                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
httpie-2.2.0/tests/utils.py-90-    """
httpie-2.2.0/tests/utils.py:91:    Represents the result of simulated `$ http' invocation via `http()`.
httpie-2.2.0/README.rst-394-When HTTPie is invoked as ``https`` then the default scheme is ``https://``
httpie-2.2.0/README.rst:395:(``$ https example.org`` will make a request to ``https://example.org``).
httpie-2.2.0/README.rst-1384-``fruity``             A bold, colorful scheme. Enable with ``--style=fruity``.
httpie-2.2.0/README.rst:1385:…                      See ``$ http --help`` for all the possible ``--style`` values.
httpie-2.2.0/README.rst-1386-====================   ========================================================================
httpie-2.2.0/README.rst-1761-The default location of the configuration file on most platforms is
httpie-2.2.0/README.rst:1762:``$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/httpie/config.json`` (defaulting to
httpie-2.2.0/README.rst:1770:The config directory can be changed by setting the ``$HTTPIE_CONFIG_DIR``
httpie-2.2.0/README.rst-1771-environment variable:
httpie-2.2.0/CHANGELOG.rst-12-* Added support for custom content types for uploaded files (`#668`_).
httpie-2.2.0/CHANGELOG.rst:13:* Added support for ``$XDG_CONFIG_HOME`` (`#920`_).
httpie-2.2.0/CHANGELOG.rst-14-* Added support for ``Set-Cookie``-triggered cookie expiration (`#853`_).
httpie-2.2.0/CHANGELOG.rst-50-* Added ``https`` alias command with ``https://`` as the default scheme.
httpie-2.2.0/CHANGELOG.rst:51:* Added ``$ALL_PROXY`` documentation.
httpie-2.2.0/CHANGELOG.rst-52-* Added type annotations throughout the codebase.
httpie-2.2.0/CHANGELOG.rst-68-  1. A ``--download`` request with no explicit ``--output`` is made (e.g.,
httpie-2.2.0/CHANGELOG.rst:69:     ``$ http -d example.org/file.txt``), instructing httpie to
httpie-2.2.0/CHANGELOG.rst-70-     `generate the output filename <https://httpie.org/doc#downloaded-filename>`_
httpie-2.2.0/CHANGELOG.rst-138-* Added ``--default-scheme <URL_SCHEME>`` to enable things like
httpie-2.2.0/CHANGELOG.rst:139:  ``$ alias https='http --default-scheme=https``.
httpie-2.2.0/CHANGELOG.rst-140-* Added ``-I`` as a shortcut for ``--ignore-stdin``.