                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
kupfer-0+v320/NEWS-592-* *GNU Screen:* check if sessions are still active (:lp:`756449`), don't
kupfer-0+v320/NEWS:593:  give up even if ``$SCREENDIR`` is missing when we are started
kupfer-0+v320/NEWS-594-  (:lp:`753376`)
kupfer-0+v320/NEWS-673-    ``ExecuteFileOnDisplay``  all act like their similarly-named
kupfer-0+v320/NEWS:674:    predecessors, but take ``$DISPLAY`` and ``$DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID`` as their
kupfer-0+v320/NEWS-675-    last two arguments.
kupfer-0+v320/NEWS-1129-* Action *Rescan* on sources is now debug only (should not be needed)
kupfer-0+v320/NEWS:1130:* Kupfer installs its Python package into ``$PREFIX/share`` by default,
kupfer-0+v320/NEWS-1131-  instead of installing as a system-wide Python module.
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/Manpage.rst-75-*~/.local/share/kupfer/plugins*, or any kupfer/plugins directory in any
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/Manpage.rst:76:of ``$XDG_DATA_DIRS``.
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/Localization.rst:19:1. Add the language code ``$LANG`` to the file ``LINGUAS``
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/Localization.rst:20:2. Run ``intltool-update --pot``, and copy ``untitled.pot`` to ``$LANG.po``
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/Localization.rst-21-3. Edit and check the whole file header: 
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/Localization.rst:39:Here we will call your language ``$LANG``. You should use a two or
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/Localization.rst:40:four-letter code for your language instead of ``$LANG``, for example
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/Localization.rst-41-"de" for German or "pt_BR" for Brazilian Portuguese.
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/Localization.rst:51:Now check and edit ``$LANG.po``. Search for all messages marked "fuzzy",
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/Localization.rst-52-and remove the word "fuzzy" from them when they are done.
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/Localization.rst:54:Continue running ``intltool-update $LANG`` and check that you have 0
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/Localization.rst-55-fuzzy and 0 untranslated, then you're finished.
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/Localization.rst-81-Go to ``help/``. The english-language original of the user’s guide is
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/Localization.rst:82:defined in the ``C/`` directory. Use ``make $LANG`` inside ``help`` to
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/Localization.rst-83-update a language’s ``.po`` file. Currently, the best way to view the
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/Localization.rst-84-translated help page during development is to run the regular build and
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/Localization.rst:85:install, which puts the help pages under ``$PREFIX/help/$LANG/kupfer``.
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/PluginAPI.rst-27-Plugins live in the package ``kupfer.plugin``. Kupfer also includes
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/PluginAPI.rst:28:directories called ``kupfer/plugins`` from ``$XDG_DATA_DIRS``, which
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/PluginAPI.rst-29-typically means ``/usr/share/kupfer/plugins`` and
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/PluginAPI.rst:30:``$HOME/.local/share/kupfer/plugins``. These directories are
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/PluginAPI.rst-31-transparently included into the kupfer package, so the user has multiple
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/VersionHistory.rst-592-* *GNU Screen:* check if sessions are still active (:lp:`756449`), don't
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/VersionHistory.rst:593:  give up even if ``$SCREENDIR`` is missing when we are started
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/VersionHistory.rst-594-  (:lp:`753376`)
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/VersionHistory.rst-673-    ``ExecuteFileOnDisplay``  all act like their similarly-named
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/VersionHistory.rst:674:    predecessors, but take ``$DISPLAY`` and ``$DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID`` as their
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/VersionHistory.rst-675-    last two arguments.
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/VersionHistory.rst-1129-* Action *Rescan* on sources is now debug only (should not be needed)
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/VersionHistory.rst:1130:* Kupfer installs its Python package into ``$PREFIX/share`` by default,
kupfer-0+v320/Documentation/VersionHistory.rst-1131-  instead of installing as a system-wide Python module.
kupfer-0+v320/waflib/TaskGen.py-833-	"""
kupfer-0+v320/waflib/TaskGen.py:834:	Processes *.pc.in* files to *.pc*. Installs the results to ``${PREFIX}/lib/pkgconfig/`` by default
kupfer-0+v320/README.rst:38:You can use ``--prefix=$PREFIX`` when configuring to assign an
kupfer-0+v320/README.rst-39-installation spot. By default, Kupfer is installed for all users.
kupfer-0+v320/README.rst-40-Installing only for your user is possible, but the binary directory must
kupfer-0+v320/README.rst:41:be in your ``$PATH``.
kupfer-0+v320/README.rst:102:The program is installed as ``kupfer`` into ``$PREFIX/bin``. Only one
kupfer-0+v320/README.rst-103-instance can be active for one user at a given time. Normal use of