                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
perl6-tap-harness-0.20190121/README-prove6.md:71:  Direct the test's `$*ERR` to the harness' `$*ERR`
perl6-tap-harness-0.20190121/README-prove6.md-77-  If you need to make sure your diagnostics are displayed in the correct
perl6-tap-harness-0.20190121/README-prove6.md:78:order relative to test results you can merge the test scripts' `$*ERR` into their `$*OUT`.
perl6-tap-harness-0.20190121/README-prove6.md:80:  This guarantees that `$*OUT` (where the test results appear) and `$*ERR`
perl6-tap-harness-0.20190121/README-prove6.md-81-(where the diagnostics appear) will stay in sync.
perl6-tap-harness-0.20190121/README-prove6.md-82-The harness will
perl6-tap-harness-0.20190121/README-prove6.md:83:display any diagnostics your tests emit on `$*ERR`.
perl6-tap-harness-0.20190121/README-prove6.md-85-  Caveat: this is a bit of a kludge. In particular note that if anything
perl6-tap-harness-0.20190121/README-prove6.md:86:that appears on `$*ERR` looks like a test result, the test harness will
perl6-tap-harness-0.20190121/README-prove6.md-87-get confused. Use this option only if you understand the consequences
perl6-tap-harness-0.20190121/README-prove6.md:94:  Ignore the test script' `$*ERR`
perl6-tap-harness-0.20190121/README-prove6.md:102:## `$*REPO`
perl6-tap-harness-0.20190121/README-prove6.md-106-distinction is by design. Thus the perl which is running a test starts
perl6-tap-harness-0.20190121/README-prove6.md:107:with the default `$*REPO`. Additional library directories can be added
perl6-tap-harness-0.20190121/README-prove6.md-108-via the `PERL6LIB` environment variable, via `-Ifoo` in `PERL6OPT` or
perl6-tap-harness-0.20190121/README.md-66-  |------------|--------------------------------------------------|
perl6-tap-harness-0.20190121/README.md:67:  |`stderr`    |Direct the test's `$*ERR` to the harness' `$*ERR` |
perl6-tap-harness-0.20190121/README.md:68:  |`ignore`    |Ignore the test scripts' `$*ERR`                  |
perl6-tap-harness-0.20190121/README.md:69:  |`merge`     |Merge the test scripts' `$*ERR` into their `$*OUT`|
perl6-tap-harness-0.20190121/README.md:70:  |`Supply`    |Direct the test's `$*ERR` to a `Supply`           |
perl6-tap-harness-0.20190121/README.md:71:  |`IO::Handle`|Direct the test's `$*ERR` to an `IO::Handle`      |
perl6-tap-harness-0.20190121/README.md-72-* `ignore-exit`