                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
node-bl-4.0.3/test/convert.js-7-tape('convert from BufferList to BufferListStream', (t) => {
node-bl-4.0.3/test/convert.js:8:  const data = Buffer.from(`TEST-${Date.now()}`)
node-bl-4.0.3/test/convert.js-9-  const bl = new BufferList(data)
node-bl-4.0.3/test/convert.js-15-tape('convert from BufferListStream to BufferList', (t) => {
node-bl-4.0.3/test/convert.js:16:  const data = Buffer.from(`TEST-${Date.now()}`)
node-bl-4.0.3/test/convert.js-17-  const bls = new BufferListStream(data)
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js-287-    let index = twoByteString.indexOf('\u0391', 0, 'ucs2')
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js:288:    t.equal(2, index, `Alpha - at index ${index}`)
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js-289-    index = twoByteString.indexOf('\u03a3', 0, 'ucs2')
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js:290:    t.equal(4, index, `First Sigma - at index ${index}`)
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js-291-    index = twoByteString.indexOf('\u03a3', 6, 'ucs2')
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js:292:    t.equal(6, index, `Second Sigma - at index ${index}`)
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js-293-    index = twoByteString.indexOf('\u0395', 0, 'ucs2')
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js:294:    t.equal(8, index, `Epsilon - at index ${index}`)
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js-295-    index = twoByteString.indexOf('\u0392', 0, 'ucs2')
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js:296:    t.equal(-1, index, `Not beta - at index ${index}`)
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js-299-    index = twoByteString.indexOf('\u039a\u0391', 0, 'ucs2')
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js:300:    t.equal(0, index, `Lambda Alpha - at index ${index}`)
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js-301-    index = twoByteString.indexOf('\u0391\u03a3', 0, 'ucs2')
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js:302:    t.equal(2, index, `Alpha Sigma - at index ${index}`)
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js-303-    index = twoByteString.indexOf('\u03a3\u03a3', 0, 'ucs2')
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js:304:    t.equal(4, index, `Sigma Sigma - at index ${index}`)
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js-305-    index = twoByteString.indexOf('\u03a3\u0395', 0, 'ucs2')
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js:306:    t.equal(6, index, `Sigma Epsilon - at index ${index}`)
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js-307-  }
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js-330-    t.equal((i + 15) & ~0xf, index,
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js:331:      `Long ABACABA...-string at index ${i}`)
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js-332-  }
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js-334-  let index = longBufferString.indexOf('AJABACA')
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js:335:  t.equal(510, index, `Long AJABACA, First J - at index ${index}`)
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js-336-  index = longBufferString.indexOf('AJABACA', 511)
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js:337:  t.equal(1534, index, `Long AJABACA, Second J - at index ${index}`)
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js-340-  index = longBufferString.indexOf(pattern)
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js:341:  t.equal(511, index, `Long JABACABA..., First J - at index ${index}`)
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js-342-  index = longBufferString.indexOf(pattern, 512)
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js-343-  t.equal(
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js:344:    1535, index, `Long JABACABA..., Second J - at index ${index}`)
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js-432-  ].forEach((val) => {
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js:433:    t.throws(() => b.indexOf(val), TypeError, `"${JSON.stringify(val)}" should throw`)
node-bl-4.0.3/test/indexOf.js-434-  })
node-bl-4.0.3/test/test.js-474-    if (buf.indexOf(clone) !== -1) {
node-bl-4.0.3/test/test.js:475:      t.fail(`Match (at ${i})`)
node-bl-4.0.3/test/test.js-476-      break