                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-57-Reduces `@list` by calling `BLOCK` in a scalar context multiple times,
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:58:setting `$a` and `$b` each time. The first call will be with `$a` and `$b`
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-59-set to the first two elements of the list, subsequent calls will be done by
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:60:setting `$a` to the result of the previous call and `$b` to the next element
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-61-in the list.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-118-Similar to `reduce` except that it also returns the intermediate values along
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:119:with the final result. As before, `$a` is set to the first element of the
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-120-given list, and the `BLOCK` is then called once for remaining item in the
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:121:list set into `$b`, with the result being captured for return as well as
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:122:becoming the new value for `$a`.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:124:The returned list will begin with the initial value for `$a`, followed by
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-125-each return value from the block in order. The final value of the result will
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:138:Similar to `grep` in that it evaluates `BLOCK` setting `$_` to each element
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-139-of `@list` in turn. `any` returns true if any element makes the `BLOCK`
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:188:Similar to `grep` in that it evaluates `BLOCK` setting `$_` to each element
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-189-of `@list` in turn. `first` returns the first element where the result from
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-282-**NOTE**: At the time of writing, the following `pair*` functions that take a
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:283:block do not modify the value of `$_` within the block, and instead operate
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:284:using the `$a` and `$b` globals instead. This has turned out to be a poor
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-285-design, as it precludes the ability to provide a `pairsort` function. Better
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:286:would be to pass pair-like objects as 2-element array references in `$_`, in
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-287-a style similar to the return value of the `pairs` function. At some future
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:290:Until then, users are alerted **NOT** to rely on the value of `$_` remaining
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-291-unmodified between the outside and the inside of the control block. In
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-406-even-sized list of pairs. It invokes the `BLOCK` multiple times, in scalar
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:407:context, with `$a` and `$b` set to successive pairs of values from the
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:417:As with `grep` aliasing `$_` to list elements, `pairgrep` aliases `$a` and
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:418:`$b` to elements of the given list. Any modifications of it by the code block
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-419-will be visible to the caller.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-430-even-sized list of pairs. It invokes the `BLOCK` multiple times, in scalar
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:431:context, with `$a` and `$b` set to successive pairs of values from the
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:441:As with `grep` aliasing `$_` to list elements, `pairfirst` aliases `$a` and
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:442:`$b` to elements of the given list. Any modifications of it by the code block
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-443-will be visible to the caller.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-454-even-sized list of pairs. It invokes the `BLOCK` multiple times, in list
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:455:context, with `$a` and `$b` set to successive pairs of values from the
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:464:As with `map` aliasing `$_` to list elements, `pairmap` aliases `$a` and
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:465:`$b` to elements of the given list. Any modifications of it by the code block
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-466-will be visible to the caller.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:480:This function is affected by the `$RAND` variable.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:491:If there are fewer than `$count` items in the list then the function will
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-492-return once all of them have been randomly selected; effectively the function
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:495:This function is affected by the `$RAND` variable.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:569:Returns the first `$size` elements from `@list`. If `$size` is negative, returns
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:570:all but the last `$size` elements from `@list`.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:584:Returns the last `$size` elements from `@list`. If `$size` is negative, returns
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:585:all but the first `$size` elements from `@list`.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-625-Returns a true value if all items in LIST meet the criterion given through
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:626:BLOCK. Sets `$_` for each item in LIST in turn:
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-644-Returns a true value if any item in LIST meets the criterion given through
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:645:BLOCK. Sets `$_` for each item in LIST in turn:
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-658-Logically the negation of `any`. Returns a true value if no item in LIST meets
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:659:the criterion given through BLOCK. Sets `$_` for each item in LIST in turn:
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-677-Logically the negation of `all`. Returns a true value if not all items in LIST
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:678:meet the criterion given through BLOCK. Sets `$_` for each item in LIST in
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-692-Returns a true value if precisely one item in LIST meets the criterion
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:693:given through BLOCK. Sets `$_` for each item in LIST in turn:
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-710-Makes a copy of the list and then passes each element _from the copy_ to the
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:711:BLOCK. Any changes or assignments to `$_` in the BLOCK will only affect the
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:712:elements of the new list. However, if `$_` is a reference then changes to the
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-713-referenced value will be seen in both the original and new list.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:730:Note that you must alter `$_` directly inside BLOCK in order for changes to
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-731-make effect. New value returned from the BLOCK are ignored:
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-741-Inserts VALUE after the first item in LIST for which the criterion in BLOCK is
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:742:true. Sets `$_` for each item in LIST in turn.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-762-Evaluates BLOCK for each pair of elements in ARRAY1 and ARRAY2 and returns a
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:763:new list consisting of BLOCK's return values. The two elements are set to `$a`
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:764:and `$b`.  Note that those two are aliases to the original value so changing
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-765-them will modify the input arrays.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-831-Returns a list of the values of LIST after (and not including) the point
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:832:where BLOCK returns a true value. Sets `$_` for each element in LIST in turn.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-842-Returns a list of values of LIST up to (and not including) the point where BLOCK
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:843:returns a true value. Sets `$_` for each element in LIST in turn.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-903-Creates an array iterator, for looping over an array in chunks of
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:904:`$n` items at a time.  (n at a time, get it?).  An example is
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-905-probably a better explanation than I could give in words.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-926-Performs a binary search on LIST which must be a sorted list of values. BLOCK
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:927:must return a negative value if the current element (stored in `$_`) is smaller,
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-928-a positive value if it is bigger and zero if it matches.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-937-Performs a binary search on LIST which must be a sorted list of values. BLOCK
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:938:must return a negative value if the current element (stored in `$_`) is smaller,
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-939-a positive value if it is bigger and zero if it matches.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-949-Returns the first element in LIST for which BLOCK evaluates to true. Each
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:950:element of LIST is set to `$_` in turn. Returns `undef` if no such element
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-951-has been found.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-959-Returns the only element in LIST for which BLOCK evaluates to true. Sets
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:960:`$_` for each item in LIST in turn. Returns `undef` if no such element
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-961-has been found.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-969-Returns the last value in LIST for which BLOCK evaluates to true. Each element
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:970:of LIST is set to `$_` in turn. Returns `undef` if no such element has been
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-979-Returns the result of BLOCK for the first element in LIST for which BLOCK
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:980:evaluates to true. Each element of LIST is set to `$_` in turn. Returns
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-981-`undef` if no such element has been found.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-989-Returns the result of BLOCK for the first element in LIST for which BLOCK
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:990:evaluates to true. Sets `$_` for each item in LIST in turn. Returns
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-991-`undef` if no such element has been found.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-999-Returns the result of BLOCK for the last element in LIST for which BLOCK
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:1000:evaluates to true. Each element of LIST is set to `$_` in turn. Returns
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-1001-`undef` if no such element has been found.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:1007:Evaluates BLOCK for each element in LIST (assigned to `$_`) and returns a list
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-1008-of the indices of those elements for which BLOCK returned a true value. This is
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-1017-Returns the index of the first element in LIST for which the criterion in BLOCK
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:1018:is true. Sets `$_` for each item in LIST in turn:
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-1033-Returns the index of the only element in LIST for which the criterion
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:1034:in BLOCK is true. Sets `$_` for each item in LIST in turn:
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-1050-Returns the index of the last element in LIST for which the criterion in BLOCK
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:1051:is true. Sets `$_` for each item in LIST in turn:
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-1097-Counts the number of elements in LIST for which the criterion in BLOCK is true.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:1098:Sets `$_` for  each item in LIST in turn:
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-1104-Counts the number of elements in LIST for which the criterion in BLOCK is false.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:1105:Sets `$_` for each item in LIST in turn:
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-1153-The key function is called in scalar context, being passed each value in turn
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:1154:as both `$_` and the only argument in the parameters, `@_`. The values are
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-1155-then sorted according to string comparisons on the values returned.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-1413-by `BLOCKFUNC`. Values from the input list are given to the block function in
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:1414:bundles of `$number`.
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md:1416:If given a list of values whose length does not evenly divide by `$number`,
liblist-allutils-perl-0.18/README.md-1417-the final call will be passed fewer elements than the others.