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       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-434-E<10>The return value is the last happened error code.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod:435:E<10>The following error codes are defined: `$hdb-E<gt>ESUCCESS' for success, `$hdb-E<gt>ETHREAD' for threading error, `$hdb-E<gt>EINVALID' for invalid operation, `$hdb-E<gt>ENOFILE' for file not found, `$hdb-E<gt>ENOPERM' for no permission, `$hdb-E<gt>EMETA' for invalid meta data, `$hdb-E<gt>ERHEAD' for invalid record header, `$hdb-E<gt>EOPEN' for open error, `$hdb-E<gt>ECLOSE' for close error, `$hdb-E<gt>ETRUNC' for trunc error, `$hdb-E<gt>ESYNC' for sync error, `$hdb-E<gt>ESTAT' for stat error, `$hdb-E<gt>ESEEK' for seek error, `$hdb-E<gt>EREAD' for read error, `$hdb-E<gt>EWRITE' for write error, `$hdb-E<gt>EMMAP' for mmap error, `$hdb-E<gt>ELOCK' for lock error, `$hdb-E<gt>EUNLINK' for unlink error, `$hdb-E<gt>ERENAME' for rename error, `$hdb-E<gt>EMKDIR' for mkdir error, `$hdb-E<gt>ERMDIR' for rmdir error, `$hdb-E<gt>EKEEP' for existing record, `$hdb-E<gt>ENOREC' for no record found, and `$hdb-E<gt>EMISC' for miscellaneous error.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-442-E<10>`I<fpow>' specifies the maximum number of elements of the free block pool by power of 2.  If it is not defined or negative, the default value is specified.  The default value is 10 standing for 2^10=1024.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod:443:E<10>`I<opts>' specifies options by bitwise-or: `$hdb-E<gt>TLARGE' specifies that the size of the database can be larger than 2GB by using 64-bit bucket array, `$hdb-E<gt>TDEFLATE' specifies that each record is compressed with Deflate encoding, `$hdb-E<gt>TBZIP' specifies that each record is compressed with BZIP2 encoding, `$hdb-E<gt>TTCBS' specifies that each record is compressed with TCBS encoding.  If it is not defined, no option is specified.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-444-E<10>If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.  Note that the tuning parameters of the database should be set before the database is opened.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-470-E<10>`I<path>' specifies the path of the database file.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod:471:E<10>`I<omode>' specifies the connection mode: `$hdb-E<gt>OWRITER' as a writer, `$hdb-E<gt>OREADER' as a reader.  If the mode is `$hdb-E<gt>OWRITER', the following may be added by bitwise-or: `$hdb-E<gt>OCREAT', which means it creates a new database if not exist, `$hdb-E<gt>OTRUNC', which means it creates a new database regardless if one exists, `$hdb-E<gt>OTSYNC', which means every transaction synchronizes updated contents with the device.  Both of `$hdb-E<gt>OREADER' and `$hdb-E<gt>OWRITER' can be added to by bitwise-or: `$hdb-E<gt>ONOLCK', which means it opens the database file without file locking, or `$hdb-E<gt>OLCKNB', which means locking is performed without blocking.  If it is not defined, `$hdb-E<gt>OREADER' is specified.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-472-E<10>If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-577-E<10>`I<fpow>' specifies the maximum number of elements of the free block pool by power of 2.  If it is not defined or negative, the current setting is not changed.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod:578:E<10>`I<opts>' specifies options by bitwise-or: `$hdb-E<gt>TLARGE' specifies that the size of the database can be larger than 2GB by using 64-bit bucket array, `$hdb-E<gt>TDEFLATE' specifies that each record is compressed with Deflate encoding, `$hdb-E<gt>TBZIP' specifies that each record is compressed with BZIP2 encoding, `$hdb-E<gt>TTCBS' specifies that each record is compressed with TCBS encoding.  If it is not defined or 0xff, the current setting is not changed.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-579-E<10>If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-707-E<10>The return value is the last happened error code.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod:708:E<10>The following error codes are defined: `$bdb-E<gt>ESUCCESS' for success, `$bdb-E<gt>ETHREAD' for threading error, `$bdb-E<gt>EINVALID' for invalid operation, `$bdb-E<gt>ENOFILE' for file not found, `$bdb-E<gt>ENOPERM' for no permission, `$bdb-E<gt>EMETA' for invalid meta data, `$bdb-E<gt>ERHEAD' for invalid record header, `$bdb-E<gt>EOPEN' for open error, `$bdb-E<gt>ECLOSE' for close error, `$bdb-E<gt>ETRUNC' for trunc error, `$bdb-E<gt>ESYNC' for sync error, `$bdb-E<gt>ESTAT' for stat error, `$bdb-E<gt>ESEEK' for seek error, `$bdb-E<gt>EREAD' for read error, `$bdb-E<gt>EWRITE' for write error, `$bdb-E<gt>EMMAP' for mmap error, `$bdb-E<gt>ELOCK' for lock error, `$bdb-E<gt>EUNLINK' for unlink error, `$bdb-E<gt>ERENAME' for rename error, `$bdb-E<gt>EMKDIR' for mkdir error, `$bdb-E<gt>ERMDIR' for rmdir error, `$bdb-E<gt>EKEEP' for existing record, `$bdb-E<gt>ENOREC' for no record found, and `$bdb-E<gt>EMISC' for miscellaneous error.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-714-E<10>If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod:715:E<10>The default comparison function compares keys of two records by lexical order.  The constants `$bdb-E<gt>CMPLEXICAL' (dafault), `$bdb-E<gt>CMPDECIMAL', `$bdb-E<gt>CMPINT32', and `$bdb-E<gt>CMPINT64' are built-in.  Note that the comparison function should be set before the database is opened.  Moreover, user-defined comparison functions should be set every time the database is being opened.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-724-E<10>`I<fpow>' specifies the maximum number of elements of the free block pool by power of 2.  If it is not defined or negative, the default value is specified.  The default value is 10 standing for 2^10=1024.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod:725:E<10>`I<opts>' specifies options by bitwise-or: `$bdb-E<gt>TLARGE' specifies that the size of the database can be larger than 2GB by using 64-bit bucket array, `$bdb-E<gt>TDEFLATE' specifies that each record is compressed with Deflate encoding, `$bdb-E<gt>TBZIP' specifies that each record is compressed with BZIP2 encoding, `$bdb-E<gt>TTCBS' specifies that each record is compressed with TCBS encoding.  If it is not defined, no option is specified.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-726-E<10>If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.  Note that the tuning parameters of the database should be set before the database is opened.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-753-E<10>`I<path>' specifies the path of the database file.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod:754:E<10>`I<omode>' specifies the connection mode: `$bdb-E<gt>OWRITER' as a writer, `$bdb-E<gt>OREADER' as a reader.  If the mode is `$bdb-E<gt>OWRITER', the following may be added by bitwise-or: `$bdb-E<gt>OCREAT', which means it creates a new database if not exist, `$bdb-E<gt>OTRUNC', which means it creates a new database regardless if one exists, `$bdb-E<gt>OTSYNC', which means every transaction synchronizes updated contents with the device.  Both of `$bdb-E<gt>OREADER' and `$bdb-E<gt>OWRITER' can be added to by bitwise-or: `$bdb-E<gt>ONOLCK', which means it opens the database file without file locking, or `$bdb-E<gt>OLCKNB', which means locking is performed without blocking.  If it is not defined, `$bdb-E<gt>OREADER' is specified.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-755-E<10>If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-889-E<10>`I<fpow>' specifies the maximum number of elements of the free block pool by power of 2.  If it is not defined or negative, the current setting is not changed.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod:890:E<10>`I<opts>' specifies options by bitwise-or: `$bdb-E<gt>TLARGE' specifies that the size of the database can be larger than 2GB by using 64-bit bucket array, `$bdb-E<gt>TDEFLATE' specifies that each record is compressed with Deflate encoding, `$bdb-E<gt>TBZIP' specifies that each record is compressed with BZIP2 encoding, `$bdb-E<gt>TTCBS' specifies that each record is compressed with TCBS encoding.  If it is not defined or 0xff, the current setting is not changed.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-891-E<10>If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-982-E<10>`I<value>' specifies the value.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod:983:E<10>`I<cpmode>' specifies detail adjustment: `$cur-E<gt>CPCURRENT', which means that the value of the current record is overwritten, `$cur-E<gt>CPBEFORE', which means that the new record is inserted before the current record, `$cur-E<gt>CPAFTER', which means that the new record is inserted after the current record.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-984-E<10>If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.  False is returned when the cursor is at invalid position.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-1086-E<10>The return value is the last happened error code.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod:1087:E<10>The following error codes are defined: `$fdb-E<gt>ESUCCESS' for success, `$fdb-E<gt>ETHREAD' for threading error, `$fdb-E<gt>EINVALID' for invalid operation, `$fdb-E<gt>ENOFILE' for file not found, `$fdb-E<gt>ENOPERM' for no permission, `$fdb-E<gt>EMETA' for invalid meta data, `$fdb-E<gt>ERHEAD' for invalid record header, `$fdb-E<gt>EOPEN' for open error, `$fdb-E<gt>ECLOSE' for close error, `$fdb-E<gt>ETRUNC' for trunc error, `$fdb-E<gt>ESYNC' for sync error, `$fdb-E<gt>ESTAT' for stat error, `$fdb-E<gt>ESEEK' for seek error, `$fdb-E<gt>EREAD' for read error, `$fdb-E<gt>EWRITE' for write error, `$fdb-E<gt>EMMAP' for mmap error, `$fdb-E<gt>ELOCK' for lock error, `$fdb-E<gt>EUNLINK' for unlink error, `$fdb-E<gt>ERENAME' for rename error, `$fdb-E<gt>EMKDIR' for mkdir error, `$fdb-E<gt>ERMDIR' for rmdir error, `$fdb-E<gt>EKEEP' for existing record, `$fdb-E<gt>ENOREC' for no record found, and `$fdb-E<gt>EMISC' for miscellaneous error.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-1099-E<10>`I<path>' specifies the path of the database file.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod:1100:E<10>`I<omode>' specifies the connection mode: `$fdb-E<gt>OWRITER' as a writer, `$fdb-E<gt>OREADER' as a reader.  If the mode is `$fdb-E<gt>OWRITER', the following may be added by bitwise-or: `$fdb-E<gt>OCREAT', which means it creates a new database if not exist, `$fdb-E<gt>OTRUNC', which means it creates a new database regardless if one exists.  Both of `$fdb-E<gt>OREADER' and `$fdb-E<gt>OWRITER' can be added to by bitwise-or: `$fdb-E<gt>ONOLCK', which means it opens the database file without file locking, or `$fdb-E<gt>OLCKNB', which means locking is performed without blocking.  If it is not defined, `$fdb-E<gt>OREADER' is specified.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-1101-E<10>If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-1321-E<10>The return value is the last happened error code.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod:1322:E<10>The following error codes are defined: `$tdb-E<gt>ESUCCESS' for success, `$tdb-E<gt>ETHREAD' for threading error, `$tdb-E<gt>EINVALID' for invalid operation, `$tdb-E<gt>ENOFILE' for file not found, `$tdb-E<gt>ENOPERM' for no permission, `$tdb-E<gt>EMETA' for invalid meta data, `$tdb-E<gt>ERHEAD' for invalid record header, `$tdb-E<gt>EOPEN' for open error, `$tdb-E<gt>ECLOSE' for close error, `$tdb-E<gt>ETRUNC' for trunc error, `$tdb-E<gt>ESYNC' for sync error, `$tdb-E<gt>ESTAT' for stat error, `$tdb-E<gt>ESEEK' for seek error, `$tdb-E<gt>EREAD' for read error, `$tdb-E<gt>EWRITE' for write error, `$tdb-E<gt>EMMAP' for mmap error, `$tdb-E<gt>ELOCK' for lock error, `$tdb-E<gt>EUNLINK' for unlink error, `$tdb-E<gt>ERENAME' for rename error, `$tdb-E<gt>EMKDIR' for mkdir error, `$tdb-E<gt>ERMDIR' for rmdir error, `$tdb-E<gt>EKEEP' for existing record, `$tdb-E<gt>ENOREC' for no record found, and `$tdb-E<gt>EMISC' for miscellaneous error.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-1329-E<10>`I<fpow>' specifies the maximum number of elements of the free block pool by power of 2.  If it is not defined or negative, the default value is specified.  The default value is 10 standing for 2^10=1024.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod:1330:E<10>`I<opts>' specifies options by bitwise-or: `$tdb-E<gt>TLARGE' specifies that the size of the database can be larger than 2GB by using 64-bit bucket array, `$tdb-E<gt>TDEFLATE' specifies that each record is compressed with Deflate encoding, `$tdb-E<gt>TBZIP' specifies that each record is compressed with BZIP2 encoding, `$tdb-E<gt>TTCBS' specifies that each record is compressed with TCBS encoding.  If it is not defined, no option is specified.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-1331-E<10>If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.  Note that the tuning parameters of the database should be set before the database is opened.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-1359-E<10>`I<path>' specifies the path of the database file.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod:1360:E<10>`I<omode>' specifies the connection mode: `$tdb-E<gt>OWRITER' as a writer, `$tdb-E<gt>OREADER' as a reader.  If the mode is `$tdb-E<gt>OWRITER', the following may be added by bitwise-or: `$tdb-E<gt>OCREAT', which means it creates a new database if not exist, `$tdb-E<gt>OTRUNC', which means it creates a new database regardless if one exists, `$tdb-E<gt>OTSYNC', which means every transaction synchronizes updated contents with the device.  Both of `$tdb-E<gt>OREADER' and `$tdb-E<gt>OWRITER' can be added to by bitwise-or: `$tdb-E<gt>ONOLCK', which means it opens the database file without file locking, or `$tdb-E<gt>OLCKNB', which means locking is performed without blocking.  If it is not defined, `$tdb-E<gt>OREADER' is specified.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-1361-E<10>If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-1458-E<10>`I<fpow>' specifies the maximum number of elements of the free block pool by power of 2.  If it is not defined or negative, the current setting is not changed.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod:1459:E<10>`I<opts>' specifies options by bitwise-or: `$tdb-E<gt>TLARGE' specifies that the size of the database can be larger than 2GB by using 64-bit bucket array, `$tdb-E<gt>TDEFLATE' specifies that each record is compressed with Deflate encoding, `$tdb-E<gt>TBZIP' specifies that each record is compressed with BZIP2 encoding, `$tdb-E<gt>TTCBS' specifies that each record is compressed with TCBS encoding.  If it is not defined or 0xff, the current setting is not changed.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-1460-E<10>If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-1511-E<10>`I<name>' specifies the name of a column.  If the name of an existing index is specified, the index is rebuilt.  An empty string means the primary key.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod:1512:E<10>`I<type>' specifies the index type: `$tdb-E<gt>ITLEXICAL' for lexical string, `$tdb-E<gt>ITDECIMAL' for decimal string, `$tdb-E<gt>ITTOKEN' for token inverted index, `$tdb-E<gt>ITQGRAM' for q-gram inverted index.  If it is `$tdb-E<gt>ITOPT', the index is optimized.  If it is `$tdb-E<gt>ITVOID', the index is removed.  If `$tdb-E<gt>ITKEEP' is added by bitwise-or and the index exists, this method merely returns failure.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-1513-E<10>If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-1535-E<10>`I<name>' specifies the name of a column.  An empty string means the primary key.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod:1536:E<10>`I<op>' specifies an operation type: `$qry-E<gt>QCSTREQ' for string which is equal to the expression, `$qry-E<gt>QCSTRINC' for string which is included in the expression, `$qry-E<gt>QCSTRBW' for string which begins with the expression, `$qry-E<gt>QCSTREW' for string which ends with the expression, `$qry-E<gt>QCSTRAND' for string which includes all tokens in the expression, `$qry-E<gt>QCSTROR' for string which includes at least one token in the expression, `$qry-E<gt>QCSTROREQ' for string which is equal to at least one token in the expression, `$qry-E<gt>QCSTRRX' for string which matches regular expressions of the expression, `$qry-E<gt>QCNUMEQ' for number which is equal to the expression, `$qry-E<gt>QCNUMGT' for number which is greater than the expression, `$qry-E<gt>QCNUMGE' for number which is greater than or equal to the expression, `$qry-E<gt>QCNUMLT' for number which is less than the expression, `$qry-E<gt>QCNUMLE' for number which is less than or equal to the expression, `$qry-E<gt>QCNUMBT' for number which is between two tokens of the expression, `$qry-E<gt>QCNUMOREQ' for number which is equal to at least one token in the expression, `$qry-E<gt>QCFTSPH' for full-text search with the phrase of the expression, `$qry-E<gt>QCFTSAND' for full-text search with all tokens in the expression, `$qry-E<gt>QCFTSOR' for full-text search with at least one token in the expression, `$qry-E<gt>QCFTSEX' for full-text search with the compound expression.  All operations can be flagged by bitwise-or: `$qry-E<gt>QCNEGATE' for negation, `$qry-E<gt>QCNOIDX' for using no index.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-1537-E<10>`I<expr>' specifies an operand exression.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-1543-E<10>`I<name>' specifies the name of a column.  An empty string means the primary key.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod:1544:E<10>`I<type>' specifies the order type: `$qry-E<gt>QOSTRASC' for string ascending, `$qry-E<gt>QOSTRDESC' for string descending, `$qry-E<gt>QONUMASC' for number ascending, `$qry-E<gt>QONUMDESC' for number descending.  If it is not defined, `$qry-E<gt>QOSTRASC' is specified.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-1545-E<10>The return value is always `undef'.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-1566-E<10>Process each corresponding record.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod:1567:E<10>`I<proc>' specifies the iterator function called for each record.  It can be either the reference of a block or the name of a function.  The function receives two parameters.  The first parameter is the primary key.  The second parameter is the reference to a hash containing columns.  It returns flags of the post treatment by bitwise-or: `$qry-E<gt>QPPUT' to modify the record, `$qry-E<gt>QPOUT' to remove the record, `$qry-E<gt>QPSTOP' to stop the iteration.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-1568-E<10>If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-1578-E<10>`I<others>' specifies the reference to an array of the query objects except for the self object.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod:1579:E<10>`I<type>' specifies a set operation type: `$qry-E<gt>MSUNION' for the union set, `$qry-E<gt>MSISECT' for the intersection set, `$qry-E<gt>MSDIFF' for the difference set.  If it is not defined, `$qry-E<gt>MSUNION' is specified.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-1580-E<10>The return value is the reference to an array of the primary keys of the corresponding records.  This method does never fail.  It returns an empty array even if no record corresponds.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-1588-E<10>`I<width>' specifies the width of strings picked up around each keyword.  If it is not defined or negative, the whole text is picked up.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod:1589:E<10>`I<opts>' specifies options by bitwise-or: `$qry-E<gt>KWMUTAB' specifies that each keyword is marked up between two tab characters, `$qry-E<gt>KWMUCTRL' specifies that each keyword is marked up by the STX (0x02) code and the ETX (0x03) code, `$qry-E<gt>KWMUBRCT' specifies that each keyword is marked up by the two square brackets, `$qry-E<gt>KWNOOVER' specifies that each context does not overlap, `$qry-E<gt>KWPULEAD' specifies that the lead string is picked up forcibly.  If it is not defined, no option is specified.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/TokyoCabinet.pod-1590-E<10>The return value is the reference to an array of strings around keywords.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/test.pl-45-foreach my $command (@commands){
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/test.pl:46:    my $rv = system("$^X $command >/dev/null");
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/test.pl-47-    ok($rv == 0, $command);
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-486-<br />The return value is the last happened error code.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html:487:<br />The following error codes are defined: `$hdb-&gt;ESUCCESS' for success, `$hdb-&gt;ETHREAD' for threading error, `$hdb-&gt;EINVALID' for invalid operation, `$hdb-&gt;ENOFILE' for file not found, `$hdb-&gt;ENOPERM' for no permission, `$hdb-&gt;EMETA' for invalid meta data, `$hdb-&gt;ERHEAD' for invalid record header, `$hdb-&gt;EOPEN' for open error, `$hdb-&gt;ECLOSE' for close error, `$hdb-&gt;ETRUNC' for trunc error, `$hdb-&gt;ESYNC' for sync error, `$hdb-&gt;ESTAT' for stat error, `$hdb-&gt;ESEEK' for seek error, `$hdb-&gt;EREAD' for read error, `$hdb-&gt;EWRITE' for write error, `$hdb-&gt;EMMAP' for mmap error, `$hdb-&gt;ELOCK' for lock error, `$hdb-&gt;EUNLINK' for unlink error, `$hdb-&gt;ERENAME' for rename error, `$hdb-&gt;EMKDIR' for mkdir error, `$hdb-&gt;ERMDIR' for rmdir error, `$hdb-&gt;EKEEP' for existing record, `$hdb-&gt;ENOREC' for no record found, and `$hdb-&gt;EMISC' for miscellaneous error.</p>
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-495-<br />`<em>fpow</em>' specifies the maximum number of elements of the free block pool by power of 2.  If it is not defined or negative, the default value is specified.  The default value is 10 standing for 2^10=1024.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html:496:<br />`<em>opts</em>' specifies options by bitwise-or: `$hdb-&gt;TLARGE' specifies that the size of the database can be larger than 2GB by using 64-bit bucket array, `$hdb-&gt;TDEFLATE' specifies that each record is compressed with Deflate encoding, `$hdb-&gt;TBZIP' specifies that each record is compressed with BZIP2 encoding, `$hdb-&gt;TTCBS' specifies that each record is compressed with TCBS encoding.  If it is not defined, no option is specified.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-497-<br />If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.  Note that the tuning parameters of the database should be set before the database is opened.</p>
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-527-<br />`<em>path</em>' specifies the path of the database file.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html:528:<br />`<em>omode</em>' specifies the connection mode: `$hdb-&gt;OWRITER' as a writer, `$hdb-&gt;OREADER' as a reader.  If the mode is `$hdb-&gt;OWRITER', the following may be added by bitwise-or: `$hdb-&gt;OCREAT', which means it creates a new database if not exist, `$hdb-&gt;OTRUNC', which means it creates a new database regardless if one exists, `$hdb-&gt;OTSYNC', which means every transaction synchronizes updated contents with the device.  Both of `$hdb-&gt;OREADER' and `$hdb-&gt;OWRITER' can be added to by bitwise-or: `$hdb-&gt;ONOLCK', which means it opens the database file without file locking, or `$hdb-&gt;OLCKNB', which means locking is performed without blocking.  If it is not defined, `$hdb-&gt;OREADER' is specified.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-529-<br />If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.</p>
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-649-<br />`<em>fpow</em>' specifies the maximum number of elements of the free block pool by power of 2.  If it is not defined or negative, the current setting is not changed.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html:650:<br />`<em>opts</em>' specifies options by bitwise-or: `$hdb-&gt;TLARGE' specifies that the size of the database can be larger than 2GB by using 64-bit bucket array, `$hdb-&gt;TDEFLATE' specifies that each record is compressed with Deflate encoding, `$hdb-&gt;TBZIP' specifies that each record is compressed with BZIP2 encoding, `$hdb-&gt;TTCBS' specifies that each record is compressed with TCBS encoding.  If it is not defined or 0xff, the current setting is not changed.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-651-<br />If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-795-<br />The return value is the last happened error code.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html:796:<br />The following error codes are defined: `$bdb-&gt;ESUCCESS' for success, `$bdb-&gt;ETHREAD' for threading error, `$bdb-&gt;EINVALID' for invalid operation, `$bdb-&gt;ENOFILE' for file not found, `$bdb-&gt;ENOPERM' for no permission, `$bdb-&gt;EMETA' for invalid meta data, `$bdb-&gt;ERHEAD' for invalid record header, `$bdb-&gt;EOPEN' for open error, `$bdb-&gt;ECLOSE' for close error, `$bdb-&gt;ETRUNC' for trunc error, `$bdb-&gt;ESYNC' for sync error, `$bdb-&gt;ESTAT' for stat error, `$bdb-&gt;ESEEK' for seek error, `$bdb-&gt;EREAD' for read error, `$bdb-&gt;EWRITE' for write error, `$bdb-&gt;EMMAP' for mmap error, `$bdb-&gt;ELOCK' for lock error, `$bdb-&gt;EUNLINK' for unlink error, `$bdb-&gt;ERENAME' for rename error, `$bdb-&gt;EMKDIR' for mkdir error, `$bdb-&gt;ERMDIR' for rmdir error, `$bdb-&gt;EKEEP' for existing record, `$bdb-&gt;ENOREC' for no record found, and `$bdb-&gt;EMISC' for miscellaneous error.</p>
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-803-<br />If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html:804:<br />The default comparison function compares keys of two records by lexical order.  The constants `$bdb-&gt;CMPLEXICAL' (dafault), `$bdb-&gt;CMPDECIMAL', `$bdb-&gt;CMPINT32', and `$bdb-&gt;CMPINT64' are built-in.  Note that the comparison function should be set before the database is opened.  Moreover, user-defined comparison functions should be set every time the database is being opened.</p>
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-814-<br />`<em>fpow</em>' specifies the maximum number of elements of the free block pool by power of 2.  If it is not defined or negative, the default value is specified.  The default value is 10 standing for 2^10=1024.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html:815:<br />`<em>opts</em>' specifies options by bitwise-or: `$bdb-&gt;TLARGE' specifies that the size of the database can be larger than 2GB by using 64-bit bucket array, `$bdb-&gt;TDEFLATE' specifies that each record is compressed with Deflate encoding, `$bdb-&gt;TBZIP' specifies that each record is compressed with BZIP2 encoding, `$bdb-&gt;TTCBS' specifies that each record is compressed with TCBS encoding.  If it is not defined, no option is specified.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-816-<br />If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.  Note that the tuning parameters of the database should be set before the database is opened.</p>
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-847-<br />`<em>path</em>' specifies the path of the database file.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html:848:<br />`<em>omode</em>' specifies the connection mode: `$bdb-&gt;OWRITER' as a writer, `$bdb-&gt;OREADER' as a reader.  If the mode is `$bdb-&gt;OWRITER', the following may be added by bitwise-or: `$bdb-&gt;OCREAT', which means it creates a new database if not exist, `$bdb-&gt;OTRUNC', which means it creates a new database regardless if one exists, `$bdb-&gt;OTSYNC', which means every transaction synchronizes updated contents with the device.  Both of `$bdb-&gt;OREADER' and `$bdb-&gt;OWRITER' can be added to by bitwise-or: `$bdb-&gt;ONOLCK', which means it opens the database file without file locking, or `$bdb-&gt;OLCKNB', which means locking is performed without blocking.  If it is not defined, `$bdb-&gt;OREADER' is specified.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-849-<br />If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.</p>
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1001-<br />`<em>fpow</em>' specifies the maximum number of elements of the free block pool by power of 2.  If it is not defined or negative, the current setting is not changed.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html:1002:<br />`<em>opts</em>' specifies options by bitwise-or: `$bdb-&gt;TLARGE' specifies that the size of the database can be larger than 2GB by using 64-bit bucket array, `$bdb-&gt;TDEFLATE' specifies that each record is compressed with Deflate encoding, `$bdb-&gt;TBZIP' specifies that each record is compressed with BZIP2 encoding, `$bdb-&gt;TTCBS' specifies that each record is compressed with TCBS encoding.  If it is not defined or 0xff, the current setting is not changed.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1003-<br />If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1108-<br />`<em>value</em>' specifies the value.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html:1109:<br />`<em>cpmode</em>' specifies detail adjustment: `$cur-&gt;CPCURRENT', which means that the value of the current record is overwritten, `$cur-&gt;CPBEFORE', which means that the new record is inserted before the current record, `$cur-&gt;CPAFTER', which means that the new record is inserted after the current record.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1110-<br />If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.  False is returned when the cursor is at invalid position.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1223-<br />The return value is the last happened error code.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html:1224:<br />The following error codes are defined: `$fdb-&gt;ESUCCESS' for success, `$fdb-&gt;ETHREAD' for threading error, `$fdb-&gt;EINVALID' for invalid operation, `$fdb-&gt;ENOFILE' for file not found, `$fdb-&gt;ENOPERM' for no permission, `$fdb-&gt;EMETA' for invalid meta data, `$fdb-&gt;ERHEAD' for invalid record header, `$fdb-&gt;EOPEN' for open error, `$fdb-&gt;ECLOSE' for close error, `$fdb-&gt;ETRUNC' for trunc error, `$fdb-&gt;ESYNC' for sync error, `$fdb-&gt;ESTAT' for stat error, `$fdb-&gt;ESEEK' for seek error, `$fdb-&gt;EREAD' for read error, `$fdb-&gt;EWRITE' for write error, `$fdb-&gt;EMMAP' for mmap error, `$fdb-&gt;ELOCK' for lock error, `$fdb-&gt;EUNLINK' for unlink error, `$fdb-&gt;ERENAME' for rename error, `$fdb-&gt;EMKDIR' for mkdir error, `$fdb-&gt;ERMDIR' for rmdir error, `$fdb-&gt;EKEEP' for existing record, `$fdb-&gt;ENOREC' for no record found, and `$fdb-&gt;EMISC' for miscellaneous error.</p>
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1238-<br />`<em>path</em>' specifies the path of the database file.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html:1239:<br />`<em>omode</em>' specifies the connection mode: `$fdb-&gt;OWRITER' as a writer, `$fdb-&gt;OREADER' as a reader.  If the mode is `$fdb-&gt;OWRITER', the following may be added by bitwise-or: `$fdb-&gt;OCREAT', which means it creates a new database if not exist, `$fdb-&gt;OTRUNC', which means it creates a new database regardless if one exists.  Both of `$fdb-&gt;OREADER' and `$fdb-&gt;OWRITER' can be added to by bitwise-or: `$fdb-&gt;ONOLCK', which means it opens the database file without file locking, or `$fdb-&gt;OLCKNB', which means locking is performed without blocking.  If it is not defined, `$fdb-&gt;OREADER' is specified.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1240-<br />If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.</p>
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1490-<br />The return value is the last happened error code.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html:1491:<br />The following error codes are defined: `$tdb-&gt;ESUCCESS' for success, `$tdb-&gt;ETHREAD' for threading error, `$tdb-&gt;EINVALID' for invalid operation, `$tdb-&gt;ENOFILE' for file not found, `$tdb-&gt;ENOPERM' for no permission, `$tdb-&gt;EMETA' for invalid meta data, `$tdb-&gt;ERHEAD' for invalid record header, `$tdb-&gt;EOPEN' for open error, `$tdb-&gt;ECLOSE' for close error, `$tdb-&gt;ETRUNC' for trunc error, `$tdb-&gt;ESYNC' for sync error, `$tdb-&gt;ESTAT' for stat error, `$tdb-&gt;ESEEK' for seek error, `$tdb-&gt;EREAD' for read error, `$tdb-&gt;EWRITE' for write error, `$tdb-&gt;EMMAP' for mmap error, `$tdb-&gt;ELOCK' for lock error, `$tdb-&gt;EUNLINK' for unlink error, `$tdb-&gt;ERENAME' for rename error, `$tdb-&gt;EMKDIR' for mkdir error, `$tdb-&gt;ERMDIR' for rmdir error, `$tdb-&gt;EKEEP' for existing record, `$tdb-&gt;ENOREC' for no record found, and `$tdb-&gt;EMISC' for miscellaneous error.</p>
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1499-<br />`<em>fpow</em>' specifies the maximum number of elements of the free block pool by power of 2.  If it is not defined or negative, the default value is specified.  The default value is 10 standing for 2^10=1024.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html:1500:<br />`<em>opts</em>' specifies options by bitwise-or: `$tdb-&gt;TLARGE' specifies that the size of the database can be larger than 2GB by using 64-bit bucket array, `$tdb-&gt;TDEFLATE' specifies that each record is compressed with Deflate encoding, `$tdb-&gt;TBZIP' specifies that each record is compressed with BZIP2 encoding, `$tdb-&gt;TTCBS' specifies that each record is compressed with TCBS encoding.  If it is not defined, no option is specified.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1501-<br />If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.  Note that the tuning parameters of the database should be set before the database is opened.</p>
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1533-<br />`<em>path</em>' specifies the path of the database file.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html:1534:<br />`<em>omode</em>' specifies the connection mode: `$tdb-&gt;OWRITER' as a writer, `$tdb-&gt;OREADER' as a reader.  If the mode is `$tdb-&gt;OWRITER', the following may be added by bitwise-or: `$tdb-&gt;OCREAT', which means it creates a new database if not exist, `$tdb-&gt;OTRUNC', which means it creates a new database regardless if one exists, `$tdb-&gt;OTSYNC', which means every transaction synchronizes updated contents with the device.  Both of `$tdb-&gt;OREADER' and `$tdb-&gt;OWRITER' can be added to by bitwise-or: `$tdb-&gt;ONOLCK', which means it opens the database file without file locking, or `$tdb-&gt;OLCKNB', which means locking is performed without blocking.  If it is not defined, `$tdb-&gt;OREADER' is specified.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1535-<br />If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.</p>
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1646-<br />`<em>fpow</em>' specifies the maximum number of elements of the free block pool by power of 2.  If it is not defined or negative, the current setting is not changed.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html:1647:<br />`<em>opts</em>' specifies options by bitwise-or: `$tdb-&gt;TLARGE' specifies that the size of the database can be larger than 2GB by using 64-bit bucket array, `$tdb-&gt;TDEFLATE' specifies that each record is compressed with Deflate encoding, `$tdb-&gt;TBZIP' specifies that each record is compressed with BZIP2 encoding, `$tdb-&gt;TTCBS' specifies that each record is compressed with TCBS encoding.  If it is not defined or 0xff, the current setting is not changed.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1648-<br />If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1708-<br />`<em>name</em>' specifies the name of a column.  If the name of an existing index is specified, the index is rebuilt.  An empty string means the primary key.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html:1709:<br />`<em>type</em>' specifies the index type: `$tdb-&gt;ITLEXICAL' for lexical string, `$tdb-&gt;ITDECIMAL' for decimal string, `$tdb-&gt;ITTOKEN' for token inverted index, `$tdb-&gt;ITQGRAM' for q-gram inverted index.  If it is `$tdb-&gt;ITOPT', the index is optimized.  If it is `$tdb-&gt;ITVOID', the index is removed.  If `$tdb-&gt;ITKEEP' is added by bitwise-or and the index exists, this method merely returns failure.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1710-<br />If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.</p>
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1734-<br />`<em>name</em>' specifies the name of a column.  An empty string means the primary key.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html:1735:<br />`<em>op</em>' specifies an operation type: `$qry-&gt;QCSTREQ' for string which is equal to the expression, `$qry-&gt;QCSTRINC' for string which is included in the expression, `$qry-&gt;QCSTRBW' for string which begins with the expression, `$qry-&gt;QCSTREW' for string which ends with the expression, `$qry-&gt;QCSTRAND' for string which includes all tokens in the expression, `$qry-&gt;QCSTROR' for string which includes at least one token in the expression, `$qry-&gt;QCSTROREQ' for string which is equal to at least one token in the expression, `$qry-&gt;QCSTRRX' for string which matches regular expressions of the expression, `$qry-&gt;QCNUMEQ' for number which is equal to the expression, `$qry-&gt;QCNUMGT' for number which is greater than the expression, `$qry-&gt;QCNUMGE' for number which is greater than or equal to the expression, `$qry-&gt;QCNUMLT' for number which is less than the expression, `$qry-&gt;QCNUMLE' for number which is less than or equal to the expression, `$qry-&gt;QCNUMBT' for number which is between two tokens of the expression, `$qry-&gt;QCNUMOREQ' for number which is equal to at least one token in the expression, `$qry-&gt;QCFTSPH' for full-text search with the phrase of the expression, `$qry-&gt;QCFTSAND' for full-text search with all tokens in the expression, `$qry-&gt;QCFTSOR' for full-text search with at least one token in the expression, `$qry-&gt;QCFTSEX' for full-text search with the compound expression.  All operations can be flagged by bitwise-or: `$qry-&gt;QCNEGATE' for negation, `$qry-&gt;QCNOIDX' for using no index.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1736-<br />`<em>expr</em>' specifies an operand exression.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1743-<br />`<em>name</em>' specifies the name of a column.  An empty string means the primary key.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html:1744:<br />`<em>type</em>' specifies the order type: `$qry-&gt;QOSTRASC' for string ascending, `$qry-&gt;QOSTRDESC' for string descending, `$qry-&gt;QONUMASC' for number ascending, `$qry-&gt;QONUMDESC' for number descending.  If it is not defined, `$qry-&gt;QOSTRASC' is specified.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1745-<br />The return value is always `undef'.</p>
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1770-<p>Process each corresponding record.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html:1771:<br />`<em>proc</em>' specifies the iterator function called for each record.  It can be either the reference of a block or the name of a function.  The function receives two parameters.  The first parameter is the primary key.  The second parameter is the reference to a hash containing columns.  It returns flags of the post treatment by bitwise-or: `$qry-&gt;QPPUT' to modify the record, `$qry-&gt;QPOUT' to remove the record, `$qry-&gt;QPSTOP' to stop the iteration.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1772-<br />If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.</p>
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1784-<br />`<em>others</em>' specifies the reference to an array of the query objects except for the self object.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html:1785:<br />`<em>type</em>' specifies a set operation type: `$qry-&gt;MSUNION' for the union set, `$qry-&gt;MSISECT' for the intersection set, `$qry-&gt;MSDIFF' for the difference set.  If it is not defined, `$qry-&gt;MSUNION' is specified.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1786-<br />The return value is the reference to an array of the primary keys of the corresponding records.  This method does never fail.  It returns an empty array even if no record corresponds.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1795-<br />`<em>width</em>' specifies the width of strings picked up around each keyword.  If it is not defined or negative, the whole text is picked up.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html:1796:<br />`<em>opts</em>' specifies options by bitwise-or: `$qry-&gt;KWMUTAB' specifies that each keyword is marked up between two tab characters, `$qry-&gt;KWMUCTRL' specifies that each keyword is marked up by the STX (0x02) code and the ETX (0x03) code, `$qry-&gt;KWMUBRCT' specifies that each keyword is marked up by the two square brackets, `$qry-&gt;KWNOOVER' specifies that each context does not overlap, `$qry-&gt;KWPULEAD' specifies that the lead string is picked up forcibly.  If it is not defined, no option is specified.
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/doc/index.html-1797-<br />The return value is the reference to an array of strings around keywords.</p>
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/memsize.pl-9-sub memoryusage {
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/memsize.pl:10:    my $status = `cat /proc/$$/status`;
libtokyocabinet-perl-1.34/memsize.pl-11-    my @lines = split("\n", $status);