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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
libtest-spec-perl-0.54/lib/Test/Spec/Mocks.pm-557-    $self->_install($dest => sub {
libtest-spec-perl-0.54/lib/Test/Spec/Mocks.pm:558:      # Use refaddr() to prevent an overridden equality operator from
libtest-spec-perl-0.54/lib/Test/Spec/Mocks.pm-559-      # making two objects appear equal when they are only equivalent.
libtest-spec-perl-0.54/lib/Test/Spec/Mocks.pm:560:      if (Scalar::Util::refaddr($_[0]) == Scalar::Util::refaddr($target)) {
libtest-spec-perl-0.54/lib/Test/Spec/Mocks.pm-561-        # do extreme late binding here, so calls to returns() after the
libtest-spec-perl-0.54/lib/Test/Spec.pm-394-      || die "could not read spec_helper '$origpath': $!";
libtest-spec-perl-0.54/lib/Test/Spec.pm:395:    eval("# line 1 \"$origpath\"\n" . $content);
libtest-spec-perl-0.54/lib/Test/Spec.pm-396-    die "$@\n" if $@;
libtest-spec-perl-0.54/t/test_helper.pl:47:  system($^X, (map { "-I$_" } @INC), File::Spec->catfile($Bin, $spec_name), @args);