                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
googletest- following Pump code (where meta keywords start with `$`, `[[` and `]]` are
googletest- brackets, and `$$` starts a meta comment that ends with the line):
googletest-| `$var id = exp`                  | Defines a named constant value. `$id` is |
googletest-                                  : valid until the end of the current meta  :
googletest-| :------------------------------- | :--------------------------------------- |
googletest-| `$range id exp..exp`             | Sets the range of an iteration variable, |
googletest-                                  : which can be reused in multiple loops    :
googletest-                                  : later.                                   :
googletest-| `$for id sep [[ code ]]`         | Iteration. The range of `id` must have   |
googletest-                                  : been defined earlier. `$id` is valid in  :
googletest-                                  : `code`.                                  :
googletest-| `$($)`                           | Generates a single `$` character.        |
googletest-| `$id`                            | Value of the named constant or iteration |
googletest-                                  : variable.                                :
googletest-| `$(exp)`                         | Value of the expression.                 |
googletest-| `$if exp [[ code ]] else_branch` | Conditional.                             |
googletest-| `[[ code ]]`                     | Meta lexical block.                      |
googletest-| `cpp_code`                       | Raw C++ code.                            |
googletest-| `$$ comment`                     | Meta comment.                            |
googletest-**Note:** To give the user some freedom in formatting the Pump source code, Pump
googletest- a new-line character if it's right after `$for foo` or next to `[[` or
googletest-`]]`. Without this rule you'll often be forced to write very long lines to get
googletest-*   If a meta variable is followed by a letter or digit, you can separate them
googletest-    using `[[]]`, which inserts an empty string. For example `Foo$j[[]]Helper`
googletest-    generate `Foo1Helper` when `j` is 1.
googletest- = set('true false asm class namespace using explicit this operator sizeof'.split())
googletest- = set('new delete typedef struct union enum typeid typename template'.split())
googletest- Defines pre_project_set_up_hermetic_build() and set_up_hermetic_build().
googletest-"${gtest_dir}/cmake/hermetic_build.cmake" OPTIONAL)
googletest- contains the correct sysroot now. For a more comprehensive guide to also
googletest- `${CHOST}` in build system calls, see the excellent tutorial by Diego
googletest- Pettenò: https://autotools.io/pkgconfig/cross-compiling.html
googletest-`dirname $0`
googletest-`cd ${this_relative_bindir}; pwd -P`
googletest- test "${this_bindir}" = "${this_bindir%${bindir}}"; then
googletest-  # assume that we are in a build tree.
googletest-  build_dir=`dirname ${this_bindir}`
googletest-  src_dir=`cd ${this_bindir}; cd @top_srcdir@; pwd -P`
googletest-  } else {
googletest-    printf(", where %s = %s\n", kTypeParamLabel, test_case.type_param());
googletest-  }
googletest-  } else {
googletest-    printf(", where %s = %s\n", kTypeParamLabel, test_suite.type_param());
googletest-  }
googletest-            // the output easy to parse by a program.
googletest-            PrintOnOneLine(test_suite->type_param(), kMaxParamLength);
googletest-          }
googletest-          // output easy to parse by a program.
googletest-          PrintOnOneLine(test_info->value_param(), kMaxParamLength);
googletest-        }
googletest-  EXPECT_EQ(::testing::PrintToString(GetParam()), test_info->value_param());
googletest-  EXPECT_EQ(::testing::PrintToString(GetParam()), test_info->value_param());
googletest- Defines pre_project_set_up_hermetic_build() and set_up_hermetic_build().
googletest-"${gtest_dir}/cmake/hermetic_build.cmake" OPTIONAL)