                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
r-bioc-glmgampoi-1.2.0+dfsg/R/eval_with.R-18-    # Try to extract text from error message
r-bioc-glmgampoi-1.2.0+dfsg/R/eval_with.R:19:    match <- regmatches(e$message, regexec("object '(.+)' not found", e$message))[[1]]
r-bioc-glmgampoi-1.2.0+dfsg/R/eval_with.R-20-    if(length(match) == 2){
r-bioc-glmgampoi-1.2.0+dfsg/R/glm_gp.R-464-    # Try to extract text from error message
r-bioc-glmgampoi-1.2.0+dfsg/R/glm_gp.R:465:    match <- regmatches(e$message, regexec("object '(.+)' not found", e$message))[[1]]
r-bioc-glmgampoi-1.2.0+dfsg/R/glm_gp.R-466-    if(length(match) == 2){
r-bioc-glmgampoi-1.2.0+dfsg/R/parse_contrast.R-42-    # Try to extract text from error message
r-bioc-glmgampoi-1.2.0+dfsg/R/parse_contrast.R:43:    match <- regmatches(e$message, regexec("object '(.+)' not found", e$message))[[1]]
r-bioc-glmgampoi-1.2.0+dfsg/R/parse_contrast.R-44-    if(length(match) == 2){
r-bioc-glmgampoi-1.2.0+dfsg/R/residuals.R:26:#' @return a matrix with the same size as `fit$data`. If `fit$data` contains a `DelayedArray` than the
r-bioc-glmgampoi-1.2.0+dfsg/R/residuals.R-27-#'   result will be a `DelayedArray` as well.
r-bioc-glmgampoi-1.2.0+dfsg/R/test_de.R-18-#' @param full_design option to specify an alternative `full_design` that can differ from
r-bioc-glmgampoi-1.2.0+dfsg/R/test_de.R:19:#'   `fit$model_matrix`. Can be a `formula` or a `matrix`. Default: `fit$model_matrix`
r-bioc-glmgampoi-1.2.0+dfsg/R/test_de.R:20:#' @param subset_to a vector with the same length as `ncol(fit$data)` or  an expression
r-bioc-glmgampoi-1.2.0+dfsg/R/test_de.R:21:#'   that evaluates to such a vector. The expression can reference columns from `colData(fit$data)`.
r-bioc-glmgampoi-1.2.0+dfsg/R/test_de.R-22-#'   A typical use case in single cell analysis would be to subset to a specific cell type
r-bioc-glmgampoi-1.2.0+dfsg/R/test_de.R-25-#'   Default: `NULL` which means that the data is not subset.
r-bioc-glmgampoi-1.2.0+dfsg/R/test_de.R:26:#' @param pseudobulk_by a vector with the same length as `ncol(fit$data)` that is used to
r-bioc-glmgampoi-1.2.0+dfsg/R/test_de.R-27-#'   split the columns into different groups (calls [split()]). `pseudobulk_by` can also be an
r-bioc-glmgampoi-1.2.0+dfsg/R/test_de.R:28:#'   expression that evaluates to a vector. The expression can reference columns from `colData(fit$data)`. \cr
r-bioc-glmgampoi-1.2.0+dfsg/R/test_de.R-29-#'   The counts are summed across the groups
r-bioc-glmgampoi-1.2.0+dfsg/debian/tests/run-unit-test-5-if [ "$AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" = "" ] ; then
r-bioc-glmgampoi-1.2.0+dfsg/debian/tests/run-unit-test:6:    AUTOPKGTEST_TMP=`mktemp -d /tmp/${debname}-test.XXXXXX`
r-bioc-glmgampoi-1.2.0+dfsg/debian/tests/run-unit-test-7-    trap "rm -rf $AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" 0 INT QUIT ABRT PIPE TERM