                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
libjs-jquery-stupidtable-1.1.3+dfsg/CHANGELOG.md-22-A `<th>` element can now be provided with a `data-sort-onload=yes` attribute.
libjs-jquery-stupidtable-1.1.3+dfsg/CHANGELOG.md:23:Once `$table.stupidtable()` is called the table will immediately be sorted by
libjs-jquery-stupidtable-1.1.3+dfsg/CHANGELOG.md-24-the column with the `data-sort-onload=yes` attribute if one is found.
libjs-jquery-stupidtable-1.1.3+dfsg/CHANGELOG.md-30-Fixed [Issue #183](https://github.com/joequery/Stupid-Table-Plugin/issues/183)
libjs-jquery-stupidtable-1.1.3+dfsg/CHANGELOG.md:31:that prevented consecutive calls to `$th.stupidsort()` from running when the
libjs-jquery-stupidtable-1.1.3+dfsg/CHANGELOG.md-32-same sort direction was specified.
libjs-jquery-stupidtable-1.1.3+dfsg/CHANGELOG.md:37:before/aftertablesort callbacks can access the column header element via `data.$th`.
libjs-jquery-stupidtable-1.1.3+dfsg/README.md-123-If you want a specific column to be sorted immediately after
libjs-jquery-stupidtable-1.1.3+dfsg/README.md:124:`$table.stupidtable()` is called, you can provide a `data-sort-onload=yes`
libjs-jquery-stupidtable-1.1.3+dfsg/README.md:169:After you have called `$("#mytable").stupidtable()`, if you wish to sort a
libjs-jquery-stupidtable-1.1.3+dfsg/README.md-170-column without requiring the user to click on it, select the column th and call
libjs-jquery-stupidtable-1.1.3+dfsg/README.md-301-for informing stupidtable that the table has been modified by calling
libjs-jquery-stupidtable-1.1.3+dfsg/README.md:328:*  `column` - An array representing the sorted column. Each element of the array is of the form `[sort_val, $tr, index]`
libjs-jquery-stupidtable-1.1.3+dfsg/README.md-329-*  `sort_dir` - `"asc"` or `"desc"`
libjs-jquery-stupidtable-1.1.3+dfsg/README.md:330:*  `$th` - The jquery object of the `<th>` element that was clicked
libjs-jquery-stupidtable-1.1.3+dfsg/README.md-331-*  `th_index` - The index of the `<th>` element that was cliked
libjs-jquery-stupidtable-1.1.3+dfsg/README.md:332:*  `$table` - The jquery object of the `<table>` that contains the `<th>` that was clicked
libjs-jquery-stupidtable-1.1.3+dfsg/README.md-333-*  `datatype` - The datatype of the column