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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
libmath-matrixreal-perl-2.13/lib/Math/MatrixReal.pm:5610:Many thanks to Prof. Pahlings for stoking the fire of my enthusiasm for
libmath-matrixreal-perl-2.13/lib/Math/MatrixReal.pm-5611-Algebra and Linear Algebra at the university (RWTH Aachen, Germany), and
libmath-matrixreal-perl-2.13/.pc/fix-pod.patch/lib/Math/MatrixReal.pm:5612:Many thanks to Prof. Pahlings for stoking the fire of my enthusiasm for
libmath-matrixreal-perl-2.13/.pc/fix-pod.patch/lib/Math/MatrixReal.pm-5613-Algebra and Linear Algebra at the university (RWTH Aachen, Germany), and
libmath-matrixreal-perl-2.13/.pc/spell.patch/lib/Math/MatrixReal.pm:5610:Many thanks to Prof. Pahlings for stoking the fire of my enthusiasm for
libmath-matrixreal-perl-2.13/.pc/spell.patch/lib/Math/MatrixReal.pm-5611-Algebra and Linear Algebra at the university (RWTH Aachen, Germany), and