                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/inc/inc_Capture-Tiny/Capture/Tiny.pm-229-    _open_std( $stash->{child}{$which} );
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/inc/inc_Capture-Tiny/Capture/Tiny.pm:230:    $stash->{pid}{$which} = system(1, @cmd, $stash->{flag_files}{$which});
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/inc/inc_Capture-Tiny/Capture/Tiny.pm-231-    # not restoring std here as it all gets redirected again shortly anyway
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/inc/inc_Capture-Tiny/Capture/Tiny.pm-234-  else { # use fork
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/inc/inc_Capture-Tiny/Capture/Tiny.pm:235:    _fork_exec( $which, $stash );
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/inc/inc_Capture-Tiny/Capture/Tiny.pm-236-  }
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/inc/inc_Capture-Tiny/Capture/Tiny.pm-447-  ($stdout, $stderr, $exit) = capture {
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/inc/inc_Capture-Tiny/Capture/Tiny.pm:448:    system( $cmd, @args );
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/inc/inc_Capture-Tiny/Capture/Tiny.pm-449-  };
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/inc/inc_Config-AutoConf/Config/AutoConf.pm-414-                # check_run - Capture::Tiny, Open3 ... ftw!
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/inc/inc_Config-AutoConf/Config/AutoConf.pm:415:                my $ans = `echo a | ($grep -E '(a|b)') 2>/dev/null`;
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/inc/inc_Config-AutoConf/Config/AutoConf.pm-416-                chomp $ans;
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/inc/inc_Config-AutoConf/Config/AutoConf.pm-485-                my ( $stdout, $stderr, $exit ) =
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/inc/inc_Config-AutoConf/Config/AutoConf.pm:486:                  capture { system( $lex, $filename ); };
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/inc/inc_Config-AutoConf/Config/AutoConf.pm-487-                chomp $stdout;
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/inc/inc_Config-AutoConf/Config/AutoConf.pm-3117-    my ( $stdout, $stderr, $exit ) =
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/inc/inc_Config-AutoConf/Config/AutoConf.pm:3118:      capture { system( $_pkg_config_prog, @pkg_config_args ); };
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/inc/inc_Config-AutoConf/Config/AutoConf.pm-3119-    chomp $stdout;
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md-121-Returns a true value if all items in LIST meet the criterion given through
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md:122:BLOCK. Sets `$_` for each item in LIST in turn:
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md-140-Returns a true value if any item in LIST meets the criterion given through
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md:141:BLOCK. Sets `$_` for each item in LIST in turn:
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md-154-Logically the negation of `any`. Returns a true value if no item in LIST meets
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md:155:the criterion given through BLOCK. Sets `$_` for each item in LIST in turn:
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md-173-Logically the negation of `all`. Returns a true value if not all items in LIST
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md:174:meet the criterion given through BLOCK. Sets `$_` for each item in LIST in
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md-207-Inserts VALUE after the first item in LIST for which the criterion in BLOCK is
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md:208:true. Sets `$_` for each item in LIST in turn.
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md-228-Evaluates BLOCK for each pair of elements in ARRAY1 and ARRAY2 and returns a
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md:229:new list consisting of BLOCK's return values. The two elements are set to `$a`
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md:230:and `$b`.  Note that those two are aliases to the original value so changing
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md-231-them will modify the input arrays.
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md-279-Returns a list of the values of LIST after (and not including) the point
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md:280:where BLOCK returns a true value. Sets `$_` for each element in LIST in turn.
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md-290-Returns a list of values of LIST up to (and not including) the point where BLOCK
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md:291:returns a true value. Sets `$_` for each element in LIST in turn.
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md-351-Creates an array iterator, for looping over an array in chunks of
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md:352:`$n` items at a time.  (n at a time, get it?).  An example is
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md-353-probably a better explanation than I could give in words.
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md-374-Performs a binary search on LIST which must be a sorted list of values. BLOCK
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md:375:must return a negative value if the current element (stored in `$_`) is smaller,
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md-376-a positive value if it is bigger and zero if it matches.
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md-385-Returns the first element in LIST for which BLOCK evaluates to true. Each
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md:386:element of LIST is set to `$_` in turn. Returns `undef` if no such element
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md-387-has been found.
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md-395-Returns the last value in LIST for which BLOCK evaluates to true. Each element
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md:396:of LIST is set to `$_` in turn. Returns `undef` if no such element has been
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md:403:Evaluates BLOCK for each element in LIST (assigned to `$_`) and returns a list
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md-404-of the indices of those elements for which BLOCK returned a true value. This is
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md-413-Returns the index of the first element in LIST for which the criterion in BLOCK
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md:414:is true. Sets `$_` for each item in LIST in turn:
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md-430-Returns the index of the last element in LIST for which the criterion in BLOCK
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md:431:is true. Sets `$_` for each item in LIST in turn:
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md-477-Counts the number of elements in LIST for which the criterion in BLOCK is true.
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md:478:Sets `$_` for  each item in LIST in turn:
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md-484-Counts the number of elements in LIST for which the criterion in BLOCK is false.
liblist-moreutils-perl-0.416/README.md:485:Sets `$_` for each item in LIST in turn: