                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
libipc-run-perl-20200505.0/lib/IPC/Run/Debug.pm:102:eval( $disable_debugging ? <<'STUBS' : <<'SUBS' ) or die $@;
libipc-run-perl-20200505.0/lib/IPC/Run/Debug.pm-103-sub _map_fds()                 { "" }
libipc-run-perl-20200505.0/lib/IPC/Run.pm-1294-    #   }
libipc-run-perl-20200505.0/lib/IPC/Run.pm:1295:    #   croak "$!: exec( " . join( ', ', map "'$_'", @_ ) . " )";
libipc-run-perl-20200505.0/lib/IPC/Run.pm-1296-    ## Fall through so $! can be reported to parent.
libipc-run-perl-20200505.0/README.md-215-This output is input for the main program and piles up in variables like
libipc-run-perl-20200505.0/README.md:216:the `$out` and `$err` in our examples.
libipc-run-perl-20200505.0/README.md-268-plenty of memory or you may find that the act of growing $out each time
libipc-run-perl-20200505.0/README.md:269:new input arrives causes an `O(length($out)^2)` slowdown as $out grows.
libipc-run-perl-20200505.0/README.md-270-Say we expect no more than 10,000 characters of input at the most.  To
libipc-run-perl-20200505.0/README.md-476-case they start with 1 (stdout).  Currently, being on the left of
libipc-run-perl-20200505.0/README.md:477:a pipe (`\@cmd, \$out, \$err, '|'`) does _not_ cause stdout to be
libipc-run-perl-20200505.0/README.md-478-skipped, though this may change since it's not as DWIMerly as it
libipc-run-perl-20200505.0/README.md-1229->     Specifically, if a timeout expires in finish(), finish() will not
libipc-run-perl-20200505.0/README.md:1230:>     kill all the children.  Call `<$h-`kill\_kill>> in this case if you care.
libipc-run-perl-20200505.0/README.md-1231->     This differs from the behavior of ["run"](#run).
libipc-run-perl-20200505.0/README.md:1646:On Unix, requires a system that supports `waitpid( $pid, WNOHANG )` so
libipc-run-perl-20200505.0/README.md-1647-it can tell if a child process is still running.