Under Linux, the RTKLIB programsnding store their configuration in $HOME/..conf The location and name of the configuration file may be overridden via the -i switch on the command line. In the GUI programs (ones with "_qt" at the end or their names, the .conf file is normally created on exit whenever the program state is changed via command inputs, changing window size, etc., and is automatically read upon program startup. If you wish to run multiple instances of a program, you can do so by manually editing and renaming the .conf file, then using the -i switch at runtime. However, you can also store independent configurations by copying the executable with a different name. For example, if you wish to run two instances of rtknavi_qt, making a copy named "rtknavi_qt-2" will create $HOME/.rtlnavi_qt-2.conf which will be read when that copy of the program is executed. SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT rtknavi_qt: This program has two independent and incompatible configuration mechanisms. First, it will create and update a .conf file as described above. Second, "Options" dialog buttons allow saving and loading an options file. The files created by Options/Save and read by Options/Load ARE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THE AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED .CONF FILES DESCRIBED ABOVE. Files created with Options/Save can ONLY be read via Options/Load. The -i command line switch in rtknavi_qt works only with .conf files automatically created by the program. It WILL NOT read files created with Options/Save.