                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
php-sabre-vobject-4.1.0/CHANGELOG.md-53-* `ParseException` now extends `\Exception`.
php-sabre-vobject-4.1.0/CHANGELOG.md:54:* `Sabre\VObject\Reader::read` now has a `$charset` argument.
php-sabre-vobject-4.1.0/CHANGELOG.md:55:* #272: `Sabre\VObject\Recur\EventIterator::$maxInstances` is now
php-sabre-vobject-4.1.0/CHANGELOG.md:56:  `Sabre\VObject\Settings::$maxRecurrences` and is also honored by the
php-sabre-vobject-4.1.0/CHANGELOG.md-57-  FreeBusyGenerator.
php-sabre-vobject-4.1.0/CHANGELOG.md-125-  such as large iCalendar objects.
php-sabre-vobject-4.1.0/CHANGELOG.md:126:* #197: The `$children` property on components has been changed from `public`
php-sabre-vobject-4.1.0/CHANGELOG.md-127-  to `protected`. Use the `children()` method instead to get a flat list of
php-sabre-vobject-4.1.0/CHANGELOG.md-260-* #154: It's now possible to easily select all vCard properties belonging to
php-sabre-vobject-4.1.0/CHANGELOG.md:261:  a single group with `$vcard->{'ITEM1.'}` syntax. (@armin-hackmann)
php-sabre-vobject-4.1.0/CHANGELOG.md-262-* #156: Simpler way to check if a string is UTF-8. (@Hywan)
php-sabre-vobject-4.1.0/CHANGELOG.md-313-* Changed: It's now possible to pass DateTime objects when using the magic
php-sabre-vobject-4.1.0/CHANGELOG.md:314:  setters on properties. (`$event->DTSTART = new DateTime('now')`).
php-sabre-vobject-4.1.0/CHANGELOG.md-315-* #111: iTip Broker does not process attendee adding events to EXDATE.
php-sabre-vobject-4.1.0/bin/fetch_windows_zones.php:49:exec(__DIR__ . '/sabre-cs-fixer fix ' . escapeshellarg($outputFile));
php-sabre-vobject-4.1.0/.pc/0001-Use-homemade-autoloader.php.patch/bin/fetch_windows_zones.php:49:exec(__DIR__ . '/sabre-cs-fixer fix ' . escapeshellarg($outputFile));