                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/CHANGELOG.md-17-  for those using strict comparisons. Status responses can be casted to string
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/CHANGELOG.md:18:  values carrying the original payload, so one can do `$response == 'OK'` which
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/CHANGELOG.md-19-  is also more akin to how Redis replies to clients.
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/CHANGELOG.md-653-- The `LIMIT` modifier for `ZRANGEBYSCORE` can be specified using either:
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/CHANGELOG.md:654:  - an indexed array: `array($offset, $count)`
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/CHANGELOG.md:655:  - an associative array: `array('offset' => $offset, 'count' => $count)`
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/README.md-167-$client = new Predis\Client($parameters, $options);
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/README.md:168:$client->eval($LUA_SCRIPT, 0);             // Sticks to slave using `eval`...
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/README.md-169-$client->evalsha(sha1($LUA_SCRIPT), 0);    // ... and `evalsha`, too.
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/bin/create-pear:210:    passthru('pear -q package && rm package.xml');
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/examples/session_handler.php-47-if (isset($_SESSION['foo'])) {
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/examples/session_handler.php:48:    echo "Session has `foo` set to {$_SESSION['foo']}", PHP_EOL;
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/examples/session_handler.php-49-} else {
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/src/Autoloader.php-57-            if (is_file($filepath)) {
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/src/Autoloader.php:58:                require($filepath);
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/src/Autoloader.php-59-            }
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/src/Client.php-367-    /**
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/src/Client.php:368:     * Executes the specified initializer method on `$this` by adjusting the
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/src/Client.php-369-     * actual invokation depending on the arity (0, 1 or 2 arguments). This is
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/src/ClientContextInterface.php-134- * @method $this watch($key)
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/src/ClientContextInterface.php:135: * @method $this eval($script, $numkeys, $keyOrArg1 = null, $keyOrArgN = null)
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/src/ClientContextInterface.php-136- * @method $this evalsha($script, $numkeys, $keyOrArg1 = null, $keyOrArgN = null)
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/src/ClientInterface.php-142- * @method mixed  watch($key)
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/src/ClientInterface.php:143: * @method mixed  eval($script, $numkeys, $keyOrArg1 = null, $keyOrArgN = null)
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/src/ClientInterface.php-144- * @method mixed  evalsha($script, $numkeys, $keyOrArg1 = null, $keyOrArgN = null)
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/src/Connection/WebdisConnection.php:275:        if (curl_exec($resource) === false) {
php-nrk-predis-1.0.0/src/Connection/WebdisConnection.php-276-            $error = curl_error($resource);