                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md-10-  * Use jQuery from the jquery module in benchmarks (#871)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md:11:  * Document, test, and extend static `$.text` method (#855)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md-12-  * Fix typo on calling _.extend (#861)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md-39- * Enable setting data on all elements in selection (Mike Pennisi)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md:40: * Reinstate `$.fn.toArray` (Mike Pennisi)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md-41- * update css-select to 1.1.0 (Thomas Shafer)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md-111- * Correct error in documentation (Mike Pennisi)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md:112: * Return a fully-qualified Function from `$.load` (Mike Pennisi)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md-113- * Update tests to avoid duck typing (Mike Pennisi)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md-115- * Organize tests for `cheerio.load` (Mike Pennisi)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md:116: * Complete `$.prototype.find` (Mike Pennisi)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md-117- * Use JSHint's `extends` option (Mike Pennisi)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md-125- * Created a wiki for companies using cheerio in production (Matthew Mueller)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md:126: * Implement `$.prototype.index` (Mike Pennisi)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md:127: * Implement `$.prototype.addBack` (Mike Pennisi)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md-128- * Added double quotes to radio attribute name to account for characters such as brackets (akant10)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md-211- * use latest htmlparser2 and entities versions (@fb55)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md:212: * Deprecate `$.fn.toArray` (@jugglinmike)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md:213: * Implement `$.fn.get` (@jugglinmike)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md-214- * .replaceWith now replaces all selected elements. (@xavi-)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md-276- * Correct bug in `Cheerio#parents` (@jugglinmike)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md:277: * Implement `$.fn.end` (@jugginmike)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md-278- * Ignore colons inside of url(.*) when parsing css (@Meekohi)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md-280- * Update HtmlParser2 version (@jugglinmike)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md:281: * Correct inconsistency in `$.fn.map` (@jugglinmike)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md-282- * fixed traversing tests (@finspin)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md:318: * Correct implementation of `$.fn.text` (@jugglinmike)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md-319- * Refactor Cheerio array creation (@jugglinmike)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md:369:* Added `$.contains(...)` (jugglinmike)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md-370-* formatting cleanup (davidchambers)
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md:494:* *Important:* `$(...).html()` now returns inner HTML, which is in line with the jQuery spec
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md:495:* `$.html()` returns the full HTML string. `$.html([cheerioObject])` will return the outer(selected element's tag) and inner HTML of that object
node-cheerio-0.22.0/History.md-496-* Fixed bug that prevented HTML strings with depth (eg. `append('<ul><li><li></ul>')`) from getting `parent`, `next`, `prev` attributes.
node-cheerio-0.22.0/Readme.md:876:If you want to return the outerHTML you can use `$.html(selector)`:
node-cheerio-0.22.0/Readme.md:934:Sometimes you need to work with the top-level root element. To query it, you can use `$.root()`.