                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/t/readpref.t-165-        my $count;
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/t/readpref.t:166:        is( exception { $count = $coll2->count_documents({}) }, undef, "count_documents on $addr ($type) succeeds" )
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/t/readpref.t-167-          or diag explain $s;
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/t/examples/driver-examples.t:21:# Examples use `$db->coll("inventory")` to parallel the shell examples, which
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/t/examples/driver-examples.t:22:# use `db.inventory`.  Testing commands use a `$coll` variable for more
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/t/examples/driver-examples.t-23-# idiomatic brevity.
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/t/examples/changestream.t:21:# Examples use `$db->coll("inventory")` to parallel the shell examples, which
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/t/examples/changestream.t:22:# use `db.inventory`.  Testing commands use a `$coll` variable for more
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/t/examples/changestream.t-23-# idiomatic brevity.
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/t/data/retryable-writes/README.rst:276:  - ``aggregate`` with ``$out`` pipeline operator
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/t/data/change-streams/README.rst-157-7. The ``killCursors`` command sent during the "Resume Process" must not be allowed to throw an exception.
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/t/data/change-streams/README.rst:158:8. ``$changeStream`` stage for ``ChangeStream`` against a server ``>=4.0`` that has not received any results yet MUST include a ``startAtOperationTime`` option when resuming a changestream.
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/t/data/change-streams/README.rst-159-9. ``ChangeStream`` will resume after a ``killCursors`` command is issued for its child cursor.
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/t/data/SDAM/README.rst-35-  If the response includes an electionId it is shown in extended JSON like
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/t/data/SDAM/README.rst:36:  `{"$oid": "000000000000000000000002"}`.
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/t/data/SDAM/README.rst-37-  The empty response `{}` indicates a network error
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/t/data/CRUD/README.rst-261-- ``expected`` is ``{ "x": 1 }``
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/t/data/CRUD/README.rst:262:- ``actual`` is ``{ "_id": { "$oid" : "000000000000000000000001" }, "x": 1 }``
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/lib/MongoDB/_Types.pm-124-declare ZlibCompressionLevel, as Int,
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/lib/MongoDB/_Types.pm:125:  where { $_ >= -1 && $_ <= 9 },
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/lib/MongoDB/_Types.pm-126-  message { "zlib compression value must be value from -1 to 9" };
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/lib/MongoDB/_Types.pm-142-declare HostAddress, as Stringish,
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/lib/MongoDB/_Types.pm:143:  where { $_ =~ /^[^:]+:[0-9]+$/ and lc($_) eq $_ }, message {
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/lib/MongoDB/_Types.pm-144-    "Address '$_' either not lowercased or not formatted as 'hostname:port'"
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/lib/MongoDB/_Types.pm:151:declare Intish, as Numish, where { defined $_ and $_ == int($_) };
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/lib/MongoDB/_Types.pm:198:declare SingleKeyHash, as HashRef, where { 1 == scalar keys %$_ };
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/debian/rules-26-	# The server process might not have actually started
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/debian/rules:27:	[ ! -s $(PIDFILE) ] || /bin/kill `cat $(PIDFILE)` || true
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/debian/tests/pkg-perl/smoke-cleanup:5:[ ! -s $TDIR/mongo.pid ] || /bin/kill `cat $TDIR/mongo.pid` || true
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/debian/tests/pkg-perl/smoke-cleanup-6-rm -rf $TDIR/build
libmongodb-perl-2.2.2/debian/tests/pkg-perl/smoke-env:1:MONGOD=`/bin/netstat -want | perl -w -e 'while (<>) { $used{$1}=1 if /127\.0\.0\.1:(\d+)/;}; $port = 12345; while ($used{$port}) { $port++ }; print "$port\n";'`