                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/NEWS-37-* `pheatmap()`: improve the setting of `color` and `breaks`.
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/NEWS:38:* `ht_opt$TITLE_PADDING` can be set with a unit of length two.
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/NEWS-39-* `HeatmapAnnotation()`: remove colors that are not in the annotations. 
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/R/AnnotationFunction-function.R-2842-			if(ht_opt$message) {
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/R/AnnotationFunction-function.R:2843:				message_wrap("It seems you are using RStudio IDE. `anno_mark()` needs to work with the physical size of the graphics device. It only generates correct plot in the figure panel, while in the zoomed plot (by clicking the icon 'Zoom') or in the exported plot (by clicking the icon 'Export'), the connection to heatmap rows/columns might be wrong. You can directly use e.g. pdf() to save the plot into a file.\n\nUse `ht_opt$message = FALSE` to turn off this message.")
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/R/AnnotationFunction-function.R-2844-			}
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/R/AnnotationFunction-function.R-2919-			if(ht_opt$message) {
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/R/AnnotationFunction-function.R:2920:				message_wrap("It seems you are using RStudio IDE. `anno_mark()` needs to work with the physical size of the graphics device. It only generates correct plot in the figure panel, while in the zoomed plot (by clicking the icon 'Zoom') or in the exported plot (by clicking the icon 'Export'), the connection to heatmap rows/columns might be wrong. You can directly use e.g. pdf() to save the plot into a file.\n\nUse `ht_opt$message = FALSE` to turn off this message.")
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/R/AnnotationFunction-function.R-2921-			}
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/R/AnnotationFunction-function.R-3400-			if(ht_opt$message) {
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/R/AnnotationFunction-function.R:3401:				message_wrap("It seems you are using RStudio IDE. `anno_zoom()`/`anno_link()` needs to work with the physical size of the graphics device. It only generates correct plot in the figure panel, while in the zoomed plot (by clicking the icon 'Zoom') or in the exported plot (by clicking the icon 'Export'), the connection to heatmap rows/columns might be wrong. You can directly use e.g. pdf() to save the plot into a file.\n\nUse `ht_opt$message = FALSE` to turn off this message.")
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/R/AnnotationFunction-function.R-3402-			}
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/R/AnnotationFunction-function.R-3587-			if(ht_opt$message) {
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/R/AnnotationFunction-function.R:3588:				message_wrap("It seems you are using RStudio IDE. `anno_zoom()`/`anno_link()` needs to work with the physical size of the graphics device. It only generates correct plot in the figure panel, while in the zoomed plot (by clicking the icon 'Zoom') or in the exported plot (by clicking the icon 'Export'), the connection to heatmap rows/columns might be wrong. You can directly use e.g. pdf() to save the plot into a file.\n\nUse `ht_opt$message = FALSE` to turn off this message.")
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/R/AnnotationFunction-function.R-3589-			}
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/R/Heatmap-class.R-901-            if(ht_opt$message) {
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/R/Heatmap-class.R:902:                message_wrap("`use_raster` is automatically set to TRUE for a matrix with more than 2000 rows. You can control `use_raster` argument by explicitly setting TRUE/FALSE to it.\n\nSet `ht_opt$message = FALSE` to turn off this message.")
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/R/Heatmap-class.R-903-            }
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/R/Heatmap-class.R-906-            if(ht_opt$message) {
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/R/Heatmap-class.R:907:                message_wrap("`use_raster` is automatically set to TRUE for a matrix with more than 2000 columns You can control `use_raster` argument by explicitly setting TRUE/FALSE to it.\n\nSet `ht_opt$message = FALSE` to turn off this message.")
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/R/Heatmap-class.R-908-            }
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/R/Heatmap-class.R-917-                if(ht_opt$message) {
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/R/Heatmap-class.R:918:                    message_wrap("'magick' package is suggested to install to give better rasterization.\n\nSet `ht_opt$message = FALSE` to turn off this message.")
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/R/Heatmap-class.R-919-                }
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/R/HeatmapList-legends.R-919-                if(ht_opt$message) {
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/R/HeatmapList-legends.R:920:                    message_wrap("It seems you are using RStudio IDE. There are many legends and they are wrapped into multiple rows/columns. The arrangement relies on the physical size of the graphics device. It only generates correct plot in the figure panel, while in the zoomed plot (by clicking the icon 'Zoom') or in the exported plot (by clicking the icon 'Export'), the legend positions might be wrong. You can directly use e.g. pdf() to save the plot into a file.\n\nUse `ht_opt$message = FALSE` to turn off this message.")
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/R/HeatmapList-legends.R-921-                }
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/inst/doc/interactive.Rmd-496-The next following code defines the action when user selects an area from the
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/inst/doc/interactive.Rmd:497:original heatmap. The variable `input$ht_brush` contains the position of the
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/inst/doc/interactive.Rmd-498-selected area in the heatmap image. Here the `ComplexHeatmap:::get_pos_from_brush()`
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/vignettes/interactive.Rmd-496-The next following code defines the action when user selects an area from the
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/vignettes/interactive.Rmd:497:original heatmap. The variable `input$ht_brush` contains the position of the
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/vignettes/interactive.Rmd-498-selected area in the heatmap image. Here the `ComplexHeatmap:::get_pos_from_brush()`
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/debian/tests/run-unit-test-5-if [ "$AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" = "" ] ; then
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/debian/tests/run-unit-test:6:    AUTOPKGTEST_TMP=`mktemp -d /tmp/${debname}-test.XXXXXX`
r-bioc-complexheatmap-2.6.2+dfsg/debian/tests/run-unit-test-7-    trap "rm -rf $AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" 0 INT QUIT ABRT PIPE TERM