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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
go-dep-0.5.4/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md-10-  If you installed `dep` via `go get`, report the version instead with
go-dep-0.5.4/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md:11:  `cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/golang/dep && git describe --tags`
go-dep-0.5.4/README.md:51:It will install into your `$GOPATH/bin` directory by default or any other directory you specify using the `INSTALL_DIRECTORY` environment variable.
go-dep-0.5.4/cmd/dep/main.go:175:			// Cachedir is loaded from env if present. `$GOPATH/pkg/dep` is used as the
go-dep-0.5.4/cmd/dep/main.go-176-			// default cache location.
go-dep-0.5.4/cmd/dep/status_test.go-205-	templateString := "{{range $p := .Projects}}PR:{{$p.ProjectRoot}}, Src:{{$p.Source}}, Const:{{$p.Constraint}}, Ver:{{$p.Locked.Version}}, Rev:{{$p.Locked.Revision}}, Lat:{{$p.Latest.Revision}}, PkgCt:{{$p.PackageCount}}, Pkgs:{{$p.Packages}}{{end}}"
go-dep-0.5.4/cmd/dep/status_test.go:206:	equalityTestTemplate := `{{range $p := .Projects}}{{if eq $p.Constraint "1.2.3"}}Constraint is 1.2.3{{end}}|{{if eq $p.Locked.Version "flooboo"}}Version is flooboo{{end}}|{{if eq $p.Locked.Revision "flooboofoobooo"}}Revision is flooboofoobooo{{end}}|{{if eq $p.Latest.Revision "unknown"}}Latest is unknown{{end}}{{end}}`
go-dep-0.5.4/cmd/dep/testdata/harness_tests/README.md-72-1. Create a unique temporary directory (TMPDIR) as the test run's `GOPATH`
go-dep-0.5.4/cmd/dep/testdata/harness_tests/README.md:73:2. Create `$TMPDIR/src/github.com/golang/notexist` as the current project
go-dep-0.5.4/cmd/dep/testdata/harness_tests/README.md-74-3. Copy the contents of `initial` input directory to the project
go-dep-0.5.4/cmd/dep/testdata/harness_tests/README.md:75:4. Fetch the repos and versions in `gopath-initial` into `$TMPDIR/src` directory
go-dep-0.5.4/cmd/dep/testdata/harness_tests/README.md-76-5. Fetch the repos and versions in `vendor-initial` to the project's `vendor` directory
go-dep-0.5.4/context.go-101-	if cachedir == "" {
go-dep-0.5.4/context.go:102:		// When `DEPCACHEDIR` isn't set in the env, use the default - `$GOPATH/pkg/dep`.
go-dep-0.5.4/context.go-103-		cachedir = filepath.Join(c.GOPATH, "pkg", "dep")
go-dep-0.5.4/context.go-311-// ImportForAbs returns the import path for an absolute project path by trimming the
go-dep-0.5.4/context.go:312:// `$GOPATH/src/` prefix.  Returns an error for paths equal to, or without this prefix.
go-dep-0.5.4/context.go-313-func (c *Ctx) ImportForAbs(path string) (string, error) {
go-dep-0.5.4/context_test.go-576-	}{
go-dep-0.5.4/context_test.go:577:		// If `Cachedir` is not set in the context, it should use `$GOPATH/pkg/dep`.
go-dep-0.5.4/context_test.go-578-		{cachedir: "", wantCachedir: h.Path(filepath.Join("go", "pkg", "dep"))},
go-dep-0.5.4/docs/FAQ.md-300-The unavoidable part is the initial clone. `dep` relies on a cache of local
go-dep-0.5.4/docs/FAQ.md:301:repositories (stored under `$GOPATH/pkg/dep`), which is populated on demand.
go-dep-0.5.4/docs/FAQ.md-302-Unfortunately, the first `dep` run, especially for a large project, may take a
go-dep-0.5.4/docs/FAQ.md:383:`dep` doesn't require imports (or the `$GOPATH`) to be updated because [go has native support for a vendor directory since version 1.5](https://golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-Vendor_Directories). You do not need to update import paths to be relative. For instance, `import github.com/user/awesome-project` will be found in the project's `/vendor/github.com/user/awesome-project` before looking to `$GOPATH/src/github.com/user/awesome-project`.
go-dep-0.5.4/docs/FAQ.md:535:If you are sure you want to enable caching on Travis, it can be done by adding `$GOPATH/pkg/dep`, the default location for `dep` cache, to the cached directories:
go-dep-0.5.4/docs/env-vars.md:27:The cache lives in `$DEPCACHEDIR/bolt-v1.db`, where the version number is an internal number associated with a particular data schema dep uses.
go-dep-0.5.4/docs/env-vars.md:33:Allows the user to specify a custom directory for dep's [local cache](glossary.md#local-cache) of pristine VCS source repositories. Defaults to `$GOPATH/pkg/dep`.
go-dep-0.5.4/docs/env-vars.md:43:By default, dep creates an `sm.lock` file at `$DEPCACHEDIR/sm.lock` in order to prevent multiple dep processes from interacting with the [local cache](glossary.md#local-cache) simultaneously. Setting this variable will bypass that protection; no file will be created. This can be useful on certain filesystems; VirtualBox shares in particular are known to misbehave.
go-dep-0.5.4/docs/failure-modes.md:63:> **Remediation tl;dr:** Remove the local cache dir: `rm -rf $GOPATH/pkg/dep/sources`.
go-dep-0.5.4/docs/failure-modes.md:69:However, for the most part, **dep automatically discovers and recovers from bad local cache state problems**, rebounding back into a good state as it bootstraps each command execution. If you do encounter what appears to be a local cache problem from which dep does not automatically recover, then the fix is typically to just throw out the cache, `rm -rf $GOPATH/pkg/dep/sources`; dep will repopulate it automatically on the next run. However, if you have time, please preserve the local cache dir and report it as a bug!
go-dep-0.5.4/docs/failure-modes.md:73:* The error message you're seeing is consistent with some sort of disk state error in a downloaded source within `$GOPATH/pkg/dep/sources`
go-dep-0.5.4/docs/failure-modes.md:74:* You can identify a bad state (generally: a vcs "status"-type command will either fail outright, or report a modified working tree) in a subdirectory of `$GOPATH/pkg/dep/sources` suggested by the above error
go-dep-0.5.4/docs/failure-modes.md-75-* The exact same error recurs after removing the local cache dir and running the same command, **without** prematurely terminating the project (e.g. via Ctrl-C)
go-dep-0.5.4/docs/glossary.md:77:dep maintains its own, pristine set of upstream sources (so, generally, git repository clones). This is kept separate from `$GOPATH/src` so that there is no obligation to maintain disk state within `$GOPATH`, as dep frequently needs to change disk state in order to do its work.
go-dep-0.5.4/docs/glossary.md:79:By default, the local cache lives at `$GOPATH/pkg/dep`. If you have multiple `$GOPATH` entries, dep will use whichever is the logical parent of the process' working directory. Alternatively, the location can be forced via the [`DEPCACHEDIR` environment variable](env-vars.md#depcachedir).
go-dep-0.5.4/docs/migrating.md:18:> Note: the first run of `dep init` can take quite a long time, as dep is creating fresh clones of all your dependencies into a special location, `$GOPATH/pkg/dep/sources/`. This is necessary for dep's normal operations, and is largely a one-time cost.
go-dep-0.5.4/docs/new-project.md:5:Once you have [dep installed](installation.md), we need to pick a root directory for our project. This is primarily about picking the right root import path, and corresponding directory beneath `$GOPATH/src`, at which to situate your project. There are four basic possibilities:
go-dep-0.5.4/docs/new-project.md:7:1.  A project that is now or eventually may be shared with or imported by other projects/people. In this case, pick the import path corresponding to the VCS root of its intended network location, e.g., `$GOPATH/src/github.com/golang/dep`.
go-dep-0.5.4/docs/new-project.md:8:2.  An entirely local project - one that you have no intention of pushing to a central server (like GitHub). In this case, any subdirectory beneath `$GOPATH/src` will do.
go-dep-0.5.4/docs/new-project.md-9-3.  A project that needs to live within a large repository, such as a company monorepo. This may be possible, but gets more complicated. (Unfortunately, no docs on this yet - coming soon!)
go-dep-0.5.4/docs/new-project.md:10:4.  Treat the entire GOPATH as a single project, where `$GOPATH/src` is the root. Dep [does not currently support this](https://github.com/golang/dep/issues/417) - it needs a non-empty import path to treat as the root of your project's import namespace.
go-dep-0.5.4/docs/uninstalling.md:13:On Linux and MacOS, the `install.sh` script installs a pre-compiled binary to `$GOPATH/bin/dep`. It is safe to simply `rm` the installed `$GOPATH/bin/dep` file:
go-dep-0.5.4/docs/uninstalling.md:19:On Windows, the `install.sh` script installs a pre-compiled binary to `$GOPATH/bin/dep.exe`. It is safe to simply delete this file to uninstall `dep`.