                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
openapi-specification-3.0.3/guidelines/v2.0/REUSE.md:18:A reference is a construct in your API design document that indicates "the content for this portion of the document is defined elsewhere". To create a reference, at the location in your document where you want to reuse some other definition, create an object that has a `$ref` property whose value is a URI pointing to where the definition is (more on this in later sections). 
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/1.2.md:120:<a name="dataTypeType"/>type | `string` | Any |**Required (if [`$ref`](#dataTypeRef) is not used).** The return type of the operation. The value MUST be one of the [Primitives](#431-primitives), `array` or a model's [`id`](#modelId).
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/1.2.md-121-<a name="dataTypeRef"/>$ref | `string` | Any | **Required (if [`type`](#dataTypeType) is not used).** The [Model](#527-model-object) to be used. The value MUST be a model's [`id`](#modelId).
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/1.2.md:132:This object is used to describe the value types used inside an array. Of the [Data Type Fields](#433-data-type-fields), it can include either the [`type`](#dataTypeType) and [`format`](#dataTypeFormat) fields *OR* the [`$ref`](#dataTypeRef) field (when referencing a model). The rest of the listed Data Type fields are not applicable.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/1.2.md:1059:This object includes the [Data Type Fields](#433-data-type-fields) in order to describe the type of this property. The [`$ref`](#dataTypeRef) field MUST be used when linking to other models.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/2.0.md:72:The Swagger representation of the API is made of a single file. However, parts of the definitions can be split into separate files, at the discretion of the user. This is applicable for `$ref` fields in the specification as follows from the [JSON Schema](http://json-schema.org) definitions.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.0.md:135:An OpenAPI document MAY be made up of a single document or be divided into multiple, connected parts at the discretion of the user. In the latter case, `$ref` fields MUST be used in the specification to reference those parts as follows from the [JSON Schema](http://json-schema.org) definitions.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.0.md:177:Relative references used in `$ref` are processed as per [JSON Reference](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pbryan-zyp-json-ref-03), using the URL of the current document as the base URI. See also the [Reference Object](#referenceObject).
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.0.md-1004-<a name="parameterExplode"></a>explode | `boolean` | When this is true, parameter values of type `array` or `object` generate separate parameters for each value of the array or key-value pair of the map.  For other types of parameters this property has no effect. When [`style`](#parameterStyle) is `form`, the default value is `true`. For all other styles, the default value is `false`.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.0.md:1005:<a name="parameterAllowReserved"></a>allowReserved | `boolean` | Determines whether the parameter value SHOULD allow reserved characters, as defined by [RFC3986](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.2) `:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=` to be included without percent-encoding. This property only applies to parameters with an `in` value of `query`. The default value is `false`.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.0.md-1006-<a name="parameterSchema"></a>schema | [Schema Object](#schemaObject) \| [Reference Object](#referenceObject) | The schema defining the type used for the parameter.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.0.md-1562-<a name="encodingExplode"></a>explode | `boolean` | When this is true, property values of type `array` or `object` generate separate parameters for each value of the array, or key-value-pair of the map.  For other types of properties this property has no effect. When [`style`](#encodingStyle) is `form`, the default value is `true`. For all other styles, the default value is `false`. This property SHALL be ignored if the request body media type is not `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.0.md:1563:<a name="encodingAllowReserved"></a>allowReserved | `boolean` | Determines whether the parameter value SHOULD allow reserved characters, as defined by [RFC3986](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.2) `:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=` to be included without percent-encoding. The default value is `false`. This property SHALL be ignored if the request body media type is not `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.0.md-1830-The key that identifies the [Path Item Object](#pathItemObject) is a [runtime expression](#runtimeExpression) that can be evaluated in the context of a runtime HTTP request/response to identify the URL to be used for the callback request.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.0.md:1831:A simple example might be `$request.body#/url`.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.0.md-1832-However, using a [runtime expression](#runtimeExpression) the complete HTTP message can be accessed.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.0.md:1997:Computing a link from a request operation where the `$request.path.id` is used to pass a request parameter to the linked operation.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.0.md:2120:HTTP Method            | `$method`         | The allowable values for the `$method` will be those for the HTTP operation.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.0.md:2121:Requested media type | `$request.header.accept`        |  
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.0.md:2122:Request parameter      | `$request.path.id`        | Request parameters MUST be declared in the `parameters` section of the parent operation or they cannot be evaluated. This includes request headers.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.0.md:2123:Request body property   | `$request.body#/user/uuid`   | In operations which accept payloads, references may be made to portions of the `requestBody` or the entire body.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.0.md:2124:Request URL            | `$url`            |  
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.0.md:2125:Response value         | `$response.body#/status`       |  In operations which return payloads, references may be made to portions of the response body or the entire body.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.0.md:2126:Response header        | `$response.header.Server` |  Single header values only are available
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.0.md-2189-explicit restriction that examples having a JSON format with object named 
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.0.md:2190:`$ref` are not allowed. Therefore, that `example`, structurally, can be 
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.0.md-2191-either a string primitive or an object, similar to `additionalProperties`.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.1.md:135:An OpenAPI document MAY be made up of a single document or be divided into multiple, connected parts at the discretion of the user. In the latter case, `$ref` fields MUST be used in the specification to reference those parts as follows from the [JSON Schema](http://json-schema.org) definitions.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.1.md:177:Relative references used in `$ref` are processed as per [JSON Reference](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pbryan-zyp-json-ref-03), using the URL of the current document as the base URI. See also the [Reference Object](#referenceObject).
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.1.md-1004-<a name="parameterExplode"></a>explode | `boolean` | When this is true, parameter values of type `array` or `object` generate separate parameters for each value of the array or key-value pair of the map.  For other types of parameters this property has no effect. When [`style`](#parameterStyle) is `form`, the default value is `true`. For all other styles, the default value is `false`.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.1.md:1005:<a name="parameterAllowReserved"></a>allowReserved | `boolean` | Determines whether the parameter value SHOULD allow reserved characters, as defined by [RFC3986](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.2) `:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=` to be included without percent-encoding. This property only applies to parameters with an `in` value of `query`. The default value is `false`.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.1.md-1006-<a name="parameterSchema"></a>schema | [Schema Object](#schemaObject) \| [Reference Object](#referenceObject) | The schema defining the type used for the parameter.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.1.md-1562-<a name="encodingExplode"></a>explode | `boolean` | When this is true, property values of type `array` or `object` generate separate parameters for each value of the array, or key-value-pair of the map.  For other types of properties this property has no effect. When [`style`](#encodingStyle) is `form`, the default value is `true`. For all other styles, the default value is `false`. This property SHALL be ignored if the request body media type is not `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.1.md:1563:<a name="encodingAllowReserved"></a>allowReserved | `boolean` | Determines whether the parameter value SHOULD allow reserved characters, as defined by [RFC3986](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.2) `:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=` to be included without percent-encoding. The default value is `false`. This property SHALL be ignored if the request body media type is not `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.1.md-1830-The key that identifies the [Path Item Object](#pathItemObject) is a [runtime expression](#runtimeExpression) that can be evaluated in the context of a runtime HTTP request/response to identify the URL to be used for the callback request.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.1.md:1831:A simple example might be `$request.body#/url`.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.1.md-1832-However, using a [runtime expression](#runtimeExpression) the complete HTTP message can be accessed.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.1.md:1997:Computing a link from a request operation where the `$request.path.id` is used to pass a request parameter to the linked operation.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.1.md:2120:HTTP Method            | `$method`         | The allowable values for the `$method` will be those for the HTTP operation.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.1.md:2121:Requested media type | `$request.header.accept`        |  
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.1.md:2122:Request parameter      | `$request.path.id`        | Request parameters MUST be declared in the `parameters` section of the parent operation or they cannot be evaluated. This includes request headers.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.1.md:2123:Request body property   | `$request.body#/user/uuid`   | In operations which accept payloads, references may be made to portions of the `requestBody` or the entire body.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.1.md:2124:Request URL            | `$url`            |  
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.1.md:2125:Response value         | `$response.body#/status`       |  In operations which return payloads, references may be made to portions of the response body or the entire body.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.1.md:2126:Response header        | `$response.header.Server` |  Single header values only are available
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.2.md:136:An OpenAPI document MAY be made up of a single document or be divided into multiple, connected parts at the discretion of the user. In the latter case, `$ref` fields MUST be used in the specification to reference those parts as follows from the [JSON Schema](http://json-schema.org) definitions.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.2.md:179:Relative references used in `$ref` are processed as per [JSON Reference](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pbryan-zyp-json-ref-03), using the URL of the current document as the base URI. See also the [Reference Object](#referenceObject).
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.2.md-1026-<a name="parameterExplode"></a>explode | `boolean` | When this is true, parameter values of type `array` or `object` generate separate parameters for each value of the array or key-value pair of the map.  For other types of parameters this property has no effect. When [`style`](#parameterStyle) is `form`, the default value is `true`. For all other styles, the default value is `false`.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.2.md:1027:<a name="parameterAllowReserved"></a>allowReserved | `boolean` | Determines whether the parameter value SHOULD allow reserved characters, as defined by [RFC3986](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.2) `:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=` to be included without percent-encoding. This property only applies to parameters with an `in` value of `query`. The default value is `false`.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.2.md-1028-<a name="parameterSchema"></a>schema | [Schema Object](#schemaObject) \| [Reference Object](#referenceObject) | The schema defining the type used for the parameter.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.2.md-1584-<a name="encodingExplode"></a>explode | `boolean` | When this is true, property values of type `array` or `object` generate separate parameters for each value of the array, or key-value-pair of the map.  For other types of properties this property has no effect. When [`style`](#encodingStyle) is `form`, the default value is `true`. For all other styles, the default value is `false`. This property SHALL be ignored if the request body media type is not `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.2.md:1585:<a name="encodingAllowReserved"></a>allowReserved | `boolean` | Determines whether the parameter value SHOULD allow reserved characters, as defined by [RFC3986](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.2) `:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=` to be included without percent-encoding. The default value is `false`. This property SHALL be ignored if the request body media type is not `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.2.md-1852-The key that identifies the [Path Item Object](#pathItemObject) is a [runtime expression](#runtimeExpression) that can be evaluated in the context of a runtime HTTP request/response to identify the URL to be used for the callback request.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.2.md:1853:A simple example might be `$request.body#/url`.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.2.md-1854-However, using a [runtime expression](#runtimeExpression) the complete HTTP message can be accessed.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.2.md:2028:Computing a link from a request operation where the `$request.path.id` is used to pass a request parameter to the linked operation.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.2.md:2151:HTTP Method            | `$method`         | The allowable values for the `$method` will be those for the HTTP operation.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.2.md:2152:Requested media type | `$request.header.accept`        |  
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.2.md:2153:Request parameter      | `$request.path.id`        | Request parameters MUST be declared in the `parameters` section of the parent operation or they cannot be evaluated. This includes request headers.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.2.md:2154:Request body property   | `$request.body#/user/uuid`   | In operations which accept payloads, references may be made to portions of the `requestBody` or the entire body.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.2.md:2155:Request URL            | `$url`            |  
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.2.md:2156:Response value         | `$response.body#/status`       |  In operations which return payloads, references may be made to portions of the response body or the entire body.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.2.md:2157:Response header        | `$response.header.Server` |  Single header values only are available
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.3.md:140:An OpenAPI document MAY be made up of a single document or be divided into multiple, connected parts at the discretion of the user. In the latter case, `$ref` fields MUST be used in the specification to reference those parts as follows from the [JSON Schema](https://json-schema.org) definitions.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.3.md:183:Relative references used in `$ref` are processed as per [JSON Reference](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pbryan-zyp-json-ref-03), using the URL of the current document as the base URI. See also the [Reference Object](#referenceObject).
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.3.md-1030-<a name="parameterExplode"></a>explode | `boolean` | When this is true, parameter values of type `array` or `object` generate separate parameters for each value of the array or key-value pair of the map. For other types of parameters this property has no effect. When [`style`](#parameterStyle) is `form`, the default value is `true`. For all other styles, the default value is `false`.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.3.md:1031:<a name="parameterAllowReserved"></a>allowReserved | `boolean` | Determines whether the parameter value SHOULD allow reserved characters, as defined by [RFC3986](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.2) `:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=` to be included without percent-encoding. This property only applies to parameters with an `in` value of `query`. The default value is `false`.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.3.md-1032-<a name="parameterSchema"></a>schema | [Schema Object](#schemaObject) \| [Reference Object](#referenceObject) | The schema defining the type used for the parameter.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.3.md-1587-<a name="encodingExplode"></a>explode | `boolean` | When this is true, property values of type `array` or `object` generate separate parameters for each value of the array, or key-value-pair of the map.  For other types of properties this property has no effect. When [`style`](#encodingStyle) is `form`, the default value is `true`. For all other styles, the default value is `false`. This property SHALL be ignored if the request body media type is not `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.3.md:1588:<a name="encodingAllowReserved"></a>allowReserved | `boolean` | Determines whether the parameter value SHOULD allow reserved characters, as defined by [RFC3986](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.2) `:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=` to be included without percent-encoding. The default value is `false`. This property SHALL be ignored if the request body media type is not `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.3.md-1856-The key that identifies the [Path Item Object](#pathItemObject) is a [runtime expression](#runtimeExpression) that can be evaluated in the context of a runtime HTTP request/response to identify the URL to be used for the callback request.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.3.md:1857:A simple example might be `$request.body#/url`.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.3.md-1858-However, using a [runtime expression](#runtimeExpression) the complete HTTP message can be accessed.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.3.md:2036:Computing a link from a request operation where the `$request.path.id` is used to pass a request parameter to the linked operation.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.3.md:2167:HTTP Method            | `$method`         | The allowable values for the `$method` will be those for the HTTP operation.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.3.md:2168:Requested media type | `$request.header.accept`        |  
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.3.md:2169:Request parameter      | `$request.path.id`        | Request parameters MUST be declared in the `parameters` section of the parent operation or they cannot be evaluated. This includes request headers.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.3.md:2170:Request body property   | `$request.body#/user/uuid`   | In operations which accept payloads, references may be made to portions of the `requestBody` or the entire body.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.3.md:2171:Request URL            | `$url`            |  
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.3.md:2172:Response value         | `$response.body#/status`       |  In operations which return payloads, references may be made to portions of the response body or the entire body.
openapi-specification-3.0.3/versions/3.0.3.md:2173:Response header        | `$response.header.Server` |  Single header values only are available