                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm-57-        $cmd .= "-o po4a.pot.new";
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm:58:        system($cmd) && die;
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm-83-            print "XX Sync $_: ";
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm:84:            system("msgmerge --previous $_ po/bin/po4a.pot -o $_.new") && die;
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm-85-            # Typically all that changes was a date. I'd
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm-101-            mkpath( File::Spec->catdir( 'blib', 'po', $lang, "LC_MESSAGES" ), 0, oct(755) );
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm:102:            system("msgfmt -o blib/po/$lang/LC_MESSAGES/po4a.mo $_") && die;
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm-103-        }
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm-159-    $cmd .= "po/pod.cfg";
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm:160:    system($cmd)
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm-161-        and die;
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm-181-    $cmd .= "--previous po/pod.cfg";
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm:182:    system($cmd) and die;
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm:228:                my $title = `$command 2> /dev/null`;
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm-229-                $title = "Po4a Tools" unless length $title;
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm:235:        system("gzip -9 -f $out") and die;
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm-236-        unlink "$file" || die;
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm-247-		print "Convert $outdir/$outfile.$section (local docbook.xsl file). ";
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm:248:		system("xsltproc -o $outdir/$outfile.$section --nonet /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/docbook-xsl/manpages/docbook.xsl $file") and die;
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm-249-	    } else { # Not found locally, use the XSL file online
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm-250-		print "Convert $outdir/$outfile.$section (online docbook.xsl file). ";
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm:251:		system("xsltproc -o $outdir/$outfile.$section --nonet http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/manpages/docbook.xsl $file") and die;
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm-252-	    }
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm:253:            system ("gzip -9 -f $outdir/$outfile.$section") and die;
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm-254-        }
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm-282-        my $lang = fileparse($file, qw{.po});
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm:283:        my $stat = `msgfmt -o /dev/null -c --statistics $file 2>&1`;
po4a-0.61/Po4aBuilder.pm-284-	my ($trans, $fuzz, $untr) = (0,0,0);
po4a-0.61/lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm-116-# Try to use a C extension if present.
po4a-0.61/lib/Locale/Po4a/Po.pm:117:eval("bootstrap Locale::Po4a::Po $Locale::Po4a::TransTractor::VERSION");
po4a-0.61/lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm-407-          or die wrap_mod( "po4a::sgml", dgettext( "po4a", "Cannot close tempfile: %s" ), $! );
po4a-0.61/lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm:408:        if ( system("onsgmls -p < $tmpfile") ) {
po4a-0.61/lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm-409-            unlink($tmpfile);
po4a-0.61/lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm-20-# Try to use a C extension if present.
po4a-0.61/lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm:21:eval("bootstrap Locale::Po4a::TransTractor $VERSION");
po4a-0.61/msguntypot-208-    print wrap_msg(gettext("Handling %s"),$poarg) if $verbose;
po4a-0.61/msguntypot:209:    if (system("msgmerge $msgmergeOpts -o $pofile $poarg $oldfile 2>/dev/null")) {
po4a-0.61/msguntypot-210-        my $msg = $!;
po4a-0.61/po4a-1731-        $po->read($pofile);
po4a-0.61/po4a:1732:        system( "msgfmt" . $Config{_exe} . " --statistics -v -o /dev/null $pofile" )
po4a-0.61/po4a-1733-          if ( $po4a_opts{"debug"} );
po4a-0.61/scripts/po4a-display-man-65-  [ -n "$section" ] && echo " in section $section" || echo ""
po4a-0.61/scripts/po4a-display-man:66:  MAN_NUMBER=`man --all --where --locale=C $section "$man" 2> /dev/null | wc -l`
po4a-0.61/scripts/po4a-display-man-71-  elif [ "$MAN_NUMBER" != "1" ]; then
po4a-0.61/scripts/po4a-display-man:72:    MAN_NUMBER=`man --all --where --locale=C $section "$man" 2> /dev/null | \
po4a-0.61/scripts/po4a-display-man-73-                grep "\/$man\.$section\(.gz\)\?$" | wc -l`
po4a-0.61/scripts/po4a-display-man-75-    then
po4a-0.61/scripts/po4a-display-man:76:      MASTER=`man --where --locale=C "$section" "$man" | grep "\/$man\.$section\(.gz\)\?$"`
po4a-0.61/scripts/po4a-display-man-77-      echo "Multiple manpages in section $section: $(man -aw -L C $section "$man"), only one exactly matches the section."
po4a-0.61/scripts/po4a-display-man-81-  else
po4a-0.61/scripts/po4a-display-man:82:    MASTER=`man --where --locale=C "$section" "$man"`
po4a-0.61/scripts/po4a-display-man-83-  fi
po4a-0.61/scripts/po4a-display-man:141:CHARSET_MASTER=`file -i "$MAINNAME" | cut -d "=" -f 2`
po4a-0.61/scripts/po4a-display-man:142:CHARSET_PO=`file -i "$PO" | cut -d "=" -f 2`
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm-121-    $expected_exit_status //= 0;
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm:122:    my $exit_status = system($cmd);
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm-123-    $cmd =~
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm-149-    foreach my $cmd (@cmds) {
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm:150:        if ( system("$cmd 1>&2") ) {
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm-151-            diag("Error during teardown: $!");
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm-163-    foreach my $cmd (@cmds) {
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm:164:        if ( system("$cmd 1>&2") ) {
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm-165-            diag("Error during setup: $!");
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm:230:    system("rm -rf $tmppath/")   && die "Cannot cleanup $tmppath/ on startup: $!";
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm:231:    system("mkdir -p $tmppath/") && die "Cannot create $tmppath/: $!";
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm-232-    unless ( setup( \@setup ) ) {    # Failed
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm:390:    system("mkdir -p tmp/$path/") && die "Cannot create tmp/$path/: $!";
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm-391-    my $tmpbase = "tmp/$path/$basename";
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm-403-    note("Change directory to $path");
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm:404:    my $exit_status = system($cmd);
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm-405-    $cmd =~ s{$root_dir/}{}g;
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm-449-        # Update PO
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm:450:        system("cp $cwd/$pofile $cwd/${tmpbase}.po_updated") && fail "Cannot copy $pofile before updating it";
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm-451-        $cmd =
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm-549-            $cmd =~ s/PATH/${execpath}/;
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm:550:            my $exit_status = system($cmd);
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm-551-            is( $exit_status, 0, "Executing " . $test->{'doc'} . " -- Command: $cmd" );
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm-558-                $cmd =~ s/PODIFF/diff -u $PODIFF/g;
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm:559:                $exit_status = system( $cmd. ' 1>&2' );
po4a-0.61/t/Testhelper.pm-560-                $cmd =~
po4a-0.61/testsuite/check-63-mantotxt() {
po4a-0.61/testsuite/check:64:    `grog -Tutf8 $1` > $1.txt
po4a-0.61/testsuite/check-83-  if echo $fich | egrep '\.gz$' ; then
po4a-0.61/testsuite/check:84:    newfich=`basename $fich .gz`;
po4a-0.61/testsuite/check-85-    zcat $fich > $tmp/$newfich;
po4a-0.61/testsuite/check-86-  else
po4a-0.61/testsuite/check:87:    newfich=`basename $fich`
po4a-0.61/testsuite/check-88-    cat $fich > $tmp/$newfich;
po4a-0.61/debian/examples/compare-msgids.pl:87:system ("wdiff", "-3", $DIFF1->filename, $DIFF2->filename)
po4a-0.61/debian/examples/compare-msgids.pl-88-    or die "Failed to run wdiff.";