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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md-37-* `%s`: The tested value as string, e.g. `"/foo/bar"`.
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:38:* `%2$s`, `%3$s`, ...: Additional assertion-specific values, e.g. the
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md-39-  minimum/maximum length, allowed values, etc.
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md-89--------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:90:`string($value, $message = '')`                          | Check that a value is a string
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:91:`stringNotEmpty($value, $message = '')`                  | Check that a value is a non-empty string
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:92:`integer($value, $message = '')`                         | Check that a value is an integer
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:93:`integerish($value, $message = '')`                      | Check that a value casts to an integer
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:94:`float($value, $message = '')`                           | Check that a value is a float
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:95:`numeric($value, $message = '')`                         | Check that a value is numeric
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:96:`natural($value, $message= ''')`                         | Check that a value is a non-negative integer
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:97:`boolean($value, $message = '')`                         | Check that a value is a boolean
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:98:`scalar($value, $message = '')`                          | Check that a value is a scalar
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:99:`object($value, $message = '')`                          | Check that a value is an object
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:100:`resource($value, $type = null, $message = '')`          | Check that a value is a resource
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:101:`isCallable($value, $message = '')`                      | Check that a value is a callable
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:102:`isArray($value, $message = '')`                         | Check that a value is an array
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:103:`isTraversable($value, $message = '')`  (deprecated)     | Check that a value is an array or a `\Traversable`
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:104:`isIterable($value, $message = '')`                      | Check that a value is an array or a `\Traversable`
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:105:`isCountable($value, $message = '')`                     | Check that a value is an array or a `\Countable`
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:106:`isInstanceOf($value, $class, $message = '')`            | Check that a value is an `instanceof` a class
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:107:`isInstanceOfAny($value, array $classes, $message = '')` | Check that a value is an `instanceof` at least one class on the array of classes
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:108:`notInstanceOf($value, $class, $message = '')`           | Check that a value is not an `instanceof` a class
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:109:`isAOf($value, $class, $message = '')`                   | Check that a value is of the class or has one of its parents
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:110:`isAnyOf($value, array $classes, $message = '')`         | Check that a value is of at least one of the classes or has one of its parents
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:111:`isNotA($value, $class, $message = '')`                  | Check that a value is not of the class or has not one of its parents
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:112:`isArrayAccessible($value, $message = '')`               | Check that a value can be accessed as an array
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:113:`uniqueValues($values, $message = '')`                   | Check that the given array contains unique values
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md-118------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:119:`true($value, $message = '')`                   | Check that a value is `true`
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:120:`false($value, $message = '')`                  | Check that a value is `false`
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:121:`notFalse($value, $message = '')`               | Check that a value is not `false`
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:122:`null($value, $message = '')`                   | Check that a value is `null`
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:123:`notNull($value, $message = '')`                | Check that a value is not `null`
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:124:`isEmpty($value, $message = '')`                | Check that a value is `empty()`
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:125:`notEmpty($value, $message = '')`               | Check that a value is not `empty()`
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:126:`eq($value, $value2, $message = '')`            | Check that a value equals another (`==`)
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:127:`notEq($value, $value2, $message = '')`         | Check that a value does not equal another (`!=`)
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:128:`same($value, $value2, $message = '')`          | Check that a value is identical to another (`===`)
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:129:`notSame($value, $value2, $message = '')`       | Check that a value is not identical to another (`!==`)
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:130:`greaterThan($value, $value2, $message = '')`   | Check that a value is greater than another
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:131:`greaterThanEq($value, $value2, $message = '')` | Check that a value is greater than or equal to another
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:132:`lessThan($value, $value2, $message = '')`      | Check that a value is less than another
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:133:`lessThanEq($value, $value2, $message = '')`    | Check that a value is less than or equal to another
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:134:`range($value, $min, $max, $message = '')`      | Check that a value is within a range
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:135:`inArray($value, array $values, $message = '')` | Check that a value is one of a list of values
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:136:`oneOf($value, array $values, $message = '')`   | Check that a value is one of a list of values (alias of `inArray`)
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md-144---------------------------------------------------- | -----------------------------------------------------------------
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:145:`contains($value, $subString, $message = '')`       | Check that a string contains a substring
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:146:`notContains($value, $subString, $message = '')`    | Check that a string does not contain a substring
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:147:`startsWith($value, $prefix, $message = '')`        | Check that a string has a prefix
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:148:`notStartsWith($value, $prefix, $message = '')`     | Check that a string does not have a prefix
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:149:`startsWithLetter($value, $message = '')`           | Check that a string starts with a letter
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:150:`endsWith($value, $suffix, $message = '')`          | Check that a string has a suffix
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:151:`notEndsWith($value, $suffix, $message = '')`       | Check that a string does not have a suffix
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:152:`regex($value, $pattern, $message = '')`            | Check that a string matches a regular expression
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:153:`notRegex($value, $pattern, $message = '')`         | Check that a string does not match a regular expression
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:154:`unicodeLetters($value, $message = '')`             | Check that a string contains Unicode letters only
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:155:`alpha($value, $message = '')`                      | Check that a string contains letters only
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:156:`digits($value, $message = '')`                     | Check that a string contains digits only
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:157:`alnum($value, $message = '')`                      | Check that a string contains letters and digits only
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:158:`lower($value, $message = '')`                      | Check that a string contains lowercase characters only
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:159:`upper($value, $message = '')`                      | Check that a string contains uppercase characters only
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:160:`length($value, $length, $message = '')`            | Check that a string has a certain number of characters
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:161:`minLength($value, $min, $message = '')`            | Check that a string has at least a certain number of characters
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:162:`maxLength($value, $max, $message = '')`            | Check that a string has at most a certain number of characters
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:163:`lengthBetween($value, $min, $max, $message = '')`  | Check that a string has a length in the given range
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:164:`uuid($value, $message = '')`                       | Check that a string is a valid UUID
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:165:`ip($value, $message = '')`                         | Check that a string is a valid IP (either IPv4 or IPv6)
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:166:`ipv4($value, $message = '')`                       | Check that a string is a valid IPv4
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:167:`ipv6($value, $message = '')`                       | Check that a string is a valid IPv6
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:168:`email($value, $message = '')`                      | Check that a string is a valid e-mail address
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:169:`notWhitespaceOnly($value, $message = '')`          | Check that a string contains at least one non-whitespace character
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md-174------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:175:`fileExists($value, $message = '')` | Check that a value is an existing path
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:176:`file($value, $message = '')`       | Check that a value is an existing file
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:177:`directory($value, $message = '')`  | Check that a value is an existing directory
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:178:`readable($value, $message = '')`   | Check that a value is a readable path
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:179:`writable($value, $message = '')`   | Check that a value is a writable path
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md-184------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:185:`classExists($value, $message = '')`                  | Check that a value is an existing class name
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:186:`subclassOf($value, $class, $message = '')`           | Check that a class is a subclass of another
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:187:`interfaceExists($value, $message = '')`              | Check that a value is an existing interface name
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:188:`implementsInterface($value, $class, $message = '')`  | Check that a class implements an interface
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:189:`propertyExists($value, $property, $message = '')`    | Check that a property exists in a class/object
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:190:`propertyNotExists($value, $property, $message = '')` | Check that a property does not exist in a class/object
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:191:`methodExists($value, $method, $message = '')`        | Check that a method exists in a class/object
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:192:`methodNotExists($value, $method, $message = '')`     | Check that a method does not exist in a class/object
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md-197--------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:198:`keyExists($array, $key, $message = '')`           | Check that a key exists in an array
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:199:`keyNotExists($array, $key, $message = '')`        | Check that a key does not exist in an array
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:200:`validArrayKey($key, $message = '')`               | Check that a value is a valid array key (int or string)
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:201:`count($array, $number, $message = '')`            | Check that an array contains a specific number of elements
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:202:`minCount($array, $min, $message = '')`            | Check that an array contains at least a certain number of elements
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:203:`maxCount($array, $max, $message = '')`            | Check that an array contains at most a certain number of elements
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:204:`countBetween($array, $min, $max, $message = '')`  | Check that an array has a count in the given range
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:205:`isList($array, $message = '')`                    | Check that an array is a non-associative list
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:206:`isNonEmptyList($array, $message = '')`            | Check that an array is a non-associative list, and not empty
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:207:`isMap($array, $message = '')`                     | Check that an array is associative and has strings as keys
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:208:`isNonEmptyMap($array, $message = '')`             | Check that an array is associative and has strings as keys, and is not empty
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md-213-------------------------------------------- | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:214:`throws($closure, $class, $message = '')`   | Check that a function throws a certain exception. Subclasses of the exception class will be accepted.
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:243:* `public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments)`
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md-244-  * This method is used to 'create' the `nullOr` and `all` versions of the assertions.
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:245:* `protected static function valueToString($value)`
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md-246-  * This method is used for error messages, to convert the value to a string value for displaying. You could use this for representing a value object with a `__toString` method for example.
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:247:* `protected static function typeToString($value)`
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md-248-  * This method is used for error messages, to convert the a value to a string representing its type.
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:249:* `protected static function strlen($value)`
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md-250-  * This method is used to calculate string length for relevant methods, using the `mb_strlen` if available and useful.
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md:251:* `protected static function reportInvalidArgument($message)`
php-webmozart-assert-1.9.1/README.md-252-  * This method is called when an assertion fails, with the specified error message. Here you can throw your own exception, or log something.