RTKLIB: ver.2.2.1 Release Notes 2009/5/17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supported Receivers and Data Messages (1) RTCM 2.3 (http://www.rtcm.org/) Type 1, 3, 9, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22 (2) RTCM 3.0/3.1 (http://www.rtcm.org/) Type 1002, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1019 (3) NovAtel OEM4/V (http://www.novatel.com/) RANGEB, RANGECMPB, RAWEPHEMB, IONUTCB, RAWWAASFRAMEB, (4) NovAtel OEM3 (Millennium) (http://www.novatel.com/) RGEB, REPB, IONB, UTCB, FRMB (5) u-blox LEA-4T (AEK-4T) (http://u-blox.com/) RXMRAW, RXMSFRB (6) NovAtel Superstar II (http://www.novatel.com/) ID#20, ID#21, ID#22, ID#23, ID#67 (7) Hemisphere Crescent (http://www.hemispheregps.com/) bin 80, bin 94, bin 95, bin 96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes: ver.2.2.0 -> ver.2.2.1 (1) The following RTCM 2.3 and RTCM 3.0/3.1 messages are supported. (a) RTCM 2.3: Type 1, 3, 9, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22 (b) RTCM 3.0/3.1: Type 1002, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1019 (2) The following receiver raw data messages are supported. (a) NovAtel OEM3 (Milennium): RGEB, REPB, FRMB, IONB, UTCB (b) NovAtel OEM4/5: RANGEB (3) The following APIs are added, deleted or modified. (a) Added: satno(), satsys(), satid2no(), satno2id(), traceb(), geph2pos(), convrnx(), getbitu(), getbits(), crc32(), crc24q(), decode_word(), decode_frame(), init_raw(), free_raw(), input_raw(), input_rawf(), input_oem4(), input_oem3(), input_ubx(), input_ss2(), input_cres(), input_oem4f(), input_oem3f(), input_ubxf(), input_ss2f(), input_cresf(), init_rtcm(), free_rtcm(), input_rtcm2(), input_rtcm3(), input_rctm2f(), input_rtcm3f(), outnmea_rmc(), outnmea_gga(), outnmea_gsa(), outnmea_gsv() (b) Deleted: readrnxf(), decodefrm(), decodenav(), addobs(), addnav(), addsbs(), addionutc(), convlog(), readlog(), readlogs(), decodelog(), rtksvrgetsol(), SAT(), PRN(), decodenov(), convnov(), readnov(), decodeubx(), convubx(), readubx(), decodess2(), convss2(), readss2(), decodecres(), convcres(), readcres() (c) Modified: outrnxobsh(), outrnxobsb(), outrnxnavh(), outrnxnavb(), outsols(), outsol(), sbsreadmsg(), sbsreadmsgt(), sbsdecodemsg(), sbspntpos(), strsvrstart(), rtksvrstart() (4) The following library source codes are added or deleted. (a) Added: convrnx.c, rcvraw.c, rtcm.c (b) Deleted: rcvlog.c, rcv/novatel.h, rcv/ublox.h, rcv/ss2.h, rcv/crescent.h (5) RTKNAVI (a) "RTK Map" window is added. "Gnd Track" plots in the main window are deleted. (b) "Rover : Base/NRTK SNR" plot in the main window is added. (c) "Streams" dialog is separated into "Input Streams", "Output Streams" and "Log Streams" dialogs. (d) "RTCM 2", "RTCM 3" and "NovAtel OEM3" are supported as the input stream format. (e) Transmission of NMEA GPGGA to base-station or NRTK (Network RTK) is supported. (f) Time tagging is supported for the input, output and log file streams. (g) Separated multiple "RTK Monitor" windows are supported. (h) Some "RTK Monitor" windows are added: Covariance, RTCM, RTCM DGPS, Input Rover, Input Base/NRTK, Solution 1/2 and Error/Warning. (i) Hide Button is added to minimize the main window as the task-tray-icon. (j) "Excluded Satellites" is activated in "Options - Setting1" dialog. (k) "RTCM Station Position" is added as "Base/NRTK Station position" in "Options - Position" dialog. (l) "Timeout/Rec-connect Interval" is added in "Options - Misc" dialog. (m) "NMEA Transmission Cycle" is added in "Options - Misc" dialog. (6) RTKPOST/RTKPOST_MKL (a) Time "Unit" options is suppored in the main window. (b) Keyword replacement in input and output file paths is supported for batch processing. (c) "Excluded Satellites" is activated in "Options - Setting1" dialog. (d) "RINEX Header Position" is added as "Base/NRTK Station postion" in "Options - Position" dialog. (e) "Rover List" and "Base Station List" are added in "Options - Misc" dialog. (f) The file mkl_def.dll is added in /bin to execute RTKPOST with MKL for non-mkl environment. (7) RTKCONV (a) "RTCM 2", "RTCM 3" and "NovAtel OEM3" are supported as the input log file format. (b) "Navigation Systems", "Observation Types", "Frequencies", "Output Debug Trace" options are added in "Options" dialog. (8) RTKPLOT (a) "Animation Start/Stop" Menus and "Animation" Button are added in the main window. (b) "View - Toolbar" and "View - Statusbar" menus are added in the main window. (c) "Parity Unknown", "Hide Low Satellite", "Graph Label", "Grid Label", "Compass", "Scale" and "Anim. Interval" options are added in "Options" dialog. (9) STRSVR (a) "Stream Monitor" window is added. (b) Hide Button is added to minimize the main window as the task-tray-icon. (c) "NMEA Request Cycle" and "Lat/Lon/Height" options are added in "Options" dialog. (10) CONVBIN (a) Command line options -f, -od, -os are added. (b) Log format type "rtcm2", "rtcm3", and "oem3" are added for -r command line option. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------