                                      .___ __  __   
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        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
php-twig-3.1.1/CHANGELOG-941- * fixed getting a boolean or float key on an array, so it is consistent with PHP's array access:
php-twig-3.1.1/CHANGELOG:942:   `{{ array[false] }}` behaves the same as `echo $array[false];` (equals `$array[0]`)
php-twig-3.1.1/CHANGELOG-943- * made the escape filter 20% faster for happy path (escaping string for html with UTF-8)
php-twig-3.1.1/doc/advanced.rst-482-The parsing process is simplified thanks to a bunch of methods you can call
php-twig-3.1.1/doc/advanced.rst:483:from the token stream (``$this->parser->getStream()``):
php-twig-3.1.1/doc/advanced.rst:489:* ``test($type)``, ``test($value)`` or ``test($type, $value)``: Determines whether
php-twig-3.1.1/doc/advanced.rst-490-  the current token is of a particular type or value (or both). The value may be an
php-twig-3.1.1/doc/advanced.rst:493:* ``expect($type[, $value[, $message]])``: If the current token isn't of the given
php-twig-3.1.1/doc/advanced.rst-494-  type/value a syntax error is thrown. Otherwise, if the type and value are correct,
php-twig-3.1.1/doc/api.rst-156-With such a configuration, Twig will first look for templates in
php-twig-3.1.1/doc/api.rst:157:``$templateDir1`` and if they do not exist, it will fallback to look for them
php-twig-3.1.1/doc/api.rst:158:in the ``$templateDir2``.
php-twig-3.1.1/doc/api.rst-234-as the template is found. When rendering the ``index.html`` template from the
php-twig-3.1.1/doc/api.rst:235:above example, Twig will load it with ``$loader2`` but the ``base.html``
php-twig-3.1.1/doc/api.rst:236:template will be loaded from ``$loader1``.
php-twig-3.1.1/doc/recipes.rst-301-instance), it might be interesting to validate the template syntax before
php-twig-3.1.1/doc/recipes.rst:302:saving it. If the template code is stored in a `$template` variable, here is
php-twig-3.1.1/doc/recipes.rst-303-how you can do it::
php-twig-3.1.1/src/Environment.php-357-                     */
php-twig-3.1.1/src/Environment.php:358:                    eval('?>'.$content);
php-twig-3.1.1/src/Environment.php-359-                }
php-twig-3.1.1/src/Extension/CoreExtension.php-1232- */
php-twig-3.1.1/src/Extension/CoreExtension.php:1233:function twig_include(Environment $env, $context, $template, $variables = [], $withContext = true, $ignoreMissing = false, $sandboxed = false)
php-twig-3.1.1/src/Test/IntegrationTestCase.php-150-        if ($condition) {
php-twig-3.1.1/src/Test/IntegrationTestCase.php:151:            eval('$ret = '.$condition.';');
php-twig-3.1.1/src/Test/IntegrationTestCase.php-152-            if (!$ret) {
php-twig-3.1.1/src/Test/IntegrationTestCase.php-162-                'strict_variables' => true,
php-twig-3.1.1/src/Test/IntegrationTestCase.php:163:            ], $match[2] ? eval($match[2].';') : []);
php-twig-3.1.1/src/Test/IntegrationTestCase.php-164-            $twig = new Environment($loader, $config);
php-twig-3.1.1/src/Test/IntegrationTestCase.php-221-            try {
php-twig-3.1.1/src/Test/IntegrationTestCase.php:222:                $output = trim($template->render(eval($match[1].';')), "\n ");
php-twig-3.1.1/src/Test/IntegrationTestCase.php-223-            } catch (\Exception $e) {
php-twig-3.1.1/tests/Extension/StringLoaderExtensionTest.php-23-        $twig->addExtension(new StringLoaderExtension());
php-twig-3.1.1/tests/Extension/StringLoaderExtensionTest.php:24:        $this->assertSame('something', twig_include($twig, [], twig_template_from_string($twig, "something")));
php-twig-3.1.1/tests/Extension/StringLoaderExtensionTest.php-25-    }