                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/Makefile.am:1:MULREDC = mulredc1.asm mulredc2.asm mulredc3.asm mulredc4.asm mulredc5.asm \
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/Makefile.am:2:          mulredc6.asm mulredc7.asm mulredc8.asm mulredc9.asm mulredc10.asm \
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/Makefile.am:3:          mulredc11.asm mulredc12.asm mulredc13.asm mulredc14.asm \
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/Makefile.am:4:          mulredc15.asm mulredc16.asm mulredc17.asm mulredc18.asm \
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/Makefile.am:5:          mulredc19.asm mulredc20.asm
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/Makefile.am:11:# This library definition also causes the mulredc[n].asm and redc.asm files 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/Makefile.am-12-# to go in the distribution - no need for having them in EXTRA_DIST
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/Makefile.am:16:# The asm code does not depend on any libraries except libc for abort()
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/Makefile.am-17-# if assertions are enabled
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/Makefile.am:28:	$(M4) -I../ -DOPERATION_$* `test -f $< || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$< >$*.s
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/Makefile.am:30:	$(M4) -I../ -DOPERATION_$* `test -f $< || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$< >$*.S
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/README:1:mulredc[1..20].s are size-specific asm code for mulredc.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/README-2-These are generated by the Python script autogen.py. In order to avoid
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/README:11:This asm code uses no MMX/SSE2 instructions and should work on any x86
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/README:14:redc.asm is a version of redc separated from the multiplication, since
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/README-15-there are cases where it is needed.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/Makefile.dev-14-redc.s: redc.asm
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/Makefile.dev:15:	m4 redc.asm > redc.s
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/Makefile.dev:35:	rm redc.s *.o mulredc[0-9]*.s mulredc[0-9]*.asm test_mulredc
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:7:def offaddr(addr, offset):
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-8-	if offset == 0:
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:13:# Generate asm for addmul1_k
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-14-# src and dst are pointers (stored in regs) + offsets
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-18-def addmul1_k(src, off_src, dst, off_dst, mult, k):
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:19:	init = "### addmul1: src[0] is " + offaddr(src, off_src) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:20:	init = init + "###          dst[0] is " + offaddr(dst, off_dst) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-21-	init = init + "###          mult is " + mult + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-24-	init = init + "###   dst[0,k[ += mult*src[0,k[  plus carry put in ecx or ebx\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:25:	init = init + "	movl	" + offaddr(src, off_src) + ", %eax\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-26-	init = init + "	mull	" + mult + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-28-	init = init + "	movl	%edx, %ecx\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:29:	init = init + "	movl	" + offaddr(src, off_src+4) + ", %eax\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-46-		blocki = re.sub('__cyhi__', cyhi, blocki)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:47:		blocki = re.sub('__xi2__', offaddr(src, off_src+(i+2)*4), blocki)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:48:		blocki = re.sub('__zi__', offaddr(dst, off_dst+i*4), blocki)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-49-		blocki = re.sub('__mult__', mult, blocki)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-55-	final = "	mull	" + mult + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:56:	final = final + "	addl	" + cylo + ", " + offaddr(dst, off_dst+(k-2)*4) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-57-	final = final + "	adcl	" + cyhi + ", %eax\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-58-	final = final + "	adcl	$0, %edx\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:59:	final = final + "	addl	%eax, " + offaddr(dst, off_dst+4*(k-1)) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-60-	final = final + "	adcl	$0, %edx\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-68-def addmul1_k_var(src, off_src, dst, off_dst, mult, k):
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:69:	init = "### addmul1: src[0] is " + offaddr(src, off_src) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:70:	init = init + "###          dst[0] is " + offaddr(dst, off_dst) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-71-	init = init + "###          mult is " + mult + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-90-	for i in range(0,k):
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:91:		blocki = re.sub('__xi__', offaddr(src, off_src+i*4), block)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:92:		blocki = re.sub('__zi__', offaddr(dst, off_dst+i*4), blocki)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-93-		code = code + blocki
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:129:	INV_M  = offaddr("%esp", 4*(2*k+1) + 40)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:130:	ADDR_M = offaddr("%esp", 4*(2*k+1) + 36)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:131:	ADDR_Y = offaddr("%esp", 4*(2*k+1) + 32)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:132:	ADDR_X = offaddr("%esp", 4*(2*k+1) + 28)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:133:	ADDR_Z = offaddr("%esp", 4*(2*k+1) + 24)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-143-	for i in range(0,2*k+1):
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:144:		init = init + "	movl	$0, " + offaddr("%edi", 4*i) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-148-	middle_code = "###########################################\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:149:	middle_code = middle_code + "	movl	$" + str(k) + ", " + offaddr("%esp", 4*(2*k+1)) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-150-	middle_code = middle_code + """
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-166-	middle_code = middle_code + codeaddmul
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:167:	middle_code = middle_code + "	addl	" + carry + ", " + offaddr("%edi", 4*k) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:168:	middle_code = middle_code + "	adcl	$0, " + offaddr("%edi", 4*(k+1)) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-169-	middle_code = middle_code + "	movl	" + ADDR_X + ", %eax\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-173-	middle_code = middle_code + codeaddmul
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:174:	middle_code = middle_code + "   addl    " + carry + ", " + offaddr("%edi", 4*k) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:175:	middle_code = middle_code + "   adcl    $0, " + offaddr("%edi", 4*(k+1)) + "\n\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-176-	middle_code = middle_code + "	addl	$4, " + ADDR_X + "\n	addl	$4, %edi\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:177:	middle_code = middle_code + "	decl	" + offaddr("%esp", 4*(2*k+1)) + "\n	jnz	Loop\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-178-	code = code + middle_code
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-183-	for i in range(0,k):
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:184:		final = final + "	movl	" + offaddr("%edi", 4*i) + ", %eax\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:185:		final = final + "	movl	%eax, " + offaddr("%ebx", 4*i) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py:186:	final = final + "	movl	" + offaddr("%edi", 4*k) + ", %eax	# carry\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/athlon/autogen.py-187-	final = final + "	addl    $" + str(4*(2*k+2)) + ", %esp\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/Makefile.am:1:MULREDC = mulredc1.asm mulredc2.asm mulredc3.asm mulredc4.asm mulredc5.asm \
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/Makefile.am:2:          mulredc6.asm mulredc7.asm mulredc8.asm mulredc9.asm mulredc10.asm \
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/Makefile.am:3:          mulredc11.asm mulredc12.asm mulredc13.asm mulredc14.asm \
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/Makefile.am:4:          mulredc15.asm mulredc16.asm mulredc17.asm mulredc18.asm \
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/Makefile.am:5:          mulredc19.asm mulredc20.asm
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/Makefile.am:12:# This library definition also causes the mulredc[n].asm and redc.asm files 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/Makefile.am-13-# to go in the distribution - no need for having them in EXTRA_DIST
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/Makefile.am:22:# The asm code does not depend on any libraries except libc for abort()
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/Makefile.am-23-# if assertions are enabled
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/Makefile.am:28:	$(M4) -I../ -DOPERATION_$* `test -f $< || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$< >$*.s
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/Makefile.am:30:	$(M4) -I../ -DOPERATION_$* `test -f $< || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$< >$*.S
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/README:1:mulredc[1..20].s are size-specific asm code for mulredc.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/README-2-These are generated by the Python script autogen.py. In order to avoid
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/README:11:This asm code uses MMX/SSE2 instructions and might not work on old x86
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/README-12-computers. If you have this problem, you should reconfigure with
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/README:15:redc.asm is a version of redc separated from the multiplication, since
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/README-16-there are cases where it is needed.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/Makefile.dev-14-redc.s: redc.asm
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/Makefile.dev:15:	m4 redc.asm > redc.s
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/Makefile.dev:35:	rm redc.s *.o mulredc[0-9]*.s mulredc[0-9]*.asm test_mulredc
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:7:def offaddr(addr, offset):
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py-8-	if offset == 0:
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:13:# Generate asm for addmul1_k
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py-14-# src and dst are pointers (stored in regs) + offsets
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py-18-def addmul1_k(src, off_src, dst, off_dst, mult, k):
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:19:	init = "### addmul1: src[0] is " + offaddr(src, off_src) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:20:	init = init + "###          dst[0] is " + offaddr(dst, off_dst) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py-21-	init = init + "###          mult is " + mult + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py-24-	init = init + "###   dst[0,k[ += mult*src[0,k[  plus carry put in ecx or ebx\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:25:	init = init + "	movl	" + offaddr(src, off_src) + ", %eax\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py-26-	init = init + "	mull	" + mult + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py-45-		blocki = re.sub('__cyhi__', cyhi, blocki)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:46:		blocki = re.sub('__xii__', offaddr(src, off_src+(i+1)*4), blocki)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:47:		blocki = re.sub('__zi__', offaddr(dst, off_dst+i*4), blocki)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py-48-		blocki = re.sub('__mult__', mult, blocki)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:54:	final = "	addl	" + cylo + ", " + offaddr(dst, off_dst+4*(k-1)) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py-55-	final = final + "	adcl	$0, " + cyhi + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py-63-def addmul1_k_var(src, off_src, dst, off_dst, mult, k):
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:64:	init = "### addmul1: src[0] is " + offaddr(src, off_src) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:65:	init = init + "###          dst[0] is " + offaddr(dst, off_dst) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py-66-	init = init + "###          mult is " + mult + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py-85-	for i in range(0,k):
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:86:		blocki = re.sub('__xi__', offaddr(src, off_src+i*4), block)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:87:		blocki = re.sub('__zi__', offaddr(dst, off_dst+i*4), blocki)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py-88-		code = code + blocki
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:124:	INV_M  = offaddr("%esp", 4*(2*k+1) + 40)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:125:	ADDR_M = offaddr("%esp", 4*(2*k+1) + 36)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:126:	ADDR_Y = offaddr("%esp", 4*(2*k+1) + 32)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:127:	ADDR_X = offaddr("%esp", 4*(2*k+1) + 28)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:128:	ADDR_Z = offaddr("%esp", 4*(2*k+1) + 24)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py-138-	for i in range(0,2*k+1):
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:139:		init = init + "	movl	$0, " + offaddr("%edi", 4*i) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py-143-	middle_code = "###########################################\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:144:	middle_code = middle_code + "	movl	$" + str(k) + ", " + offaddr("%esp", 4*(2*k+1)) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py-145-	middle_code = middle_code + """
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py-161-	middle_code = middle_code + codeaddmul
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:162:	middle_code = middle_code + "	addl	" + carry + ", " + offaddr("%edi", 4*k) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:163:	middle_code = middle_code + "	adcl	$0, " + offaddr("%edi", 4*(k+1)) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py-164-	middle_code = middle_code + "	movl	" + ADDR_X + ", %eax\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py-168-	middle_code = middle_code + codeaddmul
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:169:	middle_code = middle_code + "   addl    " + carry + ", " + offaddr("%edi", 4*k) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:170:	middle_code = middle_code + "   adcl    $0, " + offaddr("%edi", 4*(k+1)) + "\n\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py-171-	middle_code = middle_code + "	addl	$4, " + ADDR_X + "\n	addl	$4, %edi\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:172:	middle_code = middle_code + "	decl	" + offaddr("%esp", 4*(2*k+1)) + "\n	jnz	Loop\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py-173-	code = code + middle_code
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py-178-	for i in range(0,k):
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:179:		final = final + "	movl	" + offaddr("%edi", 4*i) + ", %eax\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:180:		final = final + "	movl	%eax, " + offaddr("%ebx", 4*i) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py:181:	final = final + "	movl	" + offaddr("%edi", 4*k) + ", %eax	# carry\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/pentium4/autogen.py-182-	final = final + "	addl    $" + str(4*(2*k+2)) + ", %esp\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/Makefile.am:1:MULREDC = mulredc1.asm mulredc2.asm mulredc3.asm mulredc4.asm mulredc5.asm \
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/Makefile.am:2:          mulredc6.asm mulredc7.asm mulredc8.asm mulredc9.asm mulredc10.asm \
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/Makefile.am:3:          mulredc11.asm mulredc12.asm mulredc13.asm mulredc14.asm \
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/Makefile.am:4:          mulredc15.asm mulredc16.asm mulredc17.asm mulredc18.asm \
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/Makefile.am:5:          mulredc19.asm mulredc20.asm
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/Makefile.am:13:# This library definition also causes the mulredc[n].asm and redc.asm files 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/Makefile.am-14-# to go in the distribution - no need for having them in EXTRA_DIST
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/Makefile.am:23:# The asm code does not depend on any libraries except libc for abort()
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/Makefile.am-24-# if assertions are enabled
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/Makefile.am:28:# Rules for generating the .asm files from the .m4 scripts
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/Makefile.am-29-mulredc1.asm: mulredc_1_2.m4
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/Makefile.am:71:	$(M4) -I../ -DOPERATION_$* `test -f $< || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$< >$*.s
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/Makefile.am:73:#	$(M4) -I../ -DOPERATION_$* `test -f $< || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$< >$*.S
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/README:6:mulredc[1..20].asm are size-specific asm functions for mulredc.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/README-7-Sizes 1 and 2 may be regenerated by the m4 script mulredc_1_2.m4. 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/README:27:redc.asm is a version of redc separated from the multiplication, since
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/README-28-there are cases where it is needed.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/redc.asm:37:dnl Use `C' to remove comments in .asm -> .s conversion.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/redc.asm-38-dnl Copied from GMP 4.2.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/Makefile.dev-14-redc.s: redc.asm
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/Makefile.dev:15:	m4 -I../ redc.asm > redc.s
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/Makefile.dev:41:	rm redc.s *.o mulredc[0-9]*.s mulredc[0-9]*.asm test_mulredc
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/mulredc_1_2.m4:22:dnl Use `C' to remove comments in .asm -> .s conversion.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/mulredc_1_2.m4-23-dnl Copied from GMP 4.2.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/mulredc_1_2.m4:51:define(`forloop', `pushdef(`$1', `$2')_forloop(`$1', `$2', `$3', `$4')popdef(`$1')')
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/mulredc_1_2.m4:53:       `$4`'ifelse($1, `$3', ,
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/mulredc_1_2.m4:54:                         `define(`$1', incr($1))_forloop(`$1', `$2', `$3', `$4')')')
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/mulredc.m4:22:dnl Use `C' to remove comments in .asm -> .s conversion.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/mulredc.m4-23-dnl Copied from GMP 4.2.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/mulredc.m4:42:define(`forloop', `pushdef(`$1', `$2')_forloop(`$1', `$2', `$3', `$4')popdef(`$1')')
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/mulredc.m4:44:       `$4`'ifelse($1, `$3', ,
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/powerpc64/mulredc.m4:45:                         `define(`$1', incr($1))_forloop(`$1', `$2', `$3', `$4')')')
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/Makefile.am:1:MULREDC = mulredc1.asm mulredc2.asm mulredc3.asm mulredc4.asm mulredc5.asm mulredc6.asm \
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/Makefile.am:2:          mulredc7.asm mulredc8.asm mulredc9.asm mulredc10.asm mulredc11.asm \
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/Makefile.am:3:          mulredc12.asm mulredc13.asm mulredc14.asm mulredc15.asm mulredc16.asm \
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/Makefile.am:4:          mulredc17.asm mulredc18.asm mulredc19.asm mulredc20.asm
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/Makefile.am:5:MULREDC1 = mulredc1_2.asm mulredc1_3.asm mulredc1_4.asm mulredc1_5.asm \
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/Makefile.am:6:           mulredc1_6.asm mulredc1_7.asm mulredc1_8.asm mulredc1_9.asm mulredc1_10.asm \
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/Makefile.am:7:           mulredc1_11.asm mulredc1_12.asm mulredc1_13.asm mulredc1_14.asm \
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/Makefile.am:8:           mulredc1_15.asm mulredc1_16.asm mulredc1_17.asm mulredc1_18.asm \
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/Makefile.am:9:           mulredc1_19.asm mulredc1_20.asm
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/Makefile.am-10-EXTRA_DIST = autogen.py generate_all mulredc.m4 mulredc1.m4
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/Makefile.am:15:# This library definition also causes the mulredc[n].asm and mulredc1_[n].asm
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/Makefile.am-16-# files to go in the distribution - no need for having them in EXTRA_DIST
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/Makefile.am:24:# The asm code does not depend on any libraries except libc for abort()
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/Makefile.am-25-# if assertions are enabled
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/Makefile.am:109:	$(M4) -I../ -DOPERATION_$* `test -f $< || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$< >$*.s
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/Makefile.am-110-# Nothing here needs the C preprocessor, and including this rule causes
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/Makefile.am:114:#	$(M4) -I../ -DOPERATION_$* `test -f $< || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$< >$*.S
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/README:1:mulredc[1..20].asm are size-specific asm functions for mulredc.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/README-2-These are generated by the Python autogen.py script (old version, still
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc2.asm-9-# This stuff is run through M4 twice, first when generating the
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc2.asm:10:# mulredc*.asm files from the mulredc.m4 file (when preparing the distro)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc2.asm:11:# and again when generating the mulredc*.s files from the mulredc*.asm files
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc2.asm-12-# when the user compiles the program.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc3.asm-9-# This stuff is run through M4 twice, first when generating the
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc3.asm:10:# mulredc*.asm files from the mulredc.m4 file (when preparing the distro)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc3.asm:11:# and again when generating the mulredc*.s files from the mulredc*.asm files
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc3.asm-12-# when the user compiles the program.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc4.asm-9-# This stuff is run through M4 twice, first when generating the
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc4.asm:10:# mulredc*.asm files from the mulredc.m4 file (when preparing the distro)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc4.asm:11:# and again when generating the mulredc*.s files from the mulredc*.asm files
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc4.asm-12-# when the user compiles the program.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc5.asm-9-# This stuff is run through M4 twice, first when generating the
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc5.asm:10:# mulredc*.asm files from the mulredc.m4 file (when preparing the distro)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc5.asm:11:# and again when generating the mulredc*.s files from the mulredc*.asm files
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc5.asm-12-# when the user compiles the program.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc6.asm-9-# This stuff is run through M4 twice, first when generating the
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc6.asm:10:# mulredc*.asm files from the mulredc.m4 file (when preparing the distro)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc6.asm:11:# and again when generating the mulredc*.s files from the mulredc*.asm files
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc6.asm-12-# when the user compiles the program.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc7.asm-9-# This stuff is run through M4 twice, first when generating the
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc7.asm:10:# mulredc*.asm files from the mulredc.m4 file (when preparing the distro)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc7.asm:11:# and again when generating the mulredc*.s files from the mulredc*.asm files
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc7.asm-12-# when the user compiles the program.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc8.asm-9-# This stuff is run through M4 twice, first when generating the
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc8.asm:10:# mulredc*.asm files from the mulredc.m4 file (when preparing the distro)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc8.asm:11:# and again when generating the mulredc*.s files from the mulredc*.asm files
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc8.asm-12-# when the user compiles the program.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc9.asm-9-# This stuff is run through M4 twice, first when generating the
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc9.asm:10:# mulredc*.asm files from the mulredc.m4 file (when preparing the distro)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc9.asm:11:# and again when generating the mulredc*.s files from the mulredc*.asm files
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc9.asm-12-# when the user compiles the program.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc10.asm-9-# This stuff is run through M4 twice, first when generating the
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc10.asm:10:# mulredc*.asm files from the mulredc.m4 file (when preparing the distro)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc10.asm:11:# and again when generating the mulredc*.s files from the mulredc*.asm files
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc10.asm-12-# when the user compiles the program.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc11.asm-9-# This stuff is run through M4 twice, first when generating the
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc11.asm:10:# mulredc*.asm files from the mulredc.m4 file (when preparing the distro)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc11.asm:11:# and again when generating the mulredc*.s files from the mulredc*.asm files
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc11.asm-12-# when the user compiles the program.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc12.asm-9-# This stuff is run through M4 twice, first when generating the
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc12.asm:10:# mulredc*.asm files from the mulredc.m4 file (when preparing the distro)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc12.asm:11:# and again when generating the mulredc*.s files from the mulredc*.asm files
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc12.asm-12-# when the user compiles the program.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc13.asm-9-# This stuff is run through M4 twice, first when generating the
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc13.asm:10:# mulredc*.asm files from the mulredc.m4 file (when preparing the distro)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc13.asm:11:# and again when generating the mulredc*.s files from the mulredc*.asm files
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc13.asm-12-# when the user compiles the program.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc14.asm-9-# This stuff is run through M4 twice, first when generating the
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc14.asm:10:# mulredc*.asm files from the mulredc.m4 file (when preparing the distro)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc14.asm:11:# and again when generating the mulredc*.s files from the mulredc*.asm files
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc14.asm-12-# when the user compiles the program.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc15.asm-9-# This stuff is run through M4 twice, first when generating the
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc15.asm:10:# mulredc*.asm files from the mulredc.m4 file (when preparing the distro)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc15.asm:11:# and again when generating the mulredc*.s files from the mulredc*.asm files
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc15.asm-12-# when the user compiles the program.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc16.asm-9-# This stuff is run through M4 twice, first when generating the
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc16.asm:10:# mulredc*.asm files from the mulredc.m4 file (when preparing the distro)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc16.asm:11:# and again when generating the mulredc*.s files from the mulredc*.asm files
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc16.asm-12-# when the user compiles the program.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc17.asm-9-# This stuff is run through M4 twice, first when generating the
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc17.asm:10:# mulredc*.asm files from the mulredc.m4 file (when preparing the distro)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc17.asm:11:# and again when generating the mulredc*.s files from the mulredc*.asm files
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc17.asm-12-# when the user compiles the program.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc18.asm-9-# This stuff is run through M4 twice, first when generating the
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc18.asm:10:# mulredc*.asm files from the mulredc.m4 file (when preparing the distro)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc18.asm:11:# and again when generating the mulredc*.s files from the mulredc*.asm files
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc18.asm-12-# when the user compiles the program.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc19.asm-9-# This stuff is run through M4 twice, first when generating the
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc19.asm:10:# mulredc*.asm files from the mulredc.m4 file (when preparing the distro)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc19.asm:11:# and again when generating the mulredc*.s files from the mulredc*.asm files
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc19.asm-12-# when the user compiles the program.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc20.asm-9-# This stuff is run through M4 twice, first when generating the
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc20.asm:10:# mulredc*.asm files from the mulredc.m4 file (when preparing the distro)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc20.asm:11:# and again when generating the mulredc*.s files from the mulredc*.asm files
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc20.asm-12-# when the user compiles the program.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:7:def offaddr(addr, offset):
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-8-	if offset == 0:
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:13:# Generate asm for addmul1_k
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-14-# src and dst are pointers (stored in regs) + offsets
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-20-def addmul1_k(src, off_src, dst, off_dst, mult, k):
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:21:	init = "### addmul1: src[0] is " + offaddr(src, off_src) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:22:	init = init + "###          dst[0] is " + offaddr(dst, off_dst) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-23-	init = init + "###          mult is " + mult + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-26-	init = init + "###   dst[0,k[ += mult*src[0,k[  plus carry put in rcx or rbx\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:27:	init = init + "	movq	" + offaddr(src, off_src) + ", %rax\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-28-	init = init + "	mulq	" + mult + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-47-		blocki = re.sub('__cyhi__', cyhi, blocki)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:48:		blocki = re.sub('__xii__', offaddr(src, off_src+(i+1)*8), blocki)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:49:		blocki = re.sub('__zi__', offaddr(dst, off_dst+i*8), blocki)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-50-		blocki = re.sub('__mult__', mult, blocki)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:56:	final = "	addq	" + cylo + ", " + offaddr(dst, off_dst+8*(k-1)) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-57-	final = final + "	adcq	$0, " + cyhi + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-66-def mul1_k(src, off_src, dst, off_dst, mult, k):
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:67:	init = "### mul1: src[0] is " + offaddr(src, off_src) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:68:	init = init + "###          dst[0] is " + offaddr(dst, off_dst) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-69-	init = init + "###          mult is " + mult + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-72-	init = init + "###   dst[0,k[ = mult*src[0,k[  plus carry put in rcx or rbx\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:73:	init = init + "	movq	" + offaddr(src, off_src) + ", %rax\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-74-	init = init + "	mulq	" + mult + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-93-		blocki = re.sub('__cyhi__', cyhi, blocki)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:94:		blocki = re.sub('__xii__', offaddr(src, off_src+(i+1)*8), blocki)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:95:		blocki = re.sub('__zi__', offaddr(dst, off_dst+i*8), blocki)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-96-		blocki = re.sub('__mult__', mult, blocki)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:102:	final = "	movq	" + cylo + ", " + offaddr(dst, off_dst+8*(k-1)) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-103-	final = final + "### carry limb is in " + cyhi + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-140-	for i in range(0,2*k+1):
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:141:		init = init + "	movq	$0, " + offaddr("%rsp", 8*i) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-158-	middle_code = middle_code + codeaddmul
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:159:	middle_code = middle_code + "	addq	" + carry + ", " + offaddr("%rsp", 8*k) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:160:	middle_code = middle_code + "	adcq	$0, " + offaddr("%rsp", 8*(k+1)) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-161-	middle_code = middle_code + "	movq	(%rsi), %r9\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-163-	middle_code = middle_code + codeaddmul
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:164:	middle_code = middle_code + "   addq    " + carry + ", " + offaddr("%rsp", 8*k) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:165:	middle_code = middle_code + "   adcq    $0, " + offaddr("%rsp", 8*(k+1)) + "\n\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-166-	middle_code = middle_code + """
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-176-	for i in range(0,k):
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:177:		final = final + "	movq	" + offaddr("%rsp", 8*i) + ", %rax\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:178:		final = final + "	movq	%rax, " + offaddr("%rdi", 8*i) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:179:	final = final + "	movq	" + offaddr("%rsp", 8*k) + ", %rax	# carry\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-180-	final = final + "	addq    $" + str(8*(k+1)) + ", %rsp\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-221-	for i in range(0,2*k+1):
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:222:		init = init + "	movq	$0, " + offaddr("%rsp", 8*i) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-229-		blocki = blocki + "### Compute u and store in %r9\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:230:		blocki = blocki + "	movq	" + offaddr("%rsi", 8*i) + ", %rax\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-231-		blocki = blocki + "	mulq	(%r11)\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:232:		blocki = blocki + "	addq	" + offaddr("%rsp", 8*i) + ", %rax\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-233-		blocki = blocki + "	mulq	%r8\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-237-		blocki = blocki + codeaddmul
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:238:		blocki = blocki + "	addq	" + carry + ", " + offaddr("%rsp", 8*(k+i)) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:239:		blocki = blocki + "	adcq	$0, " + offaddr("%rsp", 8*(k+i+1)) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:240:		blocki = blocki + "	movq	" + offaddr("%rsi", 8*i) + ", %r9\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-241-		codeaddmul, carry = addmul1_k("%r11", 0, "%rsp", 8*i, "%r9", k)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-242-		blocki = blocki + codeaddmul
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:243:		blocki = blocki + "	addq	" + carry + ", " + offaddr("%rsp", 8*(k+i)) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:244:		blocki = blocki + "	adcq	$0, " + offaddr("%rsp", 8*(k+i+1)) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-245-		code = code + blocki
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-249-	for i in range(0,k):
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:250:		final = final + "	movq	" + offaddr("%rsp", 8*(k+i)) + ", %rax\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:251:		final = final + "	movq	%rax, " + offaddr("%rdi", 8*i) + "\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py:252:	final = final + "	movq	" + offaddr("%rsp", 16*k) + ", %rax	# carry\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/autogen.py-253-	final = final + "	addq    $" + str(8*(2*k+1)) + ", %rsp\n"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc.m4-9-# This stuff is run through M4 twice, first when generating the
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc.m4:10:# mulredc*.asm files from the mulredc.m4 file (when preparing the distro)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc.m4:11:# and again when generating the mulredc*.s files from the mulredc*.asm files
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc.m4-12-# when the user compiles the program.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc.m4:24:define(`forloop', `pushdef(`$1', `$2')_forloop(`$1', `$2', `$3', `$4')popdef(`$1')')
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc.m4:26:       `ifelse(eval($1 <= `$3'), 1, 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc.m4:27:            `$4'`define(`$1', incr($1))_forloop(`$1', `$2', `$3', `$4')')')
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc1.m4-10-# forloop(i, from, to, stmt)dnl
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc1.m4:11:define(`forloop', `pushdef(`$1', `$2')_forloop(`$1', `$2', `$3', `$4')popdef(`$1')')dnl
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc1.m4:13:       `ifelse(eval($1 <= `$3'), 1, 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/x86_64/mulredc1.m4:14:            `$4'`define(`$1', incr($1))_forloop(`$1', `$2', `$3', `$4')')')dnl
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/Makefile.am-46-		   aprtcle/mpz_aprcl.c
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/Makefile.am:47:# Link the asm redc code (if we use it) into libecm.la
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/Makefile.am-48-libecm_la_CPPFLAGS = $(MULREDCINCPATH)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/acinclude.m4-86-dnl  macros.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/acinclude.m4-88-``bad: $][# not supported (SunOS /usr/bin/m4)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/acinclude.m4-108-      echo "trying $ac_dir/m4" >&AC_FD_CC
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/acinclude.m4:109:      gmp_tmp_val=`($ac_dir/m4 conftest.m4) 2>&AC_FD_CC`
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/acinclude.m4-110-      echo "$gmp_tmp_val" >&AC_FD_CC
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/acinclude.m4:271:echo ["include($1)"] >> $gmp_tmpconfigm4
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/acinclude.m4:357:  asm volatile (
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/acinclude.m4-358-    "movdqu %0, %%xmm0\n\t"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/acinclude.m4-612-dnl can be compiled/assembled with -Wa,--noexecstack.  It does not determine
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/acinclude.m4:613:dnl if that command-line option has any effect on general asm code.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/configure.ac:73:[AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-asm-redc], [use an asm redc (default=yes on x86_64 and powerpc64/elf, no on others)])])
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/configure.ac-120-       if $cpp $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext 2> /dev/null > conftest.out; then
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/configure.ac:121:         GMP_CC="`$EGREP MPFR_OPTION_CC conftest.out | $SED -e 's/MPFR_OPTION_CC //g' | $SED -e 's/"//g'`"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/configure.ac:122:         GMP_CFLAGS="`$EGREP MPFR_OPTION_CFLAGS conftest.out | $SED -e 's/MPFR_OPTION_CFLAGS //g'| $SED -e 's/"//g'`"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/configure.ac-123-         echo "Success, GMP_CC=$GMP_CC, GMP_CFLAGS=$GMP_CFLAGS" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/configure.ac:213:# Enable asm redc code #
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/configure.ac-215-# If --(en|dis)able-asm-redc not specified, choose default value
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/configure.ac:216:# Test if asm redc code is available for this cpu.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/configure.ac-217-# Point ASMPATH to the correct subdirectory.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/configure.ac-253-    powerpc64-*-linux*)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/configure.ac:254:			  ECM_INCLUDE([<"$srcdir"/powerpc64/powerpc-defs.m4>])
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/configure.ac-255-			  ASMPATH=powerpc64;;
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/configure.ac-258-    		   	  ASMPATH=athlon;;
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/configure.ac:259:    *) AC_MSG_ERROR([[asm redc not available on this machine $host]]);;
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/configure.ac-260-  esac
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/configure.ac-264-# do the necessary definitions and includes
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/configure.ac:265:  AC_DEFINE([USE_ASM_REDC],1,[Define to 1 to use asm redc])
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/configure.ac-266-  test "x$CCAS" != x || CCAS="$CC -c"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/configure.ac-282-      echo "WARNING: Your processor is recognized as Pentium3."
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/configure.ac:283:      echo "         The asm code uses SSE2, and therefore it might"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/configure.ac-284-      echo "         fail if your proc is indeed a P3, and not a"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/configure.ac-686-if test "x$enable_asm_redc" = xyes; then
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/configure.ac:687:  AC_MSG_NOTICE([Using asm redc code from directory $ASMPATH])
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/configure.ac:689:  AC_MSG_NOTICE([Not using asm redc code])
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h-91-   LONGLONG_STANDALONE -- Avoid code that needs machine-dependent support files
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h:92:   NO_ASM -- Disable inline asm
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h:111:/* Define auxiliary asm macros.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h-159-   For add_ssaaaa the two high and two low addends can both commute, but
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h:160:   unfortunately gcc only supports one "%" commutative in each asm block.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h-161-   This has always been so but is only documented in recent versions
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h-186-   chips they're merely libgcc calls, where we will instead want an inline
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h:187:   in that case (either asm or generic C).
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h:189:   These builtins are better than an asm block of the same insn, since an
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h:190:   asm block doesn't give gcc any information about scheduling or resource
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h:191:   usage.  We keep an asm block for use on prior versions of gcc though.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h-227-/* FIXME: The macros using external routines like __MPN(count_leading_zeros)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h:228:   don't need to be under !NO_ASM */
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h-229-#if ! defined (NO_ASM)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h-289-#define ALPHA_CMPBGE_0(dst, src)					\
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h:290:  do { asm ("cmpbge $31, %1, %0" : "=r" (dst) : "r" (src)); } while (0)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h-291-/* Zero bytes are turned into bits with cmpbge, a __clz_tab lookup counts
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h:907:/* On x86 and x86_64, every asm implicitly clobbers "flags" and "fpsr",
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h-908-   so we don't need __CLOBBER_CC.  */
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h:942:   The asm block sets __shift to -3 if the high 24 bits are clear, -2 for
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h-943-   16, -1 for 8, or 0 otherwise.  This could be written equivalently as
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h-1015-  } while (0)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h:1016:#endif /* gcc<3 asm bsrl */
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h-1025-  } while (0)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h:1026:#endif /* asm bsrl */
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h-1037-  } while (0)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h:1038:#endif /* asm bsfl */
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h:1936:#endif /* NO_ASM */
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h:2196:/* clz_tab needed by mpn/x86/pentium/mod_1.asm in a fat binary */
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h-2197-#if HAVE_HOST_CPU_FAMILY_x86 && WANT_FAT_BINARY
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h-2206-#if !defined (COUNT_LEADING_ZEROS_SLOW)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h:2207:/* Define count_trailing_zeros using an asm count_leading_zeros.  */
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/longlong.h-2208-#define count_trailing_zeros(count, x)					\
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ecm.1:497:Alexander Kruppa <(lastname)al@loria\&.fr> contributed estimates for probability of success for ECM, the new P+1 and P\-1 stage 2 (with P\&.\-L\&. Montgomery), new AMD64 asm mulredc code, and some other things;
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:542:added (sse2) clobber field in asm volatile test
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:1936:the *asm files should still be distributed in case m4 is not available
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:1951:auto-generated asm files do not need to be distributed!
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:4073:Put in STRING(x) macro again, is used by SSE2 asm code
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:4793:GPU: Make all asm line volatile. Allow compilation with CUDA 5.0.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:7711:Rewrite #define for asm statement.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:9801:Better asm code for AMD cpus
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog-10133-Removed linker flags from LDADD to avoid spurious dependencies
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:10134:Include mulredc in libecm.la only if asm redc is actually used
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog-10408-Small changes to make building outside of the source directory work.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:10409:Make libmulredc.a depend on config.m4 in all asm subdirectories.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog-10448-Fixed incorrect reading of inv_m from the stack.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:10449:No longer include x86_64/redc.asm in build or distribution.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog-10477-.S files which cause trouble on case-insensitive filesystems.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:10478:Removed mulredc*.asm files from SVN as these are generated code.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:10479:Added rules to Makefile.am to generate the mulredc*.asm files.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog-10555-New threshold for tuning: TUNE_MULREDC_THRESH, determines when to switch
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:10556:from asm mulredc*() functions to GMP
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog-10557-Changed functions called by mpres_mul() to reduce call overhead
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:10565:Make asm code switch to Windows 64 ABI if WINDOWS64_ABI is defined 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog-10566-in config.m4. Completely untested. mulredc1.m4 is to be done yet
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:10589:Commented out .asm -> .S rule to avoid problems on case-insensitive 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog-10632-it produces a 32 bit build seemingly successfully, but the 64-bit mulredc 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:10633:asm code produces incorrect arithmetic.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:10807:Enable asm mulredc by default only on x86_64 and 64 bit PowerPC
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog-10808-Check for GSL
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:10975:Cleanup of tests for asm redc code, test list of cpu types only once
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog-10976-Print configuration at end of configure
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:11329:MacOS assembler doesn't like binary constants in asm code, replaced by hex.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog-11330-Patch supplied by "jedirock" on mersenneforum.org
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog-11403-New config.guess don't call a Pentium 4 "pentium4" any more, but "i786",
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:11404:the corresponding case was missing in the first test for asm eligibility.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog-11405-And autoconf changes the m4 quote characters from ` and ' to [ and ], 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:11519:Added i686-apple-darwin* to list of hosts that understand asm code
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:11789:incorporated asm redc code for powerpc64 from Philip McLaughlin (still to be
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:12180:update YASM assembler files to match main trunk changes
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:12224:Slight improvement to asm code, suggested by Torbjorn
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog-12346-Added sp_add() C code for modulus with MSB=0, fixed comments for 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:12347:sp_add() asm macro
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:12715:Add short description of how to use YASM with VC++ for assembler support and mention Python tests file
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:12743:Added YASM assembler code for AMD64 VC++ build
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:13046:Fixed bug in MPN_FFT_STORE: the non-asm version wrote too little data 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog-13047-due to bad pointer type.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:13306:Re-wrote asm macro for sp_add, sp_sub. Fixes (I hope!) a subtle bug
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog-13307-in operand constraints (edx could be used as input operand in spite of 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:13382:Added comment on generating mulredc{1,2}.asm from Python script
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:13391:Updated Makefiles/scripts to make mulredc asm code from autogen.py/mulredc.m4
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:13398:mulredc1.asm as generated by Python script (without my old comment edits)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:14004:Fixed m4 quotes to allow generation of .asm files (which get processed 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog-14005-by m4 again during compilation)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog-15269-	When asm-redc is enabled, check whether the computer is not too hold,
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:15270:	because the default asm code needs at least a PPro or a k7.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog-15325-	  modified
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:15326:	Redc and combined Mul/Redc in asm for different archi (p4, athlon,
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog-15327-	amd64)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog-15817-	* trunk/redc.asm: deleted
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ChangeLog:15818:	Renamed redc.asm to redc.s
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/NEWS-87-* Improved conversion from mpz_t to residue number system in NTT code
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/NEWS:88:* Better asm code for AMD cpus
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/NEWS-89-* Use of GMP's mpn_mullo_n and mpn_redc_2 when available
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/NEWS-100-  (and presumably other systems)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/NEWS:101:* Allow use of x86_64 asm code under MinGW
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/NEWS-104-* Fixed incompatibility with GMP 4.3.0 when testing version in configure
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/NEWS:105:* SSE2 asm code for Visual C added in stage 2 NTT code
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/NEWS:106:* Small improvement to x86_64 mulredc asm code, slight speedup on Core 2
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/NEWS-107-* Fixed incorrect carry propagation in subquadratic REDC code which
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/TODO-60-- use mpn_addmul_2, mpn_addmul_4 in the basecase REDC [for machines
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/TODO:61:  where it exists]. ASM code should perhaps be moved into GMP.
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/TODO-62-- try McLaughlin's algorithm for Montgomery's modular multiplication
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/spv.c:139:  asm volatile (
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/spv.c-140-       "movd %6, %%xmm6            \n\t"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/spv.c:295:  asm volatile (
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/spv.c-296-       "movd %2, %%xmm4            \n\t"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ntt_gfp.c:33:  asm volatile (
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ntt_gfp.c-34-       "movd %6, %%xmm6            \n\t"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ntt_gfp.c:363:  asm volatile (
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ntt_gfp.c-364-       "movd %6, %%xmm6            \n\t"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/cudakernel.cu-297-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/cudakernel.cu:298:#  define ASM asm volatile
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/cudakernel.cu:300:#  define ASM asm __volatile__
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/cudakernel.cu:303:#define __add_cc(r,a,b) ASM ("add.cc.u32 %0, %1, %2;": "=r"(r): "r"(a), "r"(b)) 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/cudakernel.cu:304:#define __addc_cc(r,a,b) ASM ("addc.cc.u32 %0, %1, %2;": "=r"(r): "r"(a), "r"(b))
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/cudakernel.cu:305:#define __sub_cc(r,a,b) ASM ("sub.cc.u32 %0, %1, %2;": "=r"(r): "r"(a), "r"(b)) 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/cudakernel.cu:307:#define __addcy(carry) ASM ("addc.s32 %0, 0, 0;": "=r"(carry)) 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/cudakernel.cu:308:#define __addcy2(carry) ASM ("addc.cc.s32 %0, %0, 0;": "+r"(carry)) 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/cudakernel.cu:310:#define __subcy(carry) ASM ("subc.s32 %0, 0, 0;": "=r"(carry)) 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/cudakernel.cu:311:#define __subcy2(carry) ASM ("subc.s32 %0, %0, 0;": "+r"(carry)) 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ecm.xml-706-the new P+1 and P-1 stage 2 (with P.-L. Montgomery), 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ecm.xml:707:new AMD64 asm mulredc code, and some other things;</para>
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/ecm.xml-708-<para>Dave Newman &lt;david.(lastname)@jesus.ox.ac.uk&gt;
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/cudakernel_default.cu-103-  unsigned int thp1= (threadIdx.x + 1) % ECM_GPU_NB_DIGITS;
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/cudakernel_default.cu:104:  asm ("add.cc.u32 %0, %1, %1;" : "=r"(r[threadIdx.x]) : "r"(a[threadIdx.x]));
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/cudakernel_default.cu-105-  __addcy2(r[thp1]);
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/config.h:177:/* Define to 1 to use asm redc on x86 or x86_64 */
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/config.h-178-#  define NATIVE_REDC   1         
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/readme.txt-5-If you wish to build the assembler code support you will need to 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/readme.txt:6:install the YASM assembler that is available at:
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/readme.txt-45-It has full support for building MPIR for 32 and 64 bit Windows systems 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/readme.txt:46:with x86 assembler support using the YASM assembler.  
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/readme.txt-104-   use the win32 AMD assembler files, you also have to use the 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/readme.txt:105:   Visual Studio property page to define AMD_ASM (alternatively
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/readme.txt:106:   you can edit the two files mulredc.asm and redc.asm in the 
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/readme.txt-107-   build.vc11\assembler\ directory to include the AMD assembler).
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/vsyasm.targets-26-      Condition="'@(SelectedFiles)' != ''">
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/vsyasm.targets:27:      <YASM
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/vsyasm.targets-28-        Remove="@(YASM)"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/vsyasm.targets-44-      Lines="^%(YASM_tlog.Source);@(YASM_tlog->'%(Fullpath)')" />
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/vsyasm.targets:45:    <YASM
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/vsyasm.targets-46-      Condition="'@(YASM)' != '' and '%(YASM.ExcludedFromBuild)' != 'true'"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/vsyasm.xml-5-    PageTemplate="tool"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/vsyasm.xml:6:    DisplayName="Yasm Assembler"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/vsyasm.xml-7-    Order="200">
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/vsyasm.xml-164-        Name="0"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/vsyasm.xml:165:        DisplayName="Nasm "
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/vsyasm.xml-166-        Switch="-rnasm" />
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/vsyasm.xml-274-    Name="YASM"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/vsyasm.xml:275:    DisplayName="Yasm Assembler" />
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/vsyasm.xml-276-  <FileExtension
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/vsyasm.xml-280-    Name="YASM"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/vsyasm.xml:281:    DisplayName="Yasm Assembler"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/vsyasm.xml-282-    ItemType="YASM" />
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/assembler/Makefile.am:1:EXTRA_DIST = a_win32a_mulredc.asm a_win32a_redc.asm a_win32p_mulredc.asm \
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/assembler/Makefile.am:2:             a_win32p_redc.asm a_x64_mulredc.asm a_x64_redc.asm \
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/assembler/Makefile.am:3:             test_mulredc.c mulredc.h mulredc.asm redc.asm
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/assembler/mulredc.asm-3-%include "a_x64_mulredc.asm"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/assembler/mulredc.asm:4:%elifdef AMD_ASM
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/assembler/mulredc.asm-5-%include "a_win32a_mulredc.asm"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/assembler/redc.asm-2-%include "a_x64_redc.asm"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/assembler/redc.asm:3:%elif AMD_ASM
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/assembler/redc.asm-4-%include "a_win32a_redc.asm"
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/libecm/libecm.vcxproj-168-  <ItemGroup>
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/libecm/libecm.vcxproj:169:    <YASM Include="..\assembler\mulredc.asm" />
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/libecm/libecm.vcxproj:170:    <YASM Include="..\assembler\redc.asm" />
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/libecm/libecm.vcxproj-171-  </ItemGroup>
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/libecm/libecm.vcxproj.filters-16-  <ItemGroup>
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/libecm/libecm.vcxproj.filters:17:    <YASM Include="..\assembler\mulredc.asm">
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/libecm/libecm.vcxproj.filters-18-      <Filter>Source Files\Assembler</Filter>
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/libecm/libecm.vcxproj.filters-19-    </YASM>
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/libecm/libecm.vcxproj.filters:20:    <YASM Include="..\assembler\redc.asm">
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/libecm/libecm.vcxproj.filters-21-      <Filter>Source Files\Assembler</Filter>
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/libecm_gpu/libecm_gpu.vcxproj-227-  <ItemGroup>
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/libecm_gpu/libecm_gpu.vcxproj:228:    <YASM Include="..\assembler\mulredc.asm" />
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/libecm_gpu/libecm_gpu.vcxproj:229:    <YASM Include="..\assembler\redc.asm" />
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/libecm_gpu/libecm_gpu.vcxproj-230-  </ItemGroup>
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/libecm_gpu/libecm_gpu.vcxproj.filters-169-  <ItemGroup>
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/libecm_gpu/libecm_gpu.vcxproj.filters:170:    <YASM Include="..\assembler\mulredc.asm">
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/libecm_gpu/libecm_gpu.vcxproj.filters-171-      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/libecm_gpu/libecm_gpu.vcxproj.filters-172-    </YASM>
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/libecm_gpu/libecm_gpu.vcxproj.filters:173:    <YASM Include="..\assembler\redc.asm">
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/libecm_gpu/libecm_gpu.vcxproj.filters-174-      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/tune/tune.vcxproj-114-  <ItemGroup>
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/tune/tune.vcxproj:115:    <YASM Include="..\assembler\mulredc.asm" />
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/tune/tune.vcxproj:116:    <YASM Include="..\assembler\redc.asm" />
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/tune/tune.vcxproj-117-  </ItemGroup>
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/tune/tune.vcxproj.filters-16-  <ItemGroup>
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/tune/tune.vcxproj.filters:17:    <YASM Include="..\assembler\mulredc.asm">
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/tune/tune.vcxproj.filters-18-      <Filter>Source Files\Assembler</Filter>
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/tune/tune.vcxproj.filters-19-    </YASM>
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/tune/tune.vcxproj.filters:20:    <YASM Include="..\assembler\redc.asm">
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/build.vc12/tune/tune.vcxproj.filters-21-      <Filter>Source Files\Assembler</Filter>
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/debian/patches/upstream-libtoolization-version_script.patch-25-@@ -39,7 +43,11 @@
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/debian/patches/upstream-libtoolization-version_script.patch:26: # Link the asm redc code (if we use it) into libecm.la
gmp-ecm-7.0.4+ds/debian/patches/upstream-libtoolization-version_script.patch-27- libecm_la_CPPFLAGS = $(MULREDCINCPATH)