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          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
py3status-3.22/doc/_build/html/_sources/configuration.rst.txt-743-Since version 3.3 it is possible to use the output text of a module in the
py3status-3.22/doc/_build/html/_sources/configuration.rst.txt:744:``on_click`` command.  To do this ``$OUTPUT`` can be used in command and it will be
py3status-3.22/doc/_build/html/_sources/configuration.rst.txt-745-substituted by the modules text output when the command is run.
py3status-3.22/doc/_build/html/_sources/configuration.rst.txt-755-If the output of a module is a composite then the output of the part clicked on
py3status-3.22/doc/_build/html/_sources/configuration.rst.txt:756:can be accessed using ``$OUTPUT_PART``.
py3status-3.22/doc/_build/html/_sources/intro.rst.txt:49:|**Arch Linux**     |``$ pacman -S py3status``      |Stable updates. Official releases.   |
py3status-3.22/doc/_build/html/_sources/intro.rst.txt-50-+                   +-------------------------------+-------------------------------------+
py3status-3.22/doc/_build/html/_sources/intro.rst.txt:51:|                   |``$ yay -S py3status-git``     |Real-time updates from master branch.|
py3status-3.22/doc/_build/html/_sources/intro.rst.txt:53:|**Debian & Ubuntu**|``$ apt-get install py3status``|Stable updates.                      |
py3status-3.22/doc/_build/html/_sources/intro.rst.txt-54-|                   |                               |In testing and unstable, and soon in |
py3status-3.22/doc/_build/html/_sources/intro.rst.txt:57:|**Fedora**         |``$ dnf install py3status``    |                                     |
py3status-3.22/doc/_build/html/_sources/intro.rst.txt:59:|**Gentoo Linux**   |``$ emerge -a py3status``      |Check available USE flags!           |
py3status-3.22/doc/_build/html/_sources/intro.rst.txt:61:|**Pypi**           |``$ pip install py3status``    |There are optional requirements that |
py3status-3.22/doc/_build/html/_sources/intro.rst.txt-62-|                   |                               |you could find useful:               |
py3status-3.22/doc/_build/html/_sources/intro.rst.txt:71:|**Void Linux**     |``$ xbps-install -S py3status``|                                     |
py3status-3.22/doc/_build/html/_sources/intro.rst.txt:73:|**NixOS**          |``$ nix-env -i``               |Not a global install. See below.     |
py3status-3.22/doc/_build/html/_sources/intro.rst.txt-74-|                   |``python3.6-py3status``        |                                     |
py3status-3.22/doc/_build/html/_sources/writing_modules.rst.txt-61-py3status will check for modules. By default it will look in
py3status-3.22/doc/_build/html/_sources/writing_modules.rst.txt:62:``$HOME/.i3/py3status/`` or you can specify additional directories using
py3status-3.22/doc/_build/html/_sources/writing_modules.rst.txt-63-``--include`` when you run py3status.
py3status-3.22/doc/configuration.rst-793-Since version 3.3 it is possible to use the output text of a module in the
py3status-3.22/doc/configuration.rst:794:``on_click`` command.  To do this ``$OUTPUT`` can be used in command and it will be
py3status-3.22/doc/configuration.rst-795-substituted by the modules text output when the command is run.
py3status-3.22/doc/configuration.rst-805-If the output of a module is a composite then the output of the part clicked on
py3status-3.22/doc/configuration.rst:806:can be accessed using ``$OUTPUT_PART``.
py3status-3.22/doc/intro.rst:49:|**Arch Linux**     |``$ pacman -S py3status``      |Stable updates. Official releases.   |
py3status-3.22/doc/intro.rst-50-+                   +-------------------------------+-------------------------------------+
py3status-3.22/doc/intro.rst:51:|                   |``$ yay -S py3status-git``     |Real-time updates from master branch.|
py3status-3.22/doc/intro.rst:53:|**Debian & Ubuntu**|``$ apt-get install py3status``|Stable updates.                      |
py3status-3.22/doc/intro.rst-54-|                   |                               |In testing and unstable, and soon in |
py3status-3.22/doc/intro.rst:57:|**Fedora**         |``$ dnf install py3status``    |                                     |
py3status-3.22/doc/intro.rst:59:|**Gentoo Linux**   |``$ emerge -a py3status``      |Check available USE flags!           |
py3status-3.22/doc/intro.rst:61:|**Pypi**           |``$ pip install py3status``    |There are optional requirements that |
py3status-3.22/doc/intro.rst-62-|                   |                               |you could find useful:               |
py3status-3.22/doc/intro.rst:71:|**Void Linux**     |``$ xbps-install -S py3status``|                                     |
py3status-3.22/doc/intro.rst:73:|**NixOS**          |``$ nix-env -i``               |Not a global install. See below.     |
py3status-3.22/doc/intro.rst-74-|                   |``python3.6-py3status``        |                                     |
py3status-3.22/doc/writing_modules.rst-95-py3status will check for modules. By default it will look in
py3status-3.22/doc/writing_modules.rst:96:``$HOME/.i3/py3status/`` or you can specify additional directories using
py3status-3.22/doc/writing_modules.rst-97-``--include`` when you run py3status.
py3status-3.22/py3status/modules/mail.py-31-    You can specify a list of filters to decide which folders to search.
py3status-3.22/py3status/modules/mail.py:32:    By default, we search only the INBOX folder (ie: `['^INBOX$']`). We
py3status-3.22/py3status/modules/mail.py-33-    can use regular expressions, so if you use more than one, it would
py3status-3.22/py3status/modules/mail.py-38-    `'^pattern'` will match folders beginning with `pattern`.
py3status-3.22/py3status/modules/mail.py:39:    `'pattern$'` will match folders ending with `pattern`.
py3status-3.22/py3status/modules/mail.py:40:    `'^((?![Ss][Pp][Aa][Mm]).)*$'` will match all folders
py3status-3.22/py3status/modules/mail.py-41-    except for every possible case of `spam` folders.