                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/doc/api/core/operators/partition.md-75-function displayCoordinates(element, pos) {
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/doc/api/core/operators/partition.md:76:  element.textContent = `(x: ${pos.x}, y: ${pos.y})`;
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/doc/howdoi/angular.md:9:Scopes provide the ability to observe change mutations on the scope through the [`$watch`](http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.$rootScope.Scope#methods_$watch) method.  This is a perfect opportunity to integrate the power of the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript with Angular.  Let's look at a typical usage of `$watch`.
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/doc/howdoi/angular.md:31:Using the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript, we're able to easily bind to this by wrapping the `$watch` as an observable.  To do this, we'll create an observable sequence using `Rx.Observable.create` which gives us an observer to yield to.  In this case, we'll capture both the old and new values through our listener function.  The `$watch` function returns a function, which when called, ceases the watch expression.
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/doc/howdoi/angular.md:78:AngularJS ships a promise/deferred implementation based upon [Kris Kowal's Q](https://github.com/kriskowal/q) called the [`$q`](http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.$q) service.  Promises are quite useful in scenarios with one and done asynchronous operations such as querying a service through the [`$http`](http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.$http) service.
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/doc/howdoi/jquery.md:87:Bridging to jQuery Ajax calls using [`$.ajax`](http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/) is easy as well with the built-in [Promises A+](https://github.com/promises-aplus/promises-spec) support.  Since jQuery 1.5, the `$.ajax` method has implemented a promise interface (even if not 100% pure) which allows us to bridge to an observable sequence via the `Rx.Observable.fromPromise` method.
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/doc/howdoi/jquery.md:89:For example, we could query Wikipedia by calling the `$.ajax` method and then calling the [`promise`](http://api.jquery.com/deferred.promise/) method which then exposes the minimum promise interface needed.
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/doc/readme.md-37-  .map(s => s + 'transformed')
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/doc/readme.md:38:  .forEach(s => console.log(\`next => ${s}\`))</code></pre></td>
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/doc/readme.md-39-  <td><pre><code>getDataFromNetwork()
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/doc/readme.md-41-  .map(s => s + 'transformed')
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/doc/readme.md:42:  .subscribe(s => console.log(\`next => ${s}\`))</code></pre></td></tr>
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/doc/readme.md-43- </tbody>
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/readme.md-49-  .map(quote => quote.price)
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/readme.md:50:  .forEach(price => console.log(`Prices higher than $30: ${price}`);
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/readme.md-62-  .subscribe(
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/readme.md:63:    price => console.log(`Prices higher than $30: ${price}`),
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/readme.md:64:    err => console.log(`Something went wrong: ${err.message}`);
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/readme.md-65-  );
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/src/modular/readme.md-43-  .map(quote => quote.price)
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/src/modular/readme.md:44:  .forEach(price => console.log(`Prices higher than $30: ${price}`);
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/src/modular/readme.md-56-  .subscribe(
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/src/modular/readme.md:57:    price => console.log(`Prices higher than $30: ${price}`),
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/src/modular/readme.md:58:    err => console.log(`Something went wrong: ${err.message}`);
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/src/modular/readme.md-59-  );
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/src/modular/readme.md-76-  .map(x => x + 2)
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/src/modular/readme.md:77:  .subscribe(x => console.log(`The answer is ${x}`));
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/src/modular/readme.md-78-// => The answer is 4
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/src/modular/readme.md:94:const subscription = mapped.subscribe( x => console.log(`The answer is ${x}`) );
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/src/modular/readme.md-95-// => The answer is 4
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/src/modular/readme.md-116-  .map(x => x + 2)
node-rx-4.1.0+dfsg1/src/modular/readme.md:117:  .subscribe(x => console.log(`The answer is ${x}`));