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        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
libpod-parser-perl-1.63/lib/Pod/PlainText.pm-408-sub seq_b { return $_[0]{alt} ? "``$_[1]''" : $_[1] }
libpod-parser-perl-1.63/lib/Pod/PlainText.pm:409:sub seq_c { return $_[0]{alt} ? "``$_[1]''" : "`$_[1]'" }
libpod-parser-perl-1.63/lib/Pod/PlainText.pm-410-sub seq_f { return $_[0]{alt} ? "\"$_[1]\"" : $_[1] }
libpod-parser-perl-1.63/scripts/podselect.PL-141-chmod 0755, $file or die "Can't reset permissions for $file: $!\n";
libpod-parser-perl-1.63/scripts/podselect.PL:142:exec("$Config{'eunicefix'} $file") if $Config{'eunicefix'} ne ':';
libpod-parser-perl-1.63/scripts/podselect.PL-143-chdir $origdir;
libpod-parser-perl-1.63/t/pod/special_seqs.xr:1:    This is a test to see if I can do not only `$self' and `method()', but
libpod-parser-perl-1.63/t/pod/special_seqs.xr:2:    also `$self->method()' and `$self->{FIELDNAME}' and `$Foo <=> $Bar'
libpod-parser-perl-1.63/t/pod/special_seqs.xr-3-    without resorting to escape sequences. If I want to refer to the
libpod-parser-perl-1.63/t/pod/special_seqs.xr:4:    right-shift operator I can do something like `$x >> 3' or even `$y >>
libpod-parser-perl-1.63/t/pod/special_seqs.xr-5-    5'.
libpod-parser-perl-1.63/t/pod/special_seqs.xr-11-    Of course I should still be able to do all this *with* escape sequences
libpod-parser-perl-1.63/t/pod/special_seqs.xr:12:    too: `$self->method()' and `$self->{FIELDNAME}' and `{FOO=>BAR}'.
libpod-parser-perl-1.63/t/pod/special_seqs.xr-18-    Now, if I use << or >> as my delimiters, then I have to use whitespace.
libpod-parser-perl-1.63/t/pod/special_seqs.xr:19:    So things like `<$self-'method()>> and `<$self-'{FIELDNAME}>> wont end
libpod-parser-perl-1.63/t/pod/special_seqs.xr-20-    up doing what you might expect since the first > will still terminate