Introduction This document describes how to setup rtlizer on the Beaglebone. It has been tested with the following items: - Beaglebone Black and White - LCD3 cape - 4DCAPE_43 - An rtlsdr dongle with R820T tuner (other tuners should work as well) - Beaglebone Debian 7.7 console image 2014-12-19, 2014-12-31 The whole system fits well in 2 GB flash (SD or eMMC) and requires about 50 MB RAM. I have only tested using SD cards, however, I expect it would work the same way if the OS is flashed into the eMMC. Prepare the OS Create an SD card with the Beaglebone Debian 7 console image from: The image I tested with is: bone-debian-7.7-console-armhf-2014-12-19-2gb.img If you are using the eMMC-flasher, flash it now. If you are using an SD card make sure to run the script to take advantage of the whole SD card: $ sudo /opt/scripts/tools/ $ sudo reboot Update the installed packages to their latest version: $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get upgrade Install additional packages required to build rtl-sdr: $ sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake git libusb-1.0-0-dev Install additional packages required by rtlizer: $ sudo apt-get install xinit xserver-xorg libgtk-3-dev This will take a while and install 220 new packages but when done you are ready to build rtl-sdr and rtlizer. Build and install rtl-sdr The following steps will fetch the latest rtl-sdr code from their git repository, compile it and install it: $ git clone git:// $ cd rtl-sdr $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake -DDETACH_KERNEL_DRIVER=on -DINSTALL_UDEV_RULES=on .. $ make $ sudo make install $ sudo ldconfig $ cd Plugin your rtl dongle into the USB port and test it using the rtl_test application. Build and install rtlizer $ wget -O rtlizer-2.1.tar.gz $ tar xvf rtlizer-2.1.tar.gz $ cd rtlizer-2.1 $ make -C src There should be no errors or warnings and there should be a binary called src/rtlizer. Copy it to /usr/local/bin/ to have it together with the rtl-sdr programs: $ sudo cp src/rtlizer /usr/local/bin/ You can now test that rtlizer works: $ sudo xinit /usr/local/bin/rtlizer You should see the spectrum on the LCD. You can terminate it with the ENTER button on the LCD or just CTRL-C in the terminal where you launched it. The rtlizer/beaglebone subdirectory contains an rtlizer.service file which can be used to have rtlizer started when the Beaglebone boots. Copy this file to /etc/systemd/system: $ sudo cp rtlizer/beaglebone/rtlizer.service /etc/systemd/system/ $ sudo systemctl --system daemon-reload Test that the script works: $ sudo systemctl start rtlizer.service Rtlizer should be running. Stop it again using: $ sudo systemctl stop rtlizer.service If all OK, enable the service: $ sudo systemctl enable rtlizer.service Restart the Beaglebone and watch rtlizer start automatically :-) If you ever wish to disable the auto start you can do that using: $ sudo systemctl disable rtlizer.service