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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
git-pw-2.0.0/git_pw/utils.py:120:        The order of preference is the ``$GIT_PAGER`` environment variable,
git-pw-2.0.0/git_pw/utils.py:121:        then ``core.pager`` configuration, then ``$PAGER``, and then the
git-pw-2.0.0/git_pw/utils.py-122-        default chosen at compile time (usually ``less``).
git-pw-2.0.0/releasenotes/notes/use-git-pager-settings-ec6555d8311a8bec.yaml:8:        The order of preference is the ``$GIT_PAGER`` environment variable,
git-pw-2.0.0/releasenotes/notes/use-git-pager-settings-ec6555d8311a8bec.yaml:9:        then ``core.pager`` configuration, then ``$PAGER``, and then the
git-pw-2.0.0/releasenotes/notes/use-git-pager-settings-ec6555d8311a8bec.yaml-10-        default chosen at compile time (usually ``less``)