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        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
linux-show-player-0.5.1/docs/user/source/command_cue_examples.rst:13:* **Start slideshow:** ``xdotool key --window "$(xdotool search --class Libreoffice | head -n1)" F5`` (requires xdotool)
linux-show-player-0.5.1/docs/user/source/command_cue_examples.rst:14:* **Next slide:** ``xdotool key --window "$(xdotool search --class Libreoffice | head -n1)" Right`` (requires xdotool)
linux-show-player-0.5.1/docs/user/source/command_cue_examples.rst-31-* **Start Player:** ``mpv --input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsocket --idle --keep-open=always --osc=no --fullscreen --geometry=1920:0``
linux-show-player-0.5.1/docs/user/source/command_cue_examples.rst:32:* **Load File:** ``MEDIA="<file/path>"; printf '{ "command": ["loadfile", "%s"] }\n' $MEDIA|socat - /tmp/mpvsocket``
linux-show-player-0.5.1/docs/user/source/command_cue_examples.rst-33-* *A complete set of commands can be downloaded and imported as preset in the GitHub releases page.*
linux-show-player-0.5.1/docs/user/source/plugins/presets.rst-43-.. Note::
linux-show-player-0.5.1/docs/user/source/plugins/presets.rst:44:    Preset are saved under ``$HOME/.linux-show-player/presets/``
linux-show-player-0.5.1/docs/user/source/plugins/synchronization.rst-37-and ``50000`` (for the discovery) ports are used, those values can be changed
linux-show-player-0.5.1/docs/user/source/plugins/synchronization.rst:38:in the configuration file ``$HOME/.linux-show-player/config.cfg``.