In /usr/bin/mh_checkrepo line 19:
. /usr/share/maven-repo-helper/
  ^-- SC1091: Not following: /usr/share/maven-repo-helper/ was not specified as input (see shellcheck -x).

In /usr/bin/mh_checkrepo line 41:
VERBOSE=$(getarg v verbose)
^-----^ SC2034: VERBOSE appears unused. Verify use (or export if used externally).

In /usr/bin/mh_checkrepo line 43:
java -cp $CLASSPATH $JAVA_OPTIONS org.debian.maven.repo.Repository "$@"
         ^--------^ SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.
                    ^-----------^ SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.

Did you mean: 
java -cp "$CLASSPATH" "$JAVA_OPTIONS" org.debian.maven.repo.Repository "$@"

For more information: -- VERBOSE appears unused. Verify us... -- Not following: /usr/share/maven-r... -- Double quote to prevent globbing ...