In /usr/bin/dman line 35:
    . /etc/lsb-release
      ^--------------^ SC1091: Not following: /etc/lsb-release was not specified as input (see shellcheck -x).

In /usr/bin/dman line 50:
    curl $CURLOPTS "$url" >"$file" 2>/dev/null
         ^-------^ SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.

Did you mean: 
    curl "$CURLOPTS" "$url" >"$file" 2>/dev/null

In /usr/bin/dman line 52:
        egrep -q "<title>403.*Forbidden</title>" "$file" ||
        ^---^ SC2196: egrep is non-standard and deprecated. Use grep -E instead.

In /usr/bin/dman line 53:
        egrep -q "<h1>Manpage not found</h1>" "$file"  ; then
        ^---^ SC2196: egrep is non-standard and deprecated. Use grep -E instead.

In /usr/bin/dman line 76:
PAGE=`echo "$@" | awk '{print $NF}'`
     ^-----------------------------^ SC2006: Use $(...) notation instead of legacy backticked `...`.

Did you mean: 
PAGE=$(echo "$@" | awk '{print $NF}')

In /usr/bin/dman line 77:
MAN_ARGS=`echo "$@" | sed "s/\$PAGE$//"`
         ^-----------------------------^ SC2006: Use $(...) notation instead of legacy backticked `...`.

Did you mean: 
MAN_ARGS=$(echo "$@" | sed "s/\$PAGE$//")

In /usr/bin/dman line 82:
if [ ! -x "`which curl`" ] ; then
           ^----------^ SC2006: Use $(...) notation instead of legacy backticked `...`.

Did you mean: 
if [ ! -x "$(which curl)" ] ; then

In /usr/bin/dman line 96:
if [ ! -z "$LANG" ]; then
     ^-- SC2236: Use -n instead of ! -z.

In /usr/bin/dman line 97:
	LOCALE=$(echo $LANG | sed 's/_.*$//')
                      ^---^ SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.

Did you mean: 
	LOCALE=$(echo "$LANG" | sed 's/_.*$//')

In /usr/bin/dman line 100:
if [ ! -z "$LC_MESSAGES" ]; then
     ^-- SC2236: Use -n instead of ! -z.

In /usr/bin/dman line 104:
if echo $LOCALE | grep -E -q "^(C|en)"; then
        ^-----^ SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.

Did you mean: 
if echo "$LOCALE" | grep -E -q "^(C|en)"; then

In /usr/bin/dman line 111:
mandir=`mktemp --tmpdir="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" -d dman.XXXXXX`
       ^-- SC2006: Use $(...) notation instead of legacy backticked `...`.

Did you mean: 
mandir=$(mktemp --tmpdir="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" -d dman.XXXXXX)

In /usr/bin/dman line 112:
trap "rm -rf $mandir" EXIT HUP INT QUIT TERM
             ^-----^ SC2064: Use single quotes, otherwise this expands now rather than when signalled.

In /usr/bin/dman line 126:
    if download_man $URL $man; then
                    ^--^ SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.
                         ^--^ SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.

Did you mean: 
    if download_man "$URL" "$man"; then

In /usr/bin/dman line 127:
        man $MAN_ARGS -l "$man" || true
            ^-------^ SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.

Did you mean: 
        man "$MAN_ARGS" -l "$man" || true

For more information: -- Use single quotes, otherwise this... -- Not following: /etc/lsb-release w... -- Double quote to prevent globbing ...