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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
gunicorn-20.0.4/README.rst:45:Where ``APP_MODULE`` is of the pattern ``$(MODULE_NAME):$(VARIABLE_NAME)``. The
gunicorn-20.0.4/README.rst-46-module name can be a full dotted path. The variable name refers to a WSGI
gunicorn-20.0.4/docs/source/design.rst-113-Gunicorn relies on the operating system to provide all of the load balancing
gunicorn-20.0.4/docs/source/design.rst:114:when handling requests. Generally we recommend ``(2 x $num_cores) + 1`` as the
gunicorn-20.0.4/docs/source/design.rst-115-number of workers to start off with. While not overly scientific, the formula
gunicorn-20.0.4/docs/source/run.rst:26:Where ``APP_MODULE`` is of the pattern ``$(MODULE_NAME):$(VARIABLE_NAME)``. The
gunicorn-20.0.4/docs/source/run.rst-27-module name can be a full dotted path. The variable name refers to a WSGI
gunicorn-20.0.4/docs/source/run.rst-74-* ``-c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG`` - Specify a config file in the form
gunicorn-20.0.4/docs/source/run.rst:75:  ``$(PATH)``, ``file:$(PATH)``, or ``python:$(MODULE_NAME)``.
gunicorn-20.0.4/docs/source/run.rst-76-* ``-b BIND, --bind=BIND`` - Specify a server socket to bind. Server sockets
gunicorn-20.0.4/docs/source/run.rst:77:  can be any of ``$(HOST)``, ``$(HOST):$(PORT)``, ``fd://$(FD)``, or
gunicorn-20.0.4/docs/source/run.rst:78:  ``unix:$(PATH)``. An IP is a valid ``$(HOST)``.
gunicorn-20.0.4/docs/source/run.rst-79-* ``-w WORKERS, --workers=WORKERS`` - The number of worker processes. This
gunicorn-20.0.4/docs/source/run.rst-83-  to run. You'll definitely want to read the production page for the
gunicorn-20.0.4/docs/source/run.rst:84:  implications of this parameter. You can set this to ``$(NAME)``
gunicorn-20.0.4/docs/source/run.rst:85:  where ``$(NAME)`` is one of ``sync``, ``eventlet``, ``gevent``,
gunicorn-20.0.4/docs/source/run.rst-86-  ``tornado``, ``gthread``.
gunicorn-20.0.4/docs/source/settings.rst:1197:A positive integer generally in the ``2-4 x $(NUM_CORES)`` range.
gunicorn-20.0.4/docs/source/settings.rst-1198-You'll want to vary this a bit to find the best for your particular
gunicorn-20.0.4/docs/source/settings.rst:1248:A positive integer generally in the ``2-4 x $(NUM_CORES)`` range.
gunicorn-20.0.4/docs/source/settings.rst-1249-You'll want to vary this a bit to find the best for your particular
gunicorn-20.0.4/gunicorn/config.py:615:        A positive integer generally in the ``2-4 x $(NUM_CORES)`` range.
gunicorn-20.0.4/gunicorn/config.py-616-        You'll want to vary this a bit to find the best for your particular
gunicorn-20.0.4/gunicorn/config.py:670:        A positive integer generally in the ``2-4 x $(NUM_CORES)`` range.
gunicorn-20.0.4/gunicorn/config.py-671-        You'll want to vary this a bit to find the best for your particular
gunicorn-20.0.4/scripts/update_thanks.py-21-for author in map(str.strip, lines):
gunicorn-20.0.4/scripts/update_thanks.py:22:    realname, email_address = parseaddr(author)