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       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/CHANGELOG.md:33: * Add `$useExec` option to fix Windows issues (#3)
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/CHANGELOG.md:41: * Add `$escape` parameter to `addArg()` to override escaping settings per call
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:84: * `$escapeArgs`: Whether to escape any argument passed through `addArg()`. Default is `true`.
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:85: * `$escapeCommand`: Whether to escape the command passed to `setCommand()` or the constructor.
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:86:    This is only useful if `$escapeArgs` is `false`. Default is `false`.
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:87: * `$useExec`: Whether to use `exec()` instead of `proc_open()`. This is a workaround for OS which
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md-88-   have problems with `proc_open()`. Default is `false`.
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:89: * `$captureStdErr`: Whether to capture stderr when `useExec` is set. This will try to redirect
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md-90-   the otherwhise unavailable `stderr` to `stdout`, so that both have the same content on error.
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md-91-   Default is `true`.
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:92: * `$procCwd`: The initial working dir passed to `proc_open()`. Default is `null` for current
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md-93-    PHP working dir.
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:94: * `$procEnv`: An array with environment variables to pass to `proc_open()`. Default is `null` for none.
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:95: * `$procOptions`: An array of `other_options` for `proc_open()`. Default is `null` for none.
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:96: * `$nonBlockingMode`: Whether to set the stdin/stdout/stderr streams to non-blocking
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md-97-    mode when `proc_open()` is used. This allows to have huge inputs/outputs
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md-100-    enable/disable it. Note that it doesn't work on Windows.
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:101: * `$timeout`: The time in seconds after which the command should be
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md-102-    terminated. This only works in non-blocking mode. Default is `null` which
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md-103-    means the process is never terminated.
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:104: * `$locale`: The locale to (temporarily) set with `setlocale()` before running the command.
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md-105-   This can be set to e.g. `en_US.UTF-8` if you have issues with UTF-8 encoded arguments.
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:113: * `__construct($options = null)`
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:114:    * `$options`: either a command string or an options array (see `setOptions()`)
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:115: * `setOptions($options)`: Set command options
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:116:    * `$options`: array of name => value options that should be applied to the object.
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md-117-       You can also pass options that use a setter, e.g. you can pass a `command` option which
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md-118-       will be passed to `setCommand().`
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:119: * `setCommand($command)`: Set command
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:120:    * `$command`: The command or full command string to execute, like `gzip` or `gzip -d`.
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:121:       You can still call `addArg()` to add more arguments to the command. If `$escapeCommand` was
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md-122-       set to `true`, the command gets escaped through `escapeshellcmd()`.
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md-124- * `getExecCommand()`: The full command string to execute.
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:125: * `setArgs($args)`: Set argument as string
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:126:    * `$args`: The command arguments as string. Note, that these will not get escaped!
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md-127- * `getArgs()`: The command arguments that where set through `setArgs()` or `addArg()`, as string
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:128: * `addArg($key, $value=null, $escape=null)`: Add argument with correct escaping
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:129:    * `$key`: The argument key to add e.g. `--feature` or `--name=`. If the key does not end with
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:130:       and `=`, the `$value` will be separated by a space, if any. Keys are not escaped unless
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:131:       `$value` is null and `$escape` is `true`.
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:132:    * `$value`: The optional argument value which will get escaped if `$escapeArgs` is true.
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md-133-       An array can be passed to add more than one value for a key, e.g. `addArg('--exclude', array('val1','val2'))`
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md-134-       which will create the option "--exclude 'val1' 'val2'".
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md:135:    * `$escape`: If set, this overrides the `$escapeArgs` setting and enforces escaping/no escaping
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/README.md-136- * `setStdIn()`: String or resource to supply to command via standard input.
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/src/Command.php-21-     * @var bool whether to escape the command passed to `setCommand()` or the
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/src/Command.php:22:     * constructor.  This is only useful if `$escapeArgs` is `false`. Default
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/src/Command.php-23-     * is `false`.
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/src/Command.php-379-            $execCommand = $this->captureStdErr ? "$command 2>&1" : $command;
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/src/Command.php:380:            exec($execCommand, $output, $this->_exitCode);
php-shellcommand-1.6.3/src/Command.php-381-            $this->_stdOut = implode("\n", $output);