                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
pyxplot-0.9.2/doc/reference.tex:1033:where $v=r/h$ for $h=\sqrt{A/n}$, $A$ is the product
pyxplot-0.9.2/doc/reference.tex-1034-$(x_\mathrm{max}-x_\mathrm{min})(y_\mathrm{max}-y_\mathrm{min})$ and $n$ is the
pyxplot-0.9.2/doc/data.tex:507:where $v=r/h$ for $h=\sqrt{A/n}$, $A$ is the product
pyxplot-0.9.2/doc/data.tex-508-$(x_\mathrm{max}-x_\mathrm{min})(y_\mathrm{max}-y_\mathrm{min})$ and $n$ is the
pyxplot-0.9.2/doc/data.tex:568:\noindent where $\Delta x=x_\mathrm{max}-x_\mathrm{min}$ and $\Delta y$ is
pyxplot-0.9.2/doc/data.tex-569-analogously defined. These samples are interpolated stepwise, such that an
pyxplot-0.9.2/doc/plotting.tex-2015-In this example, we produce a surface showing the function $\mathrm{sinc}(r)$
pyxplot-0.9.2/doc/plotting.tex:2016:where $r=\sqrt{x^2+y^2}$. To produce a prettier result, we vary the color of
pyxplot-0.9.2/doc/plotting.tex-2017-the surface such that the hue of the surface varies with azimuthal position,
pyxplot-0.9.2/doc/fit_maths.tex:323:In this case, where $\sigma_i = \sigma_\mathrm{data} \,\forall\, i$, the best
pyxplot-0.9.2/doc/fit_maths.tex-324-fitting parameter values are independent of $\sigma_\mathrm{data}$, but the
pyxplot-0.9.2/doc/functions.tex-89-\funcdef{erfc($x$)}{evaluates the complementary error function at $x$, where $x$ must be a dimensionless real number.}
pyxplot-0.9.2/doc/functions.tex:90:\funcdef{eval($s$)}{evaluates the string expression $s$ and returns the result.}
pyxplot-0.9.2/doc/functions.tex-91-\funcdef{exp($z$)}{returns $e^z$, where $z$ can be a complex number but must either be dimensionless or be an angle.}
pyxplot-0.9.2/doc/functions.tex-232-\funcdef{os.glob($x$)}{returns a list of files which match the supplied wildcard $x$, which should be a string.}
pyxplot-0.9.2/doc/functions.tex:233:\funcdef{os.popen($x$,[$y$])}{opens a pipe to the command $x$ with string access mode $y$, and returns a file handle object.}
pyxplot-0.9.2/doc/functions.tex-234-\funcdef{os.stat($x$)}{returns a dictionary of information about the file x, which should be a string filename.}
pyxplot-0.9.2/doc/functions.tex-237-\funcdef{os.stdout}{is a file handle for the Pyxplot process's \texttt{stdout} stream.}
pyxplot-0.9.2/doc/functions.tex:238:\funcdef{os.system($x$)}{executes a command in a subshell.}
pyxplot-0.9.2/doc/functions.tex-239-\funcdef{os.tmpfile()}{returns a file handle for a temporary file.}
pyxplot-0.9.2/debian/patches/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch-38--rm -f conf.*
pyxplot-0.9.2/debian/patches/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch:39:-if test "`echo $whichout | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/debian/patches/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch-40--if test "$whichout" != "" ; then
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure-43-rm -f conf.*
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure:44:if test "`echo $whichout | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure-45-if test "$whichout" != "" ; then
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure-56-rm -f conf.*
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure:57:if test "`echo $whichout | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure-58-if test "$whichout" != "" ; then
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure-69-rm -f conf.*
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure:70:if test "`echo $whichout | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure-71-if test "$whichout" != "" ; then
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure-82-rm -f conf.*
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure:83:if test "`echo $whichout | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure-84-if test "$whichout" != "" ; then
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure-97-rm -f conf.*
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure:98:if test "`echo $whichout | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure-99-if test "$whichout" != "" ; then
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure-112-rm -f conf.*
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure:113:if test "`echo $whichout | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure-114-if test "$whichout" != "" ; then
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure-125-rm -f conf.*
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure:126:if test "`echo $whichout_gv | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout_gv="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure-127-if test "$whichout_gv" != "" ; then
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure-148-rm -f conf.*
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure:149:if test "`echo $whichout_ggv | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout_ggv="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure-150-if test "$whichout_ggv" != "" ; then
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure-163-rm -f conf.*
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure:164:if test "`echo $whichout_make | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout_make="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure:165:if test "`echo $whichout_gmake | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout_gmake="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure-166-if test "$whichout_gmake" != "" ; then
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure-184-rm -f conf.*
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure:185:if test "`echo $whichout | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure-186-if test "$whichout" != "" ; then
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure-280-rm -f conf.*
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure:281:if test "`echo $whichout | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure-282-if test "$whichout" != "" ; then
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure-323- rm -f conf.*
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure:324: if test "`echo $whichout | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/.pc/0001-xml2-pkg-config.patch/configure-325- if test "$whichout" != "" ; then
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure-43-rm -f conf.*
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure:44:if test "`echo $whichout | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure-45-if test "$whichout" != "" ; then
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure-56-rm -f conf.*
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure:57:if test "`echo $whichout | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure-58-if test "$whichout" != "" ; then
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure-69-rm -f conf.*
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure:70:if test "`echo $whichout | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure-71-if test "$whichout" != "" ; then
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure-82-rm -f conf.*
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure:83:if test "`echo $whichout | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure-84-if test "$whichout" != "" ; then
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure-97-rm -f conf.*
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure:98:if test "`echo $whichout | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure-99-if test "$whichout" != "" ; then
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure-112-rm -f conf.*
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure:113:if test "`echo $whichout | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure-114-if test "$whichout" != "" ; then
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure-125-rm -f conf.*
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure:126:if test "`echo $whichout_gv | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout_gv="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure-127-if test "$whichout_gv" != "" ; then
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure-148-rm -f conf.*
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure:149:if test "`echo $whichout_ggv | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout_ggv="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure-150-if test "$whichout_ggv" != "" ; then
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure-163-rm -f conf.*
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure:164:if test "`echo $whichout_make | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout_make="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure:165:if test "`echo $whichout_gmake | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout_gmake="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure-166-if test "$whichout_gmake" != "" ; then
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure-184-rm -f conf.*
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure:185:if test "`echo $whichout | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure-186-if test "$whichout" != "" ; then
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure-320- rm -f conf.*
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure:321: if test "`echo $whichout | sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'`" = "no" ; then whichout="" ; fi
pyxplot-0.9.2/configure-322- if test "$whichout" != "" ; then