                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
libtap-harness-junit-perl-0.42/t/large_suite.t-36-		is_deeply (XMLin ($outfile), XMLin ($model), "Output of $test matches model");
libtap-harness-junit-perl-0.42/t/large_suite.t:37:		eval { decode ('UTF-8', `$our_cat2 $outfile`, Encode::FB_CROAK) };
libtap-harness-junit-perl-0.42/t/large_suite.t-38-		ok (!$@, "Output of $test is valid UTF-8");
libtap-harness-junit-perl-0.42/t/outputs.t-44-		is_deeply (XMLin ($outfile), XMLin ($model), "Output of $test matches model");
libtap-harness-junit-perl-0.42/t/outputs.t:45:		eval { decode ('UTF-8', `$our_cat2 $outfile`, Encode::FB_CROAK) };
libtap-harness-junit-perl-0.42/t/outputs.t-46-		ok (!$@, "Output of $test is valid UTF-8");
libtap-harness-junit-perl-0.42/t/package.t-75-	is_deeply (XMLin ($outfile), XMLin ($model), "Output of $test (no package) matches model");
libtap-harness-junit-perl-0.42/t/package.t:76:	eval { decode ('UTF-8', `$our_cat2 $outfile`, Encode::FB_CROAK) };
libtap-harness-junit-perl-0.42/t/package.t-77-	ok (!$@, "Output of $test is valid UTF-8");
libtap-harness-junit-perl-0.42/t/package.t-80-	is_deeply (XMLin ($outfile_p0), XMLin ($model), "Output of $test (empty package) matches model");
libtap-harness-junit-perl-0.42/t/package.t:81:	eval { decode ('UTF-8', `$our_cat2 $outfile_p0`, Encode::FB_CROAK) };
libtap-harness-junit-perl-0.42/t/package.t-82-	ok (!$@, "Output of $test is valid UTF-8");
libtap-harness-junit-perl-0.42/t/package.t-85-	is_deeply (XMLin ($outfile_p1), XMLin ($model_pkg), "Output of $test (defined package) matches model");
libtap-harness-junit-perl-0.42/t/package.t:86:	eval { decode ('UTF-8', `$our_cat2 $outfile_p1`, Encode::FB_CROAK) };
libtap-harness-junit-perl-0.42/t/package.t-87-	ok (!$@, "Output of $test is valid UTF-8");
libtap-harness-junit-perl-0.42/t/package.t-90-	is_deeply (XMLin ($outfile_p2), XMLin ($model_pkg), "Output of $test (package through ENV) matches model");
libtap-harness-junit-perl-0.42/t/package.t:91:	eval { decode ('UTF-8', `$our_cat2 $outfile_p2`, Encode::FB_CROAK) };
libtap-harness-junit-perl-0.42/t/package.t-92-	ok (!$@, "Output of $test is valid UTF-8");