In /usr/bin/vimtutor line 28:
TUTORCOPY=`mktemp $tmp/tutorXXXXXX || tempfile -p tutor || echo none`
          ^-- SC2006: Use $(...) notation instead of legacy backticked `...`.
                  ^--^ SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.
                                      ^------^ SC2186: tempfile is deprecated. Use mktemp instead.

Did you mean: 
TUTORCOPY=$(mktemp "$tmp"/tutorXXXXXX || tempfile -p tutor || echo none)

In /usr/bin/vimtutor line 34:
                  ^-----^ SC2006: Use $(...) notation instead of legacy backticked `...`.

Did you mean: 

In /usr/bin/vimtutor line 37:
	mkdir $tmpdir || getout=yes
              ^-----^ SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.

Did you mean: 
	mkdir "$tmpdir" || getout=yes

In /usr/bin/vimtutor line 38:
	umask $OLD_UMASK
              ^--------^ SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.

Did you mean: 
	umask "$OLD_UMASK"

In /usr/bin/vimtutor line 44:
              ^--------^ SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.

Did you mean: 
	touch "$TUTORCOPY"

In /usr/bin/vimtutor line 53:
trap "rm -rf $TODELETE" 0 1 2 3 9 11 13 15
             ^-------^ SC2064: Use single quotes, otherwise this expands now rather than when signalled.
                                ^-- SC2173: SIGKILL/SIGSTOP can not be trapped.
                                  ^-- SC2172: Trapping signals by number is not well defined. Prefer signal names.
                                     ^-- SC2172: Trapping signals by number is not well defined. Prefer signal names.

In /usr/bin/vimtutor line 56:
	testvim=`which $i 2>/dev/null`
                ^--------------------^ SC2006: Use $(...) notation instead of legacy backticked `...`.
                       ^-- SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.

Did you mean: 
	testvim=$(which "$i" 2>/dev/null)

In /usr/bin/vimtutor line 71:
$VIM -f -u NONE -c 'so $VIMRUNTIME/tutor/tutor.vim'
                   ^-- SC2016: Expressions don't expand in single quotes, use double quotes for that.

In /usr/bin/vimtutor line 74:
$VIM -f -u NONE -c "set nocp showcmd" $TUTORCOPY
                                      ^--------^ SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.

Did you mean: 
$VIM -f -u NONE -c "set nocp showcmd" "$TUTORCOPY"

For more information: -- SIGKILL/SIGSTOP can not be trapped. -- Use single quotes, otherwise this... -- Trapping signals by number is not...