                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
hyperrogue-11.2b/INSTALL-173-directory configuration variables that were expressed in terms of
hyperrogue-11.2b/INSTALL:174:`${prefix}'.  Any directories that were specified during `configure',
hyperrogue-11.2b/INSTALL-175-but not in terms of `${prefix}', must each be overridden at install
hyperrogue-11.2b/Makefile.rv:35:CMDX=${CMD} `cat ${DIR}/options.txt`
hyperrogue-11.2b/Makefile.rv:37:CMDXN=${CMDN} `cat ${DIR}/options.txt`
hyperrogue-11.2b/changelog.txt-722-- In the Wild West, if you try to move in the given direction and cannot because of an Outlaw, you shoot him automatically (useful for keyboard players)
hyperrogue-11.2b/changelog.txt:723:- Chasm cells now count as isolators
hyperrogue-11.2b/changelog.txt-724-- You can no longer continue standing on a Trapdoor/LoEM after your Orb of Aether expires 
hyperrogue-11.2b/changelog.txt-1406-- Water Elementals were not disallowed to enter Zebra and LoEM (only player's magical boat was)
hyperrogue-11.2b/changelog.txt:1407:- a separating wall is now drawn if a body of water appears next to a chasm (as happens often in the Elemental Planes)
hyperrogue-11.2b/changelog.txt-1408-- when targetting orbs, circle markers and particle effects are shown (thanks to a previous bug which created excessively many unintended particles when targetting Orb of the Dragon)
hyperrogue-11.2b/changelog.txt-2663-* fixed Orb of the Sword in shmup
hyperrogue-11.2b/changelog.txt:2664:* fixed a graphical issue with water next to chasm (the water tile looked as if it was a floor)
hyperrogue-11.2b/changelog.txt-2665-* fixed the camera in Mountain
hyperrogue-11.2b/changelog.txt-3502-- gameplay:
hyperrogue-11.2b/changelog.txt:3503:- - fixed being able to phase into a chasm (and possibly some other issues)
hyperrogue-11.2b/changelog.txt-3504-- - fixed accessing Emerald Mines from Irradiated even though it was not unlocked
hyperrogue-11.2b/classes.h-134-static const flagtype WF_BOAT = Flag(1);
hyperrogue-11.2b/classes.h:135:static const flagtype WF_CHASM = Flag(2);
hyperrogue-11.2b/classes.h-136-static const flagtype WF_NOFLIGHT = Flag(3);
hyperrogue-11.2b/complex.cpp-45-    if(c->land != laWhirlwind) return 0;
hyperrogue-11.2b/complex.cpp:46:    if(c->wall != waNone && c->wall != waChasm && 
hyperrogue-11.2b/complex.cpp-47-      c->wall != waSea && !isAlchAny(c) &&
hyperrogue-11.2b/complex.cpp-3511-      if(lastresort)
hyperrogue-11.2b/complex.cpp:3512:        okay = dcal[i]->wall != waChasm && !isMultitile(dcal[i]->monst);
hyperrogue-11.2b/complex.cpp-3513-      if(okay) {
hyperrogue-11.2b/content.cpp-902-   )
hyperrogue-11.2b/content.cpp:903:WALL( '=', 0xFFFF00, "lake of sulphur", waSulphurC, ZERO | WF_CHASM | WF_SULPHURIC, RESERVED, 0, sgNone, lakeDesc )
hyperrogue-11.2b/content.cpp:904:WALL( '=', 0xFFFF00, "lake of sulphur", waSulphur, ZERO | WF_CHASM | WF_SULPHURIC, RESERVED, 0, sgNone, lakeDesc )
hyperrogue-11.2b/content.cpp-905-WALL( '=', 0x000080, "lake", waLake, WF_WATER | WF_HEATCOLOR, RESERVED, 0, sgWater, 
hyperrogue-11.2b/flags.cpp-172-    (c->land == laMotion && c->wall == waNone) || 
hyperrogue-11.2b/flags.cpp:173:    c->wall == waChasm || c->wall == waTrapdoor;
hyperrogue-11.2b/flags.cpp-174-  }
hyperrogue-11.2b/flags.cpp-332-EX int chasmgraph(cell *c) {
hyperrogue-11.2b/flags.cpp:333:  if(c->wall == waChasm || c->wall == waInvisibleFloor) return 2;
hyperrogue-11.2b/flags.cpp-334-  if(isChasmy(c)) return 1;
hyperrogue-11.2b/game.cpp-1720-  if(c->wall == waCavewall || cellUnstable(c) || c->wall == waSulphur ||
hyperrogue-11.2b/game.cpp:1721:    c->wall == waSulphurC || c->wall == waLake || c->wall == waChasm ||
hyperrogue-11.2b/game.cpp-1722-    c->wall == waBigTree || c->wall == waSmallTree || c->wall == waTemporary ||
hyperrogue-11.2b/game.cpp-1808-    }
hyperrogue-11.2b/game.cpp:1809:  if(c->wall == waChasm && c->land == laHunting) {
hyperrogue-11.2b/game.cpp-1810-    c->wall = waNone;
hyperrogue-11.2b/game.cpp-1957-    }
hyperrogue-11.2b/game.cpp:1958:  else if(c->wall == waChasm || c->wall == waOpenGate || c->wall == waRed2 || c->wall == waRed3 ||
hyperrogue-11.2b/game.cpp-1959-    c->wall == waTower)
hyperrogue-11.2b/game.cpp-2412-    c->item = itFulgurite; // this is actually redundant in many cases
hyperrogue-11.2b/game.cpp:2413:  if(m == moPyroCultist && c->item == itNone && c->wall != waChasm && c->wall != waPetrified) {
hyperrogue-11.2b/game.cpp-2414-    // a reward for killing him before he shoots!
hyperrogue-11.2b/game.cpp-6071-    if(c->monst == moReptile) {
hyperrogue-11.2b/game.cpp:6072:      if(c->wall == waChasm || cellUnstable(c)) {
hyperrogue-11.2b/game.cpp-6073-        c->monst = moNone;
hyperrogue-11.2b/game.cpp-7909-    return true;
hyperrogue-11.2b/game.cpp:7910:  if(tgt->wall == waChasm && !tgt->monst)
hyperrogue-11.2b/game.cpp-7911-    return true;
hyperrogue-11.2b/game.cpp-8452-        }
hyperrogue-11.2b/game.cpp:8453:      else if(c2->wall == waChasm && c2->land == laDual)
hyperrogue-11.2b/game.cpp-8454-        addMessage(XLAT("You cannot move there!"));
hyperrogue-11.2b/graph.cpp-4404-  if(isWall(c)) return true;
hyperrogue-11.2b/graph.cpp:4405:  if(c->wall == waChasm && c->land == laMemory) { wcol = 0x606000; return true; }
hyperrogue-11.2b/graph.cpp-4406-  if(c->wall == waInvisibleFloor) return false;
hyperrogue-11.2b/graph.cpp:4436:  if(c->wall == waChasm && c2->wall != waChasm) return 0x606060A0;
hyperrogue-11.2b/graph.cpp-4437-  if(isWateryOrBoat(c) && !isWateryOrBoat(c2)) return 0x0000C060;
hyperrogue-11.2b/graph.cpp-4955-        case laDragon:
hyperrogue-11.2b/graph.cpp:4956:          col = c->wall == waChasm ? 0xFFFFFF : 0x4040FF;
hyperrogue-11.2b/graph.cpp-4957-          break;
hyperrogue-11.2b/graph.cpp-6510-        }
hyperrogue-11.2b/graph.cpp:6511:      // wall between lake and chasm -- no Escher here
hyperrogue-11.2b/graph.cpp-6512-      if(chasmg == 1) forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(chasmgraph(c2) == 2) {
hyperrogue-11.2b/help.cpp:817:    if(c->wall && !(c->wall == waChasm && c->land == laDual && ctof(c)) &&
hyperrogue-11.2b/help.cpp-818-      !(c->land == laMemory) &&
hyperrogue-11.2b/landgen.cpp-767-      if(d == 7 && c->wall != waChasm) {
hyperrogue-11.2b/landgen.cpp:768:        bool nonchasm = false;
hyperrogue-11.2b/landgen.cpp:769:        forCellEx(c2, c) if(c2->wall != waChasm) nonchasm = true;
hyperrogue-11.2b/landgen.cpp-770-        if(!nonchasm) c->item = itDodeca;
hyperrogue-11.2b/landlock.cpp:995:  // Dragon Chasm requires unbounded space [partial]
hyperrogue-11.2b/landlock.cpp-996-  if(l == laDragon && smallbounded)
hyperrogue-11.2b/language-pl.cpp:3612:// Dragon Chasm
hyperrogue-11.2b/language-pl.cpp-3613-// ------------
hyperrogue-11.2b/language-ru.cpp:3753:// Dragon Chasm
hyperrogue-11.2b/language-ru.cpp-3754-// ------------
hyperrogue-11.2b/orbs.cpp-835-  if(dest->monst || (dest->item && !itemHidden(dest))) return false;
hyperrogue-11.2b/orbs.cpp:836:  return dest->wall == waChasm || isWatery(dest) || dest->wall == waNone ||
hyperrogue-11.2b/orbs.cpp-837-    dest->wall == waTempBridge;
hyperrogue-11.2b/orbs.cpp-890-    doesFall(dest);
hyperrogue-11.2b/orbs.cpp:891:    if(isWatery(dest) || dest->wall == waChasm || isFire(dest)) {
hyperrogue-11.2b/orbs.cpp-892-      addMessage(XLAT("%The1 falls!", dest->monst));
hyperrogue-11.2b/shmup.cpp-1200-  if(!markOrb(itOrbAether)) {
hyperrogue-11.2b/shmup.cpp:1201:    if(m->base->wall == waChasm || m->base->wall == waClosedGate)
hyperrogue-11.2b/shmup.cpp-1202-      m->dead = true;
hyperrogue-11.2b/shmup.cpp:1814:  if(m->base->wall == waChasm && !survivesChasm(m->type) && m->type != moReptile)
hyperrogue-11.2b/shmup.cpp-1815-    killMonster(m, moNone, AF_FALL);
hyperrogue-11.2b/shmup.cpp-2144-    if(isWatery(c2) && !survivesWater(m->type) && !m->inBoat) usetongue = true;
hyperrogue-11.2b/shmup.cpp:2145:    if(c2->wall == waChasm && !survivesChasm(m->type)) usetongue = true;
hyperrogue-11.2b/shmup.cpp-2146-    if(isFireOrMagma(c2) && !survivesFire(m->type) && !m->inBoat) usetongue = true;