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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
libcpan-sqlite-perl-0.219/lib/CPAN/SQLite.pm-39-    $db_dir            = $CPAN;
libcpan-sqlite-perl-0.219/lib/CPAN/SQLite.pm:40:    $keep_source_where = $CPAN::Config->{keep_source_where};
libcpan-sqlite-perl-0.219/lib/CPAN/SQLite.pm-41-    $urllist           = $CPAN::Config->{urllist};
libcpan-sqlite-perl-0.219/lib/CPAN/SQLite.pm-62-    urllist           => $urllist,
libcpan-sqlite-perl-0.219/lib/CPAN/SQLite.pm:63:    keep_source_where => $keep_source_where,
libcpan-sqlite-perl-0.219/lib/CPAN/SQLite.pm-64-    db_dir            => $db_dir
libcpan-sqlite-perl-0.219/lib/CPAN/SQLite/DBI/Index.pm-171-  my $set = join ',', map { "$_=?" } @{$fields};
libcpan-sqlite-perl-0.219/lib/CPAN/SQLite/DBI/Index.pm:172:  my $sql = sprintf(qq{UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s = %s}, $self->{table}, $set, $self->{id}, $id);
libcpan-sqlite-perl-0.219/lib/CPAN/SQLite/DBI/Index.pm-173-  $sql .= qq { AND rep_id = $rep_id } if ($rep_id);
libcpan-sqlite-perl-0.219/lib/CPAN/SQLite/DBI/Index.pm-182-  my ($self, $table_id, $rep_id) = @_;
libcpan-sqlite-perl-0.219/lib/CPAN/SQLite/DBI/Index.pm:183:  my $sql = sprintf(qq{DELETE FROM %s where %s = ?}, $self->{table}, $table_id);
libcpan-sqlite-perl-0.219/lib/CPAN/SQLite/DBI/Index.pm-184-  $sql .= qq { AND rep_id = $rep_id } if ($rep_id);
libcpan-sqlite-perl-0.219/lib/CPAN/SQLite/DBI/Search.pm-201-    ($type eq 'id') and do {
libcpan-sqlite-perl-0.219/lib/CPAN/SQLite/DBI/Search.pm:202:      $where = qq{ $search->{id} = $search->{value} };
libcpan-sqlite-perl-0.219/lib/CPAN/SQLite/DBI/Search.pm-203-      last QUERY;
libcpan-sqlite-perl-0.219/lib/CPAN/SQLite/DBI/Search.pm-205-    ($type eq 'name') and do {
libcpan-sqlite-perl-0.219/lib/CPAN/SQLite/DBI/Search.pm:206:      $where = qq{ $search->{name} = '$search->{value}' };
libcpan-sqlite-perl-0.219/lib/CPAN/SQLite/DBI/Search.pm-207-      last QUERY;