$VISUAL` is consulted when no editor has been
git-cola-3.8/docs/git-cola.rst-582-This value can be set to multiple values using,
git-cola-3.8/docs/git-cola.rst:583:``git config --add cola.icontheme $theme``.
git-cola-3.8/docs/git-cola.rst-650-`git cola` will remember its window settings when set to `true`.
git-cola-3.8/docs/git-cola.rst:651:Window settings and X11 sessions are saved in `$HOME/.config/git-cola`.
git-cola-3.8/docs/git-cola.rst-683-`cola.terminal` defaults to `xterm -e` when unset.
git-cola-3.8/docs/git-cola.rst:684:e.g. when opening a shell, `git cola` will run `xterm -e $SHELL`.
git-cola-3.8/share/doc/git-cola/git-cola.rst-121-The editor used by `Ctrl-e` is configured from the Preferences screen.
git-cola-3.8/share/doc/git-cola/git-cola.rst:122:The environment variable `$VISUAL` is consulted when no editor has been
git-cola-3.8/share/doc/git-cola/git-cola.rst-582-This value can be set to multiple values using,
git-cola-3.8/share/doc/git-cola/git-cola.rst:583:``git config --add cola.icontheme $theme``.
git-cola-3.8/share/doc/git-cola/git-cola.rst-650-`git cola` will remember its window settings when set to `true`.
git-cola-3.8/share/doc/git-cola/git-cola.rst:651:Window settings and X11 sessions are saved in `$HOME/.config/git-cola`.
git-cola-3.8/share/doc/git-cola/git-cola.rst-683-`cola.terminal` defaults to `xterm -e` when unset.
git-cola-3.8/share/doc/git-cola/git-cola.rst:684:e.g. when opening a shell, `git cola` will run `xterm -e $SHELL`.